Scooter Simms Update

Everybody who meets me loves me. I am loveable.

I am progressing in my training of obedience and well-behavedness. This is important to Mom, so I try. Some days I am very trying.

I no longer snuggle the backside of the toilet. Instead of threading myself between the throne and the tile wall behind it (“flossing” it with my fur) I now curl in a small ball in front of the toilet. While it is a fountain, I am no longer drinking out of it. Mom said both of these things were important if I ever wanted to be petted again or give her kisses on the face.

I can walk on a leash now. I don’t yank, but I sometimes step on Mom’s feet. They are, after all, quite large and difficult to avoid.

I love walks and I get so excited I sometimes break things in anticipation. Like this plug which I ran into with my rump while I was spinning with enthusiasm for all things outdoors. (Mom said to tell you that the quilt is straight, the plug is cock-eyed.)

I now sleep with Mom and Dad. Before I retreated to my spot behind the toilet. Mom had hurt feelings.

Sleeping is upstairs and stairs are frightening at night. At least they were. I’ve gotten over it, but don’t tell Mom. I insist on a treat to go up to night-night. Before she give me the treat I sit at the foot of the bed, then she says up-up and I hop in and take my place on the edge. I spend the rest of the night working my way to the middle.

I am a very good sleeper. I sleep with my feet straight up, or folded in so I can cuddle Mom. Dad would prefer that I go back to sleeping with the toilet, but he loves Mom a lot. Sometimes I stick my feet on Mom’s head. She touches my paw and I remember to fold them up again. I love Mom too.

I love jumping into cars better. Any cars. Ours or anybody else’s. Bring your car over and I’ll show you. Then you can take me for a ride. I also like squirrel and rabbit presents. Tasty.

I have never eaten, chewed, or played with any of Mom’s stuff that she leaves lying around the house. Looks like a tornado went through most of the time, but I know all things not given to me specifically are off-limits. No “accidents” either. Not a one.

I also love baths and you can brush me any time.

I still have major issues with things that move. I wag, bark, and lunge. I’m getting better with cars and people. People getting out of cars makes me bark. I don’t know why. Squirrels, cats, and especially other dogs on leashes make me wild. We don’t know if I am happy wild or anxious wild or terrified wild because I am barking too loudly to tell. My eyes roll all the way back in my head when I bark and I just can’t stop. I bark at all these things when we walk, when they go by the window, and when they are on TV. Mom and Dad are afraid if they don’t switch the channel I will attempt to enter the TV.

Lately Mom can’t make me be quiet so I have lost window privileges. She covered the slidy-door with duct tape so I can’t see out and when I can’t control myself she covers the windows with big pieces of plastic and Styrofoam. That’s why we have a snow shovel and a step-ladder in the hallway, it’s to keep the window things up. Sigh. I hope to learn to climb the ladder soon. I’m sure I could move the snow shovel if I tried. Poor Mom.

Mom and I are working with a trainer. We go up to things that make me nuts and then we go away from them. Come and go, closer and closer until I stop with the barking. I am getting better. Mom says I’m nowhere near ready for prime time.

Mom had this great idea that I might be less nutso if I wore one of her shirts when we go for a walk. A tight shirt on me might make me feel better. Personally, I don’t know if humiliation is a recognized training technique, but I wore one of her long sleeve T-shirts yesterday and today. Apparently we are the same size, except my chest is bigger. (Everybody’s chest is bigger.)

Mom says I was better. I barked once at a squirrel right outside our door (couldn’t help it) but then I “let it go.” I also tried very hard to ignore two other squirrels and the yappy dog in the house down the street. If I barked they would surely see me and realize how stupid I looked in a women’s long-sleeved T-shirt! So I was quiet.

That’s it for my update. If you haven’t friended me on FaceBook, you should. I am very entertaining and I share a lot of pictures there.

Mom is going to write the next blog in a few days about sewing or something. It should be just as boring as it sounds. But read it anyway because she’s the one in charge of my kibble.

Please leave me a comment because I love those and I don’t bark at them. If you get this blog as an email, don’t hit reply. Click the blue word COMMENT, otherwise it won’t get here where I can read it.

If you leave a comment, you can watch my new video.

Love Scooter

105 thoughts on “Scooter Simms Update

  1. Scooter, when are you going to come and visit Stormie? She’s a cat, and she will probably hide when you come over. But you can play hide and seek with her anytime you want.

