As Luck Would Have It

Ghirardelli Twilight DelightI love when the universe conspires to make me happy.

First I discovered my new favorite chocolate. It was part of a goodie bag prepared for me by the Program Chair at the East Cobb Quilting Guild in Marietta, GA two weeks ago. Hotel Snackage. It was so delicious I took a picture of the wrapper, the chocolate having been most enthusiastically consumed earlier. Rapidly consumed. All in one sitting.

I love dark chocolate. Ghirardelli Intense Dark (Twilight Delight) is delicious. That dark chocolate might even be good for me is an added bonus. It’s loaded with antioxidants, improves blood flow, is high in vitamins and minerals, and might even harden my tooth enamel! That’s pretty wonderful, isn’t it? I feel healthier and so much less guilty already.

Happy Day! I found the very same chocolate at my grocery store when I got back home. I wolfed down another whole bar in one sitting. I can feel my tooth enamel getting as hard as concrete. I think my quarter inch seams are looking straighter too…

But wait. I just got back from Rite-Aid. I was shopping for knee-high’s and little bottles of hair spray for my upcoming trip to visit with the Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild in Fairbanks (still a few spaces in the workshops). Rite Aid moved the little bottles of overpriced travel cosmetics again and as I wandered around looking for them (their plan all along) I bumped into the Ghirardelli chocolate section!

They had bars and individually wrapped squares of my Twilight Delight right there on the shelf! And the individually wrapped squares were ON SALE! I snagged two bags for $6.00  (the sign told me to) which was actually less per ounce than the big bar! (I did the math.) My thought here was that if I got the individually wrapped squares not only would it be less expensive, but it might slow down my rate of chocolate consumption. I would be spending several extra seconds opening up the little wrappers. (That was before I thought of opening them up with my applique scissors.)

Hang on. It gets even better. When I paid I used my Wellness Card (Rite-Aid’s loyalty program) and I got $2 for buying the knee-high’s (no idea why) and another $2 for the buying the chocolate (no idea why). So, what does this mean? The chocolate will still be on sale until the end of the month and I’ve got $4 in free money. I can get two more bags of Twilight Delight tomorrow for only $2. At that price I might even be willing so share. Would anyone like some knee-high’s? Hair spray?

Chocolate? What chocolate? I don’t see any chocolate.


Ami Simms is a traveling quilt teacher and the inventor of Sticky Template Plastic. Sign up for her free newsletter so you don’t miss more helpful “news” like this.

94 thoughts on “As Luck Would Have It

  1. Ami, I live in San Francisco, home of the wonderful Ghiradelli chocolate, and it is just about my favorite thing in the world, too! I concur that dark chocolate is good for us, and I eat as much as my tummy will allow! In fact, there is a Ghiradelli store and old-fashioned ice cream fountain about a block from my home. Cheers!


  2. Could we forward your letter to the Ghiradelli people? Maybe they will send you a thank you box for all of the free publicity. I know I have a sudden urge to go exploring for some intense chocolate so that my next sewing session will have better seams. Thanks to you their chocolate will be flying off the shelves!!! ttfn I need to go put on my shoes and find the car keys!!!


      1. Wow, Ami. You are one of the most generous bloggers I’ve ever read — a give-away of a box of empty wrappers from individually-wrapped Twilight Ghirardelli squares. Your generosity is staggering. (LOL)

        I’d actually consider it a major coup and be honored to receive such a give-away win. A testament to your LOL sense of humor you deftly conceal in your posts.

        Love the fact that you share the ‘wrapper’ on your first (blush) experience with the dark demon that has gripped you so firmly you’ve lost all sense of public shame.

        You are even willing to share the math skills inherent in the logic of all Couponers — ‘look at how much I’m saving by spending more.’

        In the interest of saving the the latest quilt you are packing for your travels from the chocolate that is dribbling from the corners of your mouth, I volunteer to call Ghirardelli tomorrow morning and see what can be arranged. I once received a box of 200+ powdered soup packaged in individual serving sizes for a thank you letter I had sent the company. Let’s see if the skills are intact after 40+ years and improved via phone contact.


      2. Thanks for the laugh. Dark demon, indeed. I’m glad you like my math. I did forget to point out that by splitting the purchase of four bags of Ghirardelli chocolate squares into two transactions, it’s less money. Lower numbers. Plus, after I consume the chocolate, it becomes free (because I don’t have it any more). See?


  3. Lucky you. Lucky Jan. Love it. And it’s such a delight to find it on sale so you can further justify buying it other than for all the wonderful things it does for ones body. Surely it is not fattening…… Try the Lindt with sea salt.


  4. Ami, you are so funny! I “discovered” a quick little chocolate dessert last week. We have made it twice and, no, I’m not typing it out because, frankly, I don’t think it is as good for us as dark chocolate. Don’t want to be responsible for any extra pounds (except my own).


    1. Oh, please, please, please with all the sweetness of your quick little chocolate dessert discovery sprinkled on top — do share. I’ll even sign a waiver. It’s so unfair to open the door just a crack, Speaking of crack – have you ever seen what crack addicts do when deprived – just sayin’.


  5. try the chocolate from the Detroit Chocolate Co. in Sterling Heights, MI (fairly close to your house). It is the BEST chocolate I haver ever eaten and best of all my son lives very close so every time we visit I stock up – plus it’s a given for gifts to me. Try it, you will love it!!!!


  6. In case of a lack-of-Ghiradelli-chocolate emergency, let me suggest you keep a bag of Dove Promises dark chocolate on hand. I find my quilt room is a perfect place to store them. The with-mint and with-almond varieties are also to die for. As a bonus, three pieces are only 4 points on Weight Watchers. (Guess how I know :-) )


  7. Next time you fly to the West Coast try to go through San Francisco. They have a store in the airport with every type of chocolate they make – all in the little packages. You can take them on the plane for the next ‘leg’ of your trip. Don’t take your appliqué scissors though, you’ll just have to bite into the packages on the plane. Hey….we need a new type of quilter’s tool!


