Audio Post

Trying something new….

Click the little arrow for an audio message.

I won’t do this all the time, but what do you think? (Comment below please.)

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136 thoughts on “Audio Post

  1. Well it was a bit confusing. It said to click the arrow, but there wasn’t one. I eventually clicked
    Audio Post, and then the arrow/speaker showed up and then I clicked that and heard you. It’s OK. Sound was clear, but you’ll need to be more animated with your voice (as if you were really talking with me (us), in my opinion. Nice to try something new!


    1. It must come through different browsers different ways. I had an arrow to click. And I was semi-confused so I thought I’d point it out. And I wasn’t animated enough? Funny….that was me “animated.” I felt like an idiot talking. Madison woke up at the end and gave me a “look.” Maybe I should stick to writing and leave the speaking for more animated types.


      1. No, just keep making it better. Not bad, for a first time & I didn’t mean to discourage you!


  2. Interesting and I thought you were animated enough – I mean, just how animated can you be saying ‘I’m trying something new” .

    I think my favorite part of reading the blogs is pictures but voice is nice too.


  3. Had no problems and heard you loud & clear. I felt as if you were sitting right next to me and like the audio approach. Takes on a more personal note.


  4. Very clever. You sound just like I imagined you would :)

    I couldn’t see the arrow either. I ran my curser over the area but nothing showed up. I read the comments and saw that I needed to click on the title of the post. Your message wasn’t very clear on my computer (most likely my speakers). My old computer, which I’ve only just replaced didn’t have speakers so I wouldn’t have been able to hear you at all.


  5. I thought you did OK. It is always hard with new things…what ever they are. Keep pushing the boundaries, we will still be listen, to read whatever! Diane in the UK.


  6. Sounded just like the Ami I had a class with at the Mancuso Show when it was still at For Washington here in PA. I’d love to hear your blog. Will Madison be doing the same???
    Sharon in Langhorne, PA


  7. It’s always good to try something new – however, it will limit when I can “listen”. Sometimes going to your site is a great diversioin when I’m in a lengthy meeting – but having you “speak” to the group might not be the thing to do! Occasionally, I think it’s great.


  8. As it is always nice to hear from you, today it was very nice to HEAR from you. Technology worked well. I think that when we can no longer challenge ourselves to change, we might as well pack up our bobbins and boogie. Could you blend an oral description with your food photos? That would be a real treat!


  9. I loved getting to hear your voice. I think it’s worth doing again. I like hearing people talking rather than reading most of the time.


  10. Did I miss it? Where was the blog? Or was this just an anouncement? I think it would be nice occasionally…. I liked hearing your voice as I haven’t been to one of your lectures in a long time. You are funnier in person than what comes across in your blog.


  11. I’m surprised it worked on my computer….. you came through very clear. If you go this route, which probably would be a lot quicker for you, could you also do some photos? Another thought, maybe have an option for those who have trouble opening the voice option is to also have the written blog too. I think the voice option is a great solution for people who have trouble with their eyes and can’t read what is on the page.


  12. I’m hearing impaired and I don’t do well with voice, but it’s pretty clear. It started out OK, then got garbled (me, probably), then better, again. Interesting. I probably need more practice listening, and my speakers aren’t the best, either. I think it’s neat, but don’t give up the writing, please. I love your newsletters & blog.


  13. It is cool……I always like something new and different! Keep up the wonderful work, really enjoy hearing or reading things you do!


  14. I loved it. Had no problem at all. I am hearing impaired, so I miss a lot in audio posts and sites. You came through loud enough and very clear. Hope you clear up the problems and decide to continue. Thanks.


  15. I enjoyed the audio blog, but am aware that many of the more mature population have a hard time hearing–so it might not be a great option for sine,


  16. It is nice as an occasional, but I am a visual, and can’t do listening without the visual. Podcast and audiobooks are like the adults in the Peanut shows!


  17. My computer will get tempermental sometimes and will “freeze up” which requires rebooting…….yuck! You do sound like I thought you would…..I like it when Madison is commenting as there are times when I can tell just by the look on their faces that my dogs are thinking about something I’m doing……thank goodness others don’t understand them as well as I, as I’ve been known to do some really dumb things……lol


  18. I LOVE podcasts, so I’d love to hear an audio version of your blog…especially if you continue to add pictures (particularly of Madison! Love that dog!)