    So what time can we come over? Do you have ear plugs?


  2. Ahm….Scooter is a natural blond? Sooo beautiful, but-what on earth motivated him to fetch a PEACH TREE?? (I admit, I watched with the sound off, to keep from waking DH. Perhaps there was an explaination there?) Scooter, we’re very proud of you for your progress, and determination to become the perfect Simms doggie.

    What on earth exactly. But I don’t think it’s a peach tree.


    1. Sorry, I misread the post, and thought it said “peach tree”. I should never post before I’m awake in the morning….LOL!

      Like I said, I’m not outdoorsy. No idea!


  3. it starts with one tree, within a while it will be a forest ;)

    I’m just glad he’s willing to do yardwork. I’m certainly not going to do it!


  4. Scooter,

    Whatever you do, stay away from your mom’s fabric! I tried to help her once by rearranging everything from the low shelves. I had it all laid out nicely on the living room floor. I’ve never seen her so angry!

    Good luck with the window things. Mom says I’m “reading the paper” when I look out of the windows. We have deer and squirrels AND FOXES AND CHIPMUNKS AND…let me calm down a minute…and lots of things to bark at. Just wait until you’re home alone. Then you can bark up a storm!

    Good luck training your humans,

    Rowan (The Wonderdog), who lives with Cyndi and Eric Souder


  5. Scooter, what an amazing dog you are becoming! It takes time to realize what humans want! Pierce (border collie, who learned my lessons well, and trained the humans even better).


  6. Hope you get your window privileges back soon, Scooter. You have a good and very patient Mom. Such a lucky dog! Watch out you don’t break you when you get so excited.


  7. Scooter, tell your mom I love to read the way she writes about you and your family. I never had a dog myself, because I do not have the patience to teach them good behaviour. I had cats. I admire your mum and dad for being so good with you :o)


  8. Good boy Scooter – the only way we could keep our little vocal Cairn terrier from barking was with the shushhhchh sound – she hated it and would stop barking and maybe Mom could try it. We lost our sweet boy in August, but we still have our sweet little girl if you would care to play. Judy C sends warm nuzzles.


  9. Scooter….you are makin’ my day!! Always good to start out laughing, or in your case, barking…..don’t ya think?

    Petless in Bel Air…but lovin’ all the furry and winged friends around me. :-)


  10. scooter, you are precious!!! I would love to be a squirrel, a friendly one, in your yard watching all the training and all the fun. I think the “toilet bed” is a wonderful idea, especially when you need a little peace and quiet to get to sleep.

    Keep up the good work
    Ruth in Texas


  11. Scooter I am a golden retriever too only I am a bit older 9 years (forget how many dog years) my silly doctor says I am a senior. But I recently have learn how to bark at the front of the house… My master is trying to teach me that the front door belongs to her but not having much luck… A new dog moved into the neighborhood and he barks at everything so I have been barking back.. my people at getting tired of my new trick…. Wishing the new neighbor would be quiet …….


  12. OMG scooter, you make me laugh so hard, I also bark at stuff outside the dining room window, my mom and dad are hoping that I would get out of that habit soon, they keep telling me that they are going to call someone called bark busters. good luck buddy!

    Your friend Izzie the GoldenDoodle :-)


  13. Macs here, from Oregon. I have a problem with barking, too – especially when deer or wild turkeys walk up our driveway. My mom shuts the front door so I can’t see them anymore. But I’m not going to tell her about the t-shirt – she hasn’t thought of that one yet!


  14. I was wondering if your Mom’s decrease in blogging was due to how busy you are keeping her. My mom says that she completely lost the first year that I came to live them- I guess that she was just really happy to have me.


  15. Scooter just made my Monday morning. I returned from a weekend quilting retreat last night and am a bit tired. It’s hard work having a great time. Ha Ha. My Billy is a senior citizen doggie, and I love watching Scooter’s puppy ways. His training is coming along quite well. His letters are very entertaining.


  16. HI Scooter. Shunka and Bai Guo explained why all male dogs want a tree of their own. You are amazing to find one at your young age. Keep up the good work on learning how not to bark at all those exciting things. It will take a while but the idea of wearing your mom’s shirt is a good one. If you don’t stop she might just put you in one of those fluffy tu tu’s and then you would be really embarrassed and I promise that I would try to keep those chuckling meows to a minimum.