  8. This is a hoot! I just got back from a week long quilt retreat. (I got two children’s quilt tops done.) We had chocolate, but not that kind. I got bronchitis and had to go to urgent care. Went to Rite Aide to get my meds, but didn’t look over the chocolate aisle. Darn I missed out. But now I’m home and there is one right down the street. For any of you that lived in Korea during the 1980’s when goods were inexpensive (Military or Civilian US Government worker like me), we had a saying GBSM (Going Broke Saving Money) I have now brought this up to the 21st Century “Growing Broader Saving Money”
    Cindy in VA where the weather has been wonderful.


    1. Cindy, hope you’re feeling better. The “going broke saving money” sounds a lot like me at Sams Club or Costco. Your update is probably is true too. Scooter gets another trip around the block tomorrow.




  9. I always have a smile on my face when I see your newsletter in my in-box :) True story! Yes – love that chocolate too. I KNOW it makes our quilting seam just perfect. Continue to enjoy Ami. Life is good with quilting and chocolate :)


  10. Ladies, our critique group did a chocolate/fabric pairing — you know how red wine goes with beef and white wine with fish? Well, we recommend dark chocolate with heavy fabrics such as corduroy, felt or velvets and cottons over 200 thread count. Milk chocolate goes well with batiks and “blender” fabrics, and use white chocolate only with sheers such as organza or tuile. If you screen print , over dye or paint fabrics, feel free to pair them with flavored or salted chocolates. As always, your mileage may vary, conduct your own research before purchasing in quantity lots. Bon appetite! Mary McCauley


  11. So, is time for me to send you more Trader Joes dark chocolate? I also love the Twilight Delight…and not just because I live near Forks!


    1. Hi Janet! Maybe I’m just in love with whatever chocolate I happen to be munching on at the time?! More testing may be required. I’m still using my Trader Joes bag and those awesome tins!

      It’s so nice if you to offer, but you shouldn’t have to feed me long distance. Big hugs!


  12. Not interested in hairspray or knee highs–just dark chocolate! I have not seen the Ghiradelli Twilight dreams, but I may try to make it to our Rite Aid tomorrow to have a look!


  13. Ami, I think I have seen Giradelli chocolates on the rack by the checkout at Joann’s in Flint! Kill two obsessions with one trip!


  14. I’m also a dark chocolate fan, and haven’t tried the Intense Dark yet. Think there may be a trip to Rite Aid in my errands today…


  15. Rainy here in Duluth MN and all this talk of chocolate might just get me out of the house. We don’t have a RiteAid…wonder if Walgreens or CVS carries it. Your post made my morning sing Ami, thanks!


  16. I teach sewing to adults. At the point when I show the tools that they should have, I always bring out an assortment of individually wrapped chocolates and invite them to have some because “Sewing REQUIRES chocolate.”


  17. Always just love your emails. They make my morning. Not a big fan of chocolate, I know, I know. But will have to stop at Rite-Aid today to get some, for my friends, for a retreat I’m going on this week.


  18. I agree, Ghirardelli 73% is awesome. But have you tried the 73% with “a touch of salt?” The salt seems to bring out the chocolate flavor. Toasted almonds with any dark chocolate don’t hurt, either.


    1. Sorry, Cindy. The salt just brings out the salt taste. Not a fan. Toasted almonds? This is an excellent idea. Have you tried the dark chocolate with raspberry filling? Major yum.


  19. You’re onto a good thing!! DEE-LISH!! I also buy the Ghirardelli – Intense Dark – Midnight Reverie which is 86% cacao!!! VERY good!!!


  20. See, all that math that we’ve had to learn when making quilts, really can come in handy when deciding on what size bar to buy! Yea!


  21. Dark chocolate rules! You may want to try Taza Chocolate’s 87% dark chocolate. I also like their Chipotle Chocolate. Stone ground in their factory here in my hometown of Somerville MA. Owned and run by very nice people. It’s sold in health food and specialty shops. Ami I will ship some to you!


      1. No chicken flavor but the chipotle chocalate makes a fabulous base for a mole’ sauce. And Taza makes yummy dark chocolate covered hazelnuts. Keep an eye on your mailbox for a present from me!


  22. I’ve known about Ghiradelli chocolate is an absolute favorite of mine – and their dark chocolate is fabulous – especially since it’s a healthy food !! I generally am able to keep a bar or two in my sewing room for those times when I need it to help make sewing more enjoyable (which is hard to believe that it can be more enjoyable than it already is.)

    Hope Ghiradelli finds out that you’ve done some free advertising to a very receptive audience!

    Now I need to get my car keys and go to Rite Aid. Those bags of small bars are calling my name!!


  23. Attention Michiganders – these chocolates are available at Meijers! Both bars and packages of the individually wrapped ones.


      1. If you are ever in the S.F. Bay Area….go to the Ghiradelli outlet in San Leandro… You can buy whole boxes for a great price. You might also like their new ones w/sea salt.


  24. Gee Whiz! I thought I was the only one to favor Ghiradelli’s dark. I am a choco-holic and have found I need less (with greater satisfaction) with the dark raspberry than Hersey’s milk chocolate. My daughter introduced me to it. Now she surprises me with it every other time she visits! What a wonderful girl!


  25. My husband isn’t much of a sweets fan, but he does like dark chocolate once in a while. After reading your newsletter, I went in search of the 72% cacao Ghiradelli. DH says to give you his thanks.


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