  19. Ami, you came through loud and clear. Loved hearing your voice, like that of an old friend, but also like seeing the pictures you sometimes have in your newletters. Of course if you could get Madison to give her two cents, that would really be a plus on the audio .

    Keep pushing the buttons and trying new things. Remember to always think outside the box. After all you ARE a quilter!!


    1. I loved it, but agree that I missed the pictures. Maybe a video or a simple pic to go along with whatever the “blog topic of the day” is, would be nice.
      Thanks so much for sharing with us, Ami. I’m sure others will agree, we feel lik we are real friends!


  20. I liked it, but please don’t give up the written blog altogether. Somehow I think we would have trouble understanding just what Madison was trying to say if he barked the blog! And, no offense, Ami, but Madison’s posts are my favorites!


  21. That was great.. Now for the full blog, or maybe you can do both.. voice the picture descriptions, or something your excited about, but I think I’d also like to hear Madison voice his blogs! LOL


  22. I love it!!! !It would be outstanding if you could do this all the time and how about your teacher blog buddies???


  23. Cool, but too short!

    Especially nice for the people who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you.

    I’d be happy to hear Madison chime in.



  24. interesting, how’d you do that! anyway, the arrow wasn’t exactly the ticket. but things eventually worked out. Cool!


  25. I thought it was interesting. Also that you were animated enough for what you had to say.
    Might be fun once in awhile – when something really blows you away like your favorite Thai restaurant or a particularly heartfelt quilt at a show or some of the things that you and Madison enjoy.
    If I had my camera out I would send you a picture of the twin fawns nursing while out for their morning graze! Just to encourage you- the twins try something new every morning!
    Keep it up!


  26. Ami, just give us more! Great to hear your voice instead of just reading your words. Could we have a short few “words” from Madison some time soon?


  27. I had the same problem – no arrow. I had to go into your blog online to find an arrow.

    I much prefer a written blog…that way I can read and reread at my leisure.

    Thank you for everything. Kisses to Madison


  28. Since I usually read your blog while I’m at work (shhh, don’t tell anyone!) the audio was a bit of a stretch for me! But it’s cool that you’re trying something new – you’re becoming a real techno-geek, and I mean that in the nicest possible way! :-)


  29. Wow – just to hear your voice….. that took me back to the “Simply Quilts” days & made me think of how badly I miss it. I was always happy to see some of my favorite guests, Ami at the top of the list.

    I had no trouble getting your message & it was loud & clear. I can’t believe Madison T allowed you to do it by yourself :)

    Perhaps I’m the oddball, though, as I’d rather read the blog, & see your pics and all.


  30. No Arrow here, either, but under “comments” there was a link to the audio. I’ve seen you on TV and know you are much more animated than this particular broadcast, so I think that’s what people are saying, but it was fine.

    I’ll have to throw my DH off of his desktop to listen. I use a very old laptop that just doesn’t handle downloading audio and video, so it’s impossible to listen to your audio blog there.

    Two questions: Are you still dying this summer? and where did Madison come from? How do you find retired service doggies?

    Thank you, Ami. You always brighten my day. Hope to have you brighten my amply rear end soon!


    1. Yes, I’m still dying underpants and clothesline as long as the weather holds. Madison didn’t come trained; I trained him! :) Sit! Stay!


  31. FABULOUS!! Ami, it was wonderful to hear your voice. The arrow/no arrow was absolutely NO problem….. You are a special gift in this life Lady! Your continuing exploration of both your art and your world are very encouraging. PLEASE keep it up…!


  32. I enjoyed hearing you. From the comments above, I think you will have to do a mix of audio and blog. Either way, I will be there for you……and Madison, of course.


  33. I got the arrow, and I loved hearing your voice-although I am a sucker for the printed word, but when you are in a hurry and want to get your blog finished quickly, then the audio post makes perfect sense. You sounded plenty animated, maybe some got you confused with Eleanor Burns in the animated department :~D.