    Smokey the cat who lives with Shunka and Bai Guo


  17. Scooter, what do you suppose your Mom wanted that tree for? It sure seemed to make her happy, so she must have a use for it. Maybe she is going to make it into a quilt.
    Once upon a time, a Golden named Saki lived on our farm. What she was best at doing was laying on the living room floor and shedding hair. Can you do that yet?


  18. Scooter, you are learning so much! It’s hard to get everything straight, but I’m sure you will do it! Keep up the good work!


  19. Dear Scooter,
    How can I get Kip Starbutz and Katyrose to like baths and brushing like you do??? Kip wants you to know that sleeping in “the belly spot” is the best spot in the big bed. Katyrose says it’s “the knee spot”. I don’t mind it in the winter because it is nice and warm. However I feel like the line between the ying and yang. Be warned, young Scooter, if Mom or Dad want to play “Scooch the Pooch” you will not win. But the good news is they still love you so that is the best kind of winning.
    Love you,
    Aunt Pati


  20. Scooter—AS ALWAYS you have made me SMILE from ear to ear with your post! Keep up the good work! I always need a good, big smile. *grin*
    By the way, I really like your Mom’s posts too—they are not as entertaining as yours, but they are most definitely worth the read!


  21. Thanks for the update Scooter. Glad to hear you are progressing well…I admire your Mother’s patience! Your wit & humor made a great start to my week. Please keep up posted.


  22. sometimes I see dogs wearing little booties when they are out on their walkies.
    That’s even more humiliating than that long-sleeved t-shirt your mama makes you wear, I am sure. (try to behave, so that you don’t have to wear shoes too!) :)


  23. Thanks Scooter for starting my day off so well. I have two four-legged nephews, Ace and Jasper, who would love to play with you. They are springer spaniels and really do spring. They could help you gather tree limbs from up in the trees!
    Have a wonderful day and do what your mother tells you to do.



  24. Hi Scooter, Ms Daisy here, ah sounds to me like you’re progressing nicely just want to express yourself! Its so hard not tto tell the world what we think! My Mom says she has a tatoo on the inside of her wrist that says “keep thy mouth shut” but I can’t see it…must be invisible ink! So even people have to have reminders to keep quiet! Happy Paws to you! From Ca, Daisy


  25. Scooter, good to know that your training is going well but that you’re still struggling with a few things. I also am having a few struggles and driving my mom nuts. I try but sometimes it’s really hard on her. Thanks for the encouragement. Good to know that the toilet isn’t your best friend anymore. Love, Calypso of the Loose Brain Syndrome


  26. Scooter, it sounds like you’re making lots of progress in keeping Mom happy! :) Your birthday is just two days before mine (but I’m older)! I wish you could come visit; Bisou (our adorable cocker) is afraid of cars, and I think you could teach her to like taking rides. Sadly, right now she can’t play, as she’s hurt her back and has to rest all the time while it heals.


  27. Oh my, Scooter, you are trying so hard! I love getting your updates…tell Mom thanks for sharing. Jack and Barney send along woofs also.


  28. Scooter, you are an awesome dog…love that you’ve given up the toilet thing…you’re doing really good with your training and hope you reallze how lucky you are to be able to sleep with your Mom and Dad. Tell Mom we’re anxiously waiting for her “sewing stuff”. You two make a great team :))


  29. Oh, Master Scooter Simms….I am so impressed by your genius intelligence, desire to serve and educate humanity by the official wearing of the tee, and your earning of the royal spot in the co-family bed! You have indeed received a rare and wonderful family and all of the blessings there-in! A very special dog-angel must have been looking out for you to share your love with all of them and with us! Thank you for sharing these intimate details of your new life..they warmed my heart and made me grin from ear to ear!!!


  30. Scooter, do you train other dogs? We have a retriever in the family that just won’t retrieve! Well, he will go get a ball or what ever, but he would rather play with it than bring it back to us, We aren’t sure if he thinks we won’t give it back or he just doesn’t want to run after it again! You are such a good boy for your mommy! Susan


  31. Our Jack is still at puppy school. We got to visit last week and if we had tails, ours would have wagged even more than his. We found out that he was abused before he came to live with us. We are trying to make that bad nightmare go away for him. Jack gets to come home the end of next week and we can’t wait. The treat jar is full and a cozy bed is ready in front of the fireplace. Scooter you make me laugh and help fill our house with smiles while our jack is away at school.


