The Bridal Shower

Jennie’s bridal shower was too much fun. It was exciting to plan, wonderful to be with family and friends, and even enjoyable to clean up. (Don’t miss the video at the end!)

I had the shower here at the house in my mother’s old “apartment” when she lived with us. The room is now known as my @Home Classroom. I apologize for the very blurry “After” picture. It’s the only one I have. It’s not even taken from the same spot as the “Before.” But did you notice the seven hand-dyed tablecloths, each a different color? Just proves that 120″-wide muslin quilt backing can be used for other things. And the matching napkins? I ran out of fabric for the napkins so some are smaller than others. I randomly placed them on the tables. That took about 35 minutes. I don’t do random all that well. (It’s safe to click all the rest of the pictures to see nice, large, crisp photos without getting sick to your stomach.)

Our Jennie was named after her maternal great-grandmother, Jennie Gottesman. The “original” Jennie’s dishes, stemware, and silver were passed down to my mother and then to “our” Jennie. They’ve been stored in our basement for years so it was only fitting that they were used for Jen’s shower. In between polishing the silver and cleaning up the upstairs, I found an old photo album. Inside was a very old photograph showing a holiday dinner served on the very same dishes. Here’s another “Before & After.”

In addition to the photo album I found a guest book signed by all the attendees of my mother’s bridal shower in 1945. I wish she was still here to remind me who wrote all the heartfelt messages wishing her a happy life with my father.

As I flipped through the pages out fell the card my “Grandma Jennie” gave to my mother with her shower gift.

(I never really knew my grandmother. Shortly after I was born she had a series of severe strokes. She was bedridden the whole time I knew her. I never heard her speak.)  I had no idea she was so creative! Nor can I imagine never having “found” that card before now!

When guests arrived on Saturday we asked them to take an envelope and address it to themselves, using pens stuffed with fabric. (Actually the fabric is wrapped around the “ink thingy.”)

Jennie drew from the self-addressed envelopes  to award the flower centerpieces throughout the day, AND won’t have to address thank-you envelopes!

I also asked guests to write a message, draw a doodle, or just sign their names with permanent pens on a butcher’s apron for Jennie.

Years ago, after my parents were first married, my mother had a big dinner party and asked everyone to to sign a butcher’s apron. She later embroidered their signatures, drawings, and messages. I stitched that original apron into the back of the quilt I made for her 70th birthday. You might remember seeing the front of the quilt on the cover of Creating Scrapbook Quilts.

Shower games included “Who Knows Jennie The Best” and a take off on the old chestnut where items are placed on a tray, passed around, and then shower guests have to try to write down as many items as possible from memory.

Winners received zipper pins like this one. (Have I mentioned that I am the new owner of a glue gun. Totally FUN!)

Jennie’s great Aunt Elaine and Uncle Bud live in Florida, but we wanted to include them as much as possible in the festivities so we “Face-Timed” during the shower games and when Jennie opened the presents so they could be a part of it too.

You’ll notice a giant poster of Craig and Jennie on the wall framed with fabric scraps from the tablecloths. I made the poster online at You upload a photo and it creates a PDF based on the size of the image and the number of pages you want to tape together. Just ignore the images of a crazed-looking guy with the hatchet on the website. I had the pages printed on a color printer at Office Max.

As Jennie opened each gift, Craig’s nieces delivered a rose bud to the person who gave the gift. The bud was made by wrapping two Hershey’s Kisses in red cellophane (flat bottom to flat bottom) and then wrapping the “bud” on the rose stem with floral tape.

Silk roses were 60% off at JoAnn Fabrics. It still probably would have been cheaper to buy real roses and just eat those, but math skills escape me when I shop. If anybody has any great ideas for the blossoms I yanked off to make the chocolate buds, you can have them!

Even cleaning up was fun because Jennie stayed and we washed everything up and put it all away together. Scooter provided the entertainment.

Ami Simms

57 thoughts on “The Bridal Shower

  1. Oh, this was all so beautifully and so beautifully planned it brought tears to my eyes! Wonderful, wonderful job, Ami! And Jennie looks gorgeous as does her dog-tired bro, Scooter! Thank for the clean-up video, I howled. Now, I need another dog to do my floor dusting. My cats will NOT co-operate. PS the petals can go into an AAQI quiltlet and if no one else has requested them, I’d take them in a heartbeat.