    Good job Ami, and Madison is so used to your voice why get excited when the word “ride” or “treat” isn’t involved


  34. This works for me but will it be an audio blog only? Will Madison get to speak, too? The most heart-warming entries from Through The Eyes of a Quilter are when Madison speaks. I would miss seeing Madison if this is audio only.


  35. Oh I like that a lot!!!
    Now just add a few pix & its a winner!
    I’m a big big fan of your “Twisted Sisters” pattern … have you done any new ones you can show us?
    Thx Ami … U should have yr own web-tv show!!


  36. I love it! Podcasts are so much fun to listen to, whether I’m weeding in the garden or quilting….but the quilting podcasts are the best! Keep ’em coming!


  37. Eventually I was able to get it but it required more than I usually do when checking e-mail. Had to switch from aol to webmail … kind of cool but generally I think I prefer just text.


  38. I loved it! It was exactly as it should have been – a short and quick trial! No pics necessary for trying out an audio blog – although, I guess you could have given us an extreme close up of the hair on your upper lip – maybe with just the edge of your upper teeth peeking though…

    It was fun! Diversity and creativity are fun, so I say do whichever you feel like doing, whenever you feel like doing it. And if you don’t feel like doing it – let Maddison handle it – he does a great job, too!


  39. I liked the idea, but it came across very garbled. Probably my old computer. Now, if only Madison could talk. Keep trying.


  40. I thought it was great. It reminded me of seeing you in Columbus for the quilt show a few years back. You presented a great show by the way.


  41. It was great to put a voice with your picture. It was so easy to do, one click and there you were, almost in the room with me. I love it!


  42. I enjoyed your blog. Like Judy, I had problems logging onto it as I didn’t have an arrow on the first screen. I clicked on audio and it took me to a log in screen and I couldn’t read the letters they wanted typed. Finally I noticed the right place to click. I also agree with the others about Madison’s blogs. I LOVE them but don’t think I would understand his barking! LOL


  43. If it’s a case of both voice and print, good going! It’s good to try new things. If it’s either one or the other, I’d just as soon have the print. My eyes are no spring chickens but they’re still more to be trusted than my ears.


  44. It is wonderful to hear your voice, and I think it would be a good thing depending on your time and schedule. I love your Newsletters and Through The Eyes Of A Quilter, which dates me as a visual “print” person too. Whatever you want to do, we will all like it, and be so glad you are a part of our life.


  45. I thought it was very good. I didn’t have any problems and the sound was nice and clear. I think it’s a nice addition.


  46. I think it’s a great idea! I wish I could listen, but I’m only online at work right now, and we can’t stream audio or video. So please keep doing a written blog now and then. Your emails remind me of home and family, especially since you look like my cousin, Barbara, and that is always comforting. Thanks so much!


  47. I like the voice and wouldn’t mind vocal blogs — not all vocal tho because I look forward to Madison’s pictures!

    No arrow but wasn’t hard to figure how to get it and it sounded animated enough for me — if some people want more animation then maybe you could consider video and do jumping jacks while talking.

    Always look forward to Through the Eyes… You have such a great sense of humor and you and Madison always brighten my day.


  48. Good work Ami – came through loud and clear in New Zealand. Think I prefer reading your blog though. Always happy to see that in my inbox.


  49. I couldn’t hear you very well – did you glance away from the microphone? I can also read faster than I can listen, and go back and read something again if I didn’t get it the first time. So all in all I prefer the written word. How about BOTH!?


  50. It’s okay but I can’t imagine how I’m going to understand Madison when he writes your articles!!!!


  51. I liked it! It was fun to hear your voice as well as get your message. You can say much more in a few seconds than you can type, and I read. Thanks for trying it.


  52. Couldn’t listen through my email, had to go to blog site. I miss the message from Madison but I gladly listen to you.


  53. Ami – You never cease to amaze me!!!!. I enjoy anyway I can get you. You make me laugh. Madison has me believing I am a dog and he is talking to me. You even colored my extra extra large undies. LOL I thought you were hilariouis as an instructor but nothing like “Through the Eyes of a Quilter”. Thank you so much!!!!!!