  32. Scooter, You are sooooo delightful. Your Mom and Dad are very lucky to have you. Keep up the good work in your “well-behavedness” studies. :) B


  33. I am glad to see that you are progressing so well. One day it will just be second nature to do all the things that seem scary or confusing now. Now if I could just get Andy to understand that the voice is coming from the computer ….


  34. Thanks for the update, Scooter. I’m happy to hear that you are progressing in many areas that are important to Mom. With the cooler weather coming, sleeping in bed is a good idea, too. Keep up the good work!


  35. Hi Scooter, I am enjoying your blog also; when I laugh out loud with your reports, I have to tell Harvey (baseji) and Angel (shepherd mix) want to know what you are up to. Both Harvey and Angel are also rescue dogs and love their new forever home. To show they love each other, they like to do the NHD (New Haven 500) from the living room to the kitchen through the dining room and sometimes side trips into the bedroom. They also love their own puppy park outside, but it is better if Mama and Papa are in the park with them. Hope you are having the sunshine we are having today.


  36. Scooter, you’re making great progress in your training. It looked like you really enjoyed playing with the tree. I’m glad you didn’t eat it. My dog, Red, ate our avocado tree right down to the roots.


  37. Hi Scooter,

    You are so precious.

    My in-laws had a dog that looked like you & his name was “Rascal.”

    Be patients with your humans. Sometimes they understand & sometimes they just “don’t get it.”

    I have 2 miniature snauzers & they sleep with us, too.

    Woof! (That means “I love you” in dog speak.)


  38. Scooter – hmmm….your mom has given my mom shirt ideas. I like my ThunderShirt during storms, but now I fear she might try it for walking and barking. It’s one thing to be comforted during storms which are truly scary, but another thing all together to think I might be shirted much more frequently. We’re dogs after all, and dogs aren’t meant to wear clothes, are they? Mom loves reading your reports, but I’m not so sure she needs more ideas about making me behave. Fritz, age 7, cockachon


  39. Scooter, I have so much fun reading your Blog and also your Facebook posts. Right now I don’t have a dog, and I am enjoying reading about your exploits so much. Keep your paws on the keys and keep writing–maybe one of these days you can put all your journals into a book!


  40. Oh Scooter, my dogs also loved squirrel and rabbit treats but thought the deer treats were the best. They also loved rolling in smelly things and frequently had to have a bath outside in November just before the hose was put away for the season. It sounds like you are learning better behaviors so keep up the good work.


  41. When Momma starts to scold you, just say to yourself “I am a good boy” and go over to Momma and smile at her. That will make everything all right. Be sure and encourage her to pet you. That makes her happy.


  42. Scooter, you are such an interesting guy!! I use to bark at things that move, poop on the rug, and do all sorts of things to annoy my Mom and Poppa. However, I am now three going on four and I’m wonderful!!! Just ask Mom and Poppa! I still bark at some things that move, especially if they have four legs and I chase them if they are in my yard. I bark at anything that comes to the front door cause my job is to take care of the house although Mom wishes I wouldn’t. I never ever poop on the rug anymore!! I love reading about you! Your fan, Miss Bits


  43. Scooter, you made my day. You’re the best cure for a funk I’ve ever met. My name is Jill, Mom says I’m a little ‘yapper’ Maltese. I fit on the back of the couch which is in front of a big picture window. I frequently lose window privileges – I like to bark at other dogs walking by the house. I get to sleep with Mom & Dad too. I start out at the bottom of the bed but then I get cold so I creep up between them and get under the covers after they’re both asleep. It’s nice & cozy there.


  44. Scooter, you need to meet Molly. Molly is a strong willed little Pomeranian. She likes sleeping in bed with Mom and Dad. She doesn’t like dog food so she gets home cooking. Chicken and turkey are her favorites. Raw veggies are good as well. Molly likes walks and playing with her friends, running in circles chasing each other is a favorite. Molly has a “boy” friend who has a stroller and they like riding together for “walks”. Ever hear of a dog going for a walk in a stroller? Molly also loves car rides. I think you and she could be very good friends.


  45. Hi Scooter, I know how hard it is not to bark, my little dogs Lucy and Jules like to bark also. You are a sweet dog and your mom know this. Tell mom hi.


  46. Scooter, you are a very cool dog. I am especially proud of your ability to type! It is so important for you to learn to not bark at every little thing. I know your mom is really trying hard to train you to only bark when it is absolutely necessasry…like potty breaks and when you are asked to! Keep working on it and it will happen!