  2. I haven’t been to any shower in years be it baby or bridal So fun to see what games you played and all the neat ideas for attendees to join in the fun. I’ll have to check out the poster site. I love the apron for autographing.

    Often my daughter asks what she can give me for special days. I always answer,”Just time with you alone,be it lunch, shopping or watching a movie at home.

    Thank you for sharing. Karen


  3. Wonderful to use and pass on the family heirlooms. I could clearly see from the ‘after’ picture that the sterling pattern is “Chantilly,” the same as my own dear departed mother Jeannette.


  4. Ami, looks like you had a very successful shower – I really liked all the time and thought you put into everything. Jenn is so lucky to have you as her mom.

    You could re-string the buds you pulled off the silk rose stems onto another garland – or I would embellish them with glitter and use as “picks” for Christmas wreaths.

    LOVED the video of Scooter – yep, that is one worn out puppy!


  5. What a fun, special, and memorable, day! I just love all the personal touches and the terrific idea re: addressing envelopes for the thank yous! Jennie is beautiful and will make a stunning bride. Scooter totally cracks me up!


    1. The envelope idea, the chocolate roses, and the “memory coat” ideas came from quilters in guilds I taught for the last couple of months. Quilters know everything. They even have good punch recipes.


  6. Best shower ever!!!! You are so creative and every moment sounds so special. That can never be topped. I love how you integrated the past and the present and the family and the friends into such a perfect balance. And of course Scooter is always the piece de resistance! Thanks for sharing your great time.


  7. It looks like you had a wonderful shower for your beautiful daughter. Scooter must have worked hard getting things ready—He was certainly exhausted. I have a Ragdoll cat that sleeps in front of the fridge. I have to move the cat if I need to open the fridge door. There is a throw rug in front of the fridge. I think I will get rid of the rug so the cat will slide. LOL


  8. Scooter brought tears to my eyes (from laughter!). So Funny. That is truly “dog tired”.
    Loved the shower and you finding grandma’s note, makes it perfect. Just like it was meant to be, grandma found a way to be there.
    the zipper pin and all the thoughtful & creative things you did to make a great shower must surely make the bride to be very happy.
    Thanks for sharing.


  9. What a beautiful shower! What a wonderful legacy for Jennie to pass on.
    Thanks for sharing, and Scooter I think you’re just too much! Thanks for giving me my laugh of the day.


  10. You have reminded me what fun events family parties are. I haven’t been to one for many years since we now live in another state. Love the poster, candy-flowers, and signed apron ideas. Jennie will make a beautiful bride–can’t wait to see those photos! Best wishes to them both for a long and happy life together.


  11. Will you come do my daughter’s shower? She is getting married in March and I could use some of your fabulous ideas! Great video of Scooter.. I laughed so loud that the office mates came to watch it with me a second time.


  12. Ami, how much fun you must have had with your Mother and now with your daughter. I “told” Scooter how lovely your tablecloths were and love the matching napkins. smart ideas; the guests addressing their envelopes, the candy roses, and how sweet – using something your Mother had worked on for the back of her quilt. Such a charming note from your Grandmother to your Mother. I love the old picture and the note you found. I agree with Judy – looks like your Mother and Grandmother found a way to be with you and Jennie. And Scooter, always funny. Thanks for sharing your event filled life with all of us. Your Friend (even if only by blogs) Margaret


  13. Thanks for hosting the best bridal shower ever! I love you so much, Momma! You are amazing and I am so lucky to have you as a mother! :)


  14. Thank you for sharing this beautiful day celebrated with memories and items that matter! And thank you Scooter for always adding fun to our days!


  15. Ami, your Grandma Jennie and her sisters were remarkable women. Jennie died when I was pregnant with the boys so Kenny Jay is named for Jennie. Even though she couldn’t speak my other 2 kids loved her as only children can OR it could have been the cupboard Rosie (your Great Gram) kept the candy in. We would walk from my Gram’s (Rosie’s sister) to their house in O.P. Those were the days. I’m glad everything was saved for your Jen.
    Thank you for sharing. You are one amazing women.


  16. Hello to you. I’m new to your blog. I love ur work. Just gorgeous. But I am interested in ur black and white The bridal shower zipper flower. Is there a way to find out step by step to make that beautiful piece. I would appreciate in finding out. Thank u in advance ❤️


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