Sad Dog Gets Great Idea!

I’m a sad dog. Mom left this morning for Houston and she took all the quilts with her.

We were up to our tail feathers in quilts around here, so I guess that’s a good thing. She’s going to sell them in Houston (remember yesterday’s blog) so the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative can fund more research. That’s a good thing. My Nannie has Alzheimer’s. She looked right at me the other day and didn’t know who I was. Then she called me a CAT! Yeah, right, a 70 pound cat that barks! I had to laugh. It was either that or cry.

Wait. I just had a thought. My brain is only the size of a large walnut, so don’t be too critical. If your people are going to Houston, please tell them to find Mom and give her a hug. Booth #5726. She’s probably missing me a lot.

Here’s an even BETTER idea: All you dogs who aren’t going to Houston either, I think it would be great if we sent in a donation to the AAQI from us! You know, Dollars From Dogs! I love it! Or Coinage From Cats! Bills From Birds!! If  lizards, snakes, hamsters, gerbils, turtles, and ferrets want to join in, we can call it Animals Against Alzheimer’s! All of a sudden, I’m turning happy inside!

Here’s how to do it:

Dig around for spare change under the sofa cushions.

I happened to find a few bucks sticking out of the couch and snagged them. You can see me on this video if you look really fast.

Then show the money to your people. It doesn’t matter how much you find, it’s the thought that counts. They will be very proud of you, even with the slobber.

The next step is to find an envelope to send the money to the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative. If you can address the envelope yourself it makes it easier for your people.

Make sure you get the address right:

1200 Creekwood Trail
Burton, MI  48509

(I accidentally put Creekwood TAIL and had to start over on a new envelope. Hey, authors are supposed to write about what they know right?)

If you don’t like sending cash through he mail, have your people send a check. Put your email on the memo line or the envelope so the AAQI can thank you. If you don’t want to spend money on a stamp, you can have your humans make a donation through the web page. It’s tax deductible either way.

And here’s the best part. If you make a donation and email me a picture of you in care of Mom at I’ll make Mom post your photo on the blog when she gets back from Houston. Be sure to tell me your name and what you are. I’m fairly nearsighted and don’t know about all types of pets without sniffing. I don’t want to call you by the wrong species, so help me out. Also tell me who your humans are (not for publication) so I can match you guys up with your people. Here, this will make it easier:

  1. One picture only of you. If you attach it to the email, name it with YOUR name and your family (people) name so I know which pet goes with which people, like this:Madison(Simms).jpg

    Or, you can just insert it in the email and tell me to look out for an envelope from the _____ family or a check from your Mom or Dad and what their name is.

  2. Your species (dog, cat, gerbil, fish, etc.)
  3. A short, little something about yourself to go with your picture, including your name. Only you and your comments go on the blog. No people stuff. If you want to add a sentence of support, go right ahead.
  4. Deadline for the picture and donation is November 7th.

OK animals, you’ve got your assignment! It would be really cool if we could ALL send in a little something. The more animals, the better. And remember the amount doesn’t matter. Mom got her emails down to just ONE before she left, so let’s stuff her inbox with pictures of us. She’ll like that. Start sniffing for something to send in TODAY.  I will try and hold all the envelopes in my mouth for a picture, because well, it was my idea. I hope that’s OK. Thanks, everyone! Tail wags and kisses!

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6 thoughts on “Sad Dog Gets Great Idea!

  1. Madison,

    Angel the cat here – I’ve shared your challenge with my doggy cousins Jazz and Lu in Michigan, mom’s quilty friend Chris’s dog Bella and Tippy (mom and dad’s granddog)… We’ll see what we can do to help out. I may even ask Mom to set up a collection dish at her office so all her co-worker’s pets can donate some spare change…


  2. Madison, you are such a smart dog! And you’re very thoughtful and caring. I know your family is proud of you. My cat, Gray Soufflé has already searched upstairs and found a donation to send!!


  3. Hi Maddie! You wrote such a GREAT blog entry today! “You’re such a good boy… mmmm… yes, you are! Give me kisses now…. ”
    I think that Shadow, my black English cocker spaniel, couldn’t find money if I put it in her food bowl. But I’ll find something else to do for your mom, ’cause she’s the best, isn’t she?!
    I have a totally FAB beaded thing that I’m working on for her – I know, honey, too bad I couldn’t get it done in time for Houston – and a silk embroidery thing that needs a new binding, so maybe I’ll send those instead – unless Shadow finds her wallet. :-)
    Write again soon, ok?


  4. Woof, woof! Great idea Madison. You can count on us to search for some cash around the house. May even sneak into Mom and Dad’s wallets while they are sleeping tonight. Know you miss your Mom but she is doing important stuff in Houston. She will be so happy to see you when she gets home. Pebbles and Baylee


  5. Hi Madison
    Lu and Jazz sister dogs saying hi and thanks for the awesome idea. Good luck with the donations and let us know if you have anyother ideas for fund raising. A quick shout out to Angel the cat for forwarding Madison’s email to us so we could participate too!
    Woof Woof!


  6. Sorry Madison but this house does not have any pets but we honor your request by contributing to the auction and purchasing the wonderful quilts that your mom took to Texas.

    But you keep talking to your friends and encouraging them to do their work toward this most needed cause.


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