  47. Scooter: What a Good Dog you are becoming! Wow–what a lot of work you and MOM have been “putting in”!! I am so glad you “found” the Simms family for your “forever home”!!


  48. Scooter, you are becoming such a great companion for your mom! Keep learning all those things to make her happy.
    My new Buddy, will be joining us in 11 days, and yes we’re excited.He’s almost 8 weeks old.
    Have a great day today, and be extra sweet to your folks! Treats will reward you, happy stitches to mom!


  49. So nice to start the week with such a fun e-mail! Thank you,Scooter. Also looking forward to hearing about boring quilty things too. :-)


  50. It’s amazing Scooter, what you have accomplished in such a short time,…. no wonder Mom loves you sooooo much.
    Also,need to know where she gets her patience, ( must have had a good teacher herself ) and how did she know you’d be as funny as she is, when she picked you ?!?


  51. Scooter, I love to read your posts. You are a very interesting dog. I love to go for walks also with my Mom. And I bark at people and birds! My Mom might try the t-shirt thing to see if it will work for me. Sounds humilating though! Keep writing I enjoy it a lot. Izzy (I’m a schnoodle)


  52. Oh Scooter….you dog you….. I think your Mom & Dad should be very proud of your progress! It takes a LOT of patience and patience and patience to help you with barking.

    I BARK too… especially at night, or when my parents are eating dinner, or when neighbors walk by with their dogs and when I see shadows of the flag flutter at the front door….they just don’t get it…. I’m protecting them (maybe they’ll give me a treat for that).

    Oh, I think goose poop is the bomb and love it soooooo…yummmmm tasty! I love car rides too….we’ll swing by and get you!

    love Lexi


  53. Hi, it’s me, Charlie, from Sierra Madre, CA. I’m jealous that you’ve been able to stay away from your mom’s quilting things. For some reason, I really find those gloves she wears very interesting. When it’s late at night and she forgets to put them up high, I find myself sniffing them out and the next thing I know I’ve chewed one or two fingers off. She’s not happy when I do that, but she’s very creative and managed to put it back together (sort of) with elastic so it stays on her hand….but the glove is still missing 2 fingers. She bought some new fancy gloves and I’m pretty sure she’s not going to leave them within my reach this time. I may be tested….I hope I pass.


  54. Hey Scooter. If your mom ever comes back to Madison Wisconsin, tell her you are invited to come along and stay at our house with our yellow Lab puppy. You two would make great friends. I think he may be able to teach you a few things about not-barking and getting treats. He’s trained me to take him outdoors every time he tries to go upstairs. (He used the upstairs bedrooms as a bathroom a couple of times, so now we lunge for him when he makes a move towards the stairs). Now, he just has to go up three steps, turn around and sit down and wait patiently for someone to race at him, wild-eyed, and hustle him outside. I think he’s enjoying this new game……


  55. Hi Scooter, You should come visit us. We live in the country and we don’t have to walk on leashes. We have squirrels, rabbits and other wild life we can chase anytime we want, as our Mom has 11 acres. BUT, we can’t chase the horses(9 of them) or the steer. They are the most fun, but for some reason, they are off limits. It’s still fun where we live, but if Mom would let us at them, we’d be in heaven.


  56. Hi Scooter
    Although I WAS a hunting dog before Mom and Dad adopted me, I seem to be terrified of storms, thunder, lightning, etc. Mommy bought me a “Thundershirt”. It works like your mom’s T-Shirt. (My mom’s T-shirts would be way too big for me). It helps me feel safer somehow. Although Mommy is always ready to hold me in her lap if need be. I am a very handsome Brittany Spaniel with “freckles”. My Mommy and Daddy love me so much and I love them too. Bingo


  57. Hi Scooter! Dylan, your Golden cousin here. It took me a while to learn that my Mom doesn’t like me barking at all the animals we’d see while on our walks in the park. She kept making me turn around and walk the other way. I fixed her though. Now I sit down when she tries to have me walk in the other direction! But Mom doesn’t mind because I quit barking at everything. For one thing, I found out if I’m quiet the rabbits will come closer to me!! Sometimes Mom tries to get me to move and I’m not done “studying” the rabbit or peacock, so then I lie down. Mom has learned a lot about wild life behavior since she got me!


