Yo-Yo Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties – part 2

Mom, did you need these?

Spring has sprung. Panties have been dyed. All is right with the world because spring is truly here.

OK, it actually SNOWED the day after this picture was taken, but only for a few minutes.

More than 100 panties were dyed, my hands are back to their original color, and packages should be going out Tuesday or Wednesday, chock full of underpants!

If you are a member of the Yo-Yo Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties,  see if you can spot your panties on this YouTube video. You can also listen to my yammer on about dying underpants and a few other topics in a podcast. Click here!

If we should ever meet, by the way, the Sign of the Sisterhood is an index finger pointing to ones left or right butt cheek. Nothing more need ever be said. Or perhaps commemorative lapel pins?

It was a fun day. Thanks for participating. We’ll do it again next year.

 Madison, by the way,  is still the same color he’s always been. Good dog!

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15 thoughts on “Yo-Yo Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties – part 2

  1. You said “Thanks for the fun.” I say thank you for the FUNNY! What a way to welcome Spring. And, what a festive way to display your handiwork. You are such an insipiration, Ami. I’m so glad to “know” you! Happy Spring!


  2. I am so angry at myself! Sending you underwear was on my list of things to do before leaving for Japan-but time got away from me and I did not send them. I am so jealous of all of you who get to have personally dyed by Ami underwear. And I wouldn’t have even minded if Madison played with them before I got them-it would be just like at my house, except that my dogs usually go for them after they have been worn (it’s really bad to miss the hamper-you may never get your underwear back without holes in thems).

    I hope all of you enjoy your newly colored underwear. I will just have to be happy to have seen my daughter for the first time in 6.5 months.



  3. This struck me especially funny because yesterday I dropped my soldier off at the airport again. This time he is flying to a country where it specifically said on the Wikipedia website that one of the three things that there was major rioting over was women’s lingerie being dried outside with the other laundry.

    I’m glad I (and Ami!!) live in the US. These pictures are such a beautiful sight.


  4. I wish I had thought of this. I would love to see my neighbors’ faces when I hung the bright and beautiful rainbow panties outdoors! They look like Easter decorations! Ami, you are so FUN!
    Your blog and newsletter are things I look forward to. :)

    Have you ever thought about putting AS on them, like M&Ms?



  5. Its hard to tell if Madison is mortified or terrified of his job of displaying underwear. What a trooper. What beautiful colors. You did him proud Ami.


  6. hahahahaha!
    Maybe a new holiday decoration? Christmas tree with ornaments, Spring tree with panties?
    I do remember my Grandmother telling me that in MA when she was growing up you hung underpants inside of pillowcases on the clotheslines. Considering what their underwear looked like (think mega-industrial/orthopedic), the reason must have been different than now a days with Victoria’s Secret stuff…


  7. OMG!!! I am the one who sent in a pair of Men’s Briefs. I am 63 and he is almost 61. We’ve been dating for 5 months and when I told him HIS were the only Men’s Briefs sent in he laughed so hard. Then, of course, he had to comment on the fact that I was obviously the ONLY woman nuts enough to send in men’s briefs as well. Hopefully, we will all be wearing our new panties on Easter Morning. We’ll all look like brightly colored Easter Eggs, my two grown daughters (39 & 43) and my “boyfriend”. Can’t wait!! Thanks so much Ami!! Talk about having a new “SPRING IN MY STEP” This is such a hoot!!
    Mary Ellen


  8. My undies have arrived and are looking just grand as they decorate the banister waiting to go upstairs to my dresser drawer. I will be wearing one pair to my quilt guild meeting in April, in celebration of every thing spring time. The other two pair will be presented as a part of Show and Tell. We had a quilted bra “shown” last month and I think that these will be a fitting follow up. I meant to copy out the original info about the Yo-Yo Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties but because I forgot to do that I had 17 pages of the blog before I got the pages I needed. The extra pages will go back into the printer to be used on the reverse.


  9. I also am in the “did not get those panties to you on time” camp! I fell and broke my hand…drats….will catch it next year for sure…


  10. Am so glad I got my panties to you! What fun they are. Will look forward to next year.

    Thanks again for all the fun and the pictures are great!


  11. Hi Ami,
    I see that the date on this is 2009, so does this mean that we can send in some panties to be died this year?

    Your e-mail/blog is always a bright spot in my day. You should go on tour with a stand-up act!

    Love you,



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