  54. I iked it but Peaches and Hobbs would really appreciate hearing Madison. Peaches would bark back and Hobbs would hide. Maybe that’s not a good thing. Okay, I would like to hear Madison!!


  55. Sound was good but would also like to see your face instead of the things they put on. Too much like the kids videos or whatever they call them.

    Makes for a nice change of pace.


  56. I enjoyed the talking blog. Seemed to make it more personal – and if we haven’t had to opportunity to meet you or hear you speak, it makes it more special when we can hear your voice.


  57. Ami…You’re doing it again! A shining example of someone living life LARGE…My DD and DGD are working hard to drag me into the 21st century. You just skip along, with your humor and outlook on life, and entice me to follow you. I’m hooked!


  58. I would just love to hear your Rosanne Rosanna Danna Voice…..

    uhhhh nevermind – wink wink

    you sounded just like Ami


  59. Love it. Got a real chuckle out of the “Oh, this is…”
    Something that would probably happen to me.
    As another post mentioned, Madison could honor us with a woof or sneeze. He is so precious and reflects the love he gets from his handlers.


  60. Ami – HELP – Have no clue what I did, if anything. But I have one email after another coming in with the comments that were made after mine. LOL How do I stop them from coming and still be able to subscribe. I had to unsubscribe to get them to stop.



  61. Will you let Madison participate? Really, I enjoyed it. It is nice to hear someone and not have to read. If this was a more interesting topic than we could hear how you feel instead of guessing what it would sound like if you were reading it.


  62. Looked for an arrow but didn’t see one, so clicked the download in the message below. It wanted me to install a Media 9 series which would become my new default. I didn’t want my defaut forceably changed so decided not to open your message. Sorry I missed it.


  63. heard and understood you fine

    but what about Madison, i adore his point of view email sends
    now understanding his language will be tuff-lol


  64. Ami, I loved hearing your voice “live”, and the animation was great–it was just like having you talking to ME. I’m looking forward to having more of these (just a tad longer though:)) I’m glad someone mentioned clicking on Audio Post as there was no arrow in my email. I’m using XP, with Outlook Express if that’s any help.

    Judy in KY


  65. Hi Ami “rhymes with Salami”! Even my husband knows who “Ami” is when I say I just got a text msg from Ami. Anyway, the voice blog came through loud and clear on my Gateway… some things don’t! I could tell that you weren’t as comfortable speaking as you are when you type your newsletter and blog. I know how that is as I am more of a writer than a speaker. I love e-mail as I can just type my little brain out, read it and delete it if I have gone too far! Keep up the communications, however you do it!


  66. I’d rather read the messages. It was too many different buttons to push, then I had to wait for the message to load and then had to fiddle with the volumn controll on the speakers had to try twice.
    too much bother, sorry.


  67. Kind of a fun idea and I know it’s a gazillion times faster than typing all the fun stuff that you do.


  68. nice to see you trying new things, gotta stay on top of the technology. however, i am auditorily challenged and would love to see a transcript of what you are saying in order to understand it better. also, speak slower and more clearly.

    but all in all, a wonderful first attempt!


  69. It was fun to hear your voice, but I prefer to read. It’s faster and, well, silent. From your perspective…you can edit what you type, but you’d have to start over if you wanted to edit what you say!


  70. I think it’s a great idea! It adds variety and it’s nice to hear your voice. Just as long as we continue to hear from Madison also though. . .


  71. I thought it sounded just fine. Now will Madison be barking his blog? Just kidding. Enjoy all of your blogs whether written or verbal!


  72. In my book, Ami can do no wrong. I look forward to your words on my computer! written .. now spoken … if I can master quilting, I can also master the technology of the computer! It has taken me a total of 78 years to get this smart.
    As for the lady who would not be able to listen to you while in a meeting ……….????????? What else is she not listening to? Sorry … it is the frustrated school marm in me.


  73. Sorry, I cannot get the audio….my computer and my speakers are not “speaking to one another”…but sounds like a good idea.


  74. I thought it was neat, I also like the designs on my laptop screen with your voice. Maybe next time Madison can “speak”.


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