  58. We have a Golden, too. His name is Brady and he lives with his caretakers in the house behind us. They feed, bathe,and clean up after him, and take him to the vet. All we have to do is love him and let him drink from our coi pond, and the fountain in the front. He is the best dog we never had….we know he loves us best, too!


  59. Hey Scooter when you learn all your lessons will you come teach them to me? My parents are hopeless in the training department. I still look like a puppy so I get away with a lot.
    Love Penny the cavalier.


  60. I have 2 goldens, both girls and litter mates. Oh the joy of trying to train both at the same time! I should have listened to the experts that said it was not a good idea.
    I really appreciate your blogs. I love the way you bring out the
    personality of these wonderful animals.
    Thanks for sharing.


  61. I laughed and laughed as I read the adventures of Scooter! I have two little dogs and can identify with the barking problems. To make things worse, we live right next to a playground access. Every kid who takes delight in tormenting anxious dogs has hit paydirt!! I’m already inventing things in my mind that would aid an owner in such situations. One is to have a canon I can shoot in the air – just to get my dogs’ attention!


  62. Scooter, what a good boy you are. You can come over any time to my house. We have dogs here that like to bark, too, and outside barking is O-K! When everyone comes in, they like to find a binky and a nice quiet place. You could have a binky and a quiet place, too, if you wanted. You tell your Mom she can come over, too.


  63. Hi Scooter,

    My name is Buddy and I am a cat. I do not bark at others. Cats have class. I am snooty around our house, nose in the air and tail up too. I do not walk on a lease. I walk wherever I want.

    Cats rule.

    (don’t tell anyone but I love your blog! and I think you are beautiful.)

    [He, he!]


  64. Oh, Scooter! You have come a long way in a few weeks. I am very proud of you. It’s wonderful to have earned the “sleeping-in-bed” privilege! That’s a major accomplishment. Everything else will come in time and you’ll learn to tune out those scary things like strangers and squirrels, and silly noises. You’ll have to do just that to get back your to the world and walking in it. Congrats on all you’ve done and I’m crossing my fingers that you don’t get a snout full of vinegar water when you’re barking like a fiend (who should only appear on All Hallows Eve and be silent the rest of the year).


  65. You are so innocent in your chat. I have a problem with barking too, but I am a Terrier and it’s to be expected. Mom has to put me in the bedroom when the doorbell is rung. Obedience training just didn’t rub off on me. Please share your secrets with Mom. She just doesn’t understand its a primal urge.



  66. Scooter, I loved your stick. The long leafy ones are so much fun! But mom didn’t appreciate it when I brought one into the house when I was a pup. She was amazed at how I did it; I couldn’t get it in thru my doggie flap the way I usually go inside, so I dropped the big stick, went thru the flap, then reached my head outside and pulled the stick inside. And mom says her chest isn’t bigger either.

    My mom says that my sister and I are ‘efficient barkers’; we alternate barking when something comes near the yard so it sounds like one dog barking a lot (we can bark a lot longer that way).


  67. Ah, your Mom must have an endless supply of patience. You were very lucky to get her for a Mom. Try hard to learn your lessons. That’s a good dog!


  68. Blue the Newfoundland Dog here…

    I’m with you, buddy. I don’t know what all this fuss is about barking at everything that moves. There are things that just NEED barking at. I feel your pain. My mom and dad make me stop barking at leaves and pieces of paper and squirrels and stuff.

    (They also make me stop trying to hump my “sister” Ruby the Newfoundland Dog. Neither of us have functioning parts, if you know what I mean — that’s what they tell us. Doesn’t keep me from trying, though, even though Ruby doesn’t exactly welcome the attention. How’s a dog supposed to have any fun around here?)


  69. Hmmmm our dad is out of town so we’re ignoring mom and outside barking whenever we can talk her into letting us out again. When dad is here we don’t bark as much, but we know mom is a soft touch and not very good with discipline.
    We also sleep with mom & dad-now this is a big undertaking with two humans, two tiny(80 & 90 lb)dogs and our partners in crime the three cats. Sometimes mom actually thinks she should have some legroom and then we get on the floor till she’s asleep and we come back up. Luckily during the week dad leaves really early for work so we can pretty much take over all but the one spot reserved for mom.
    Have fun with the squirrels, we think they’re fun too!
    Sasha and Emma in WA State


  70. You sound like a combo of my 2 dogs. One is a barker and the other a little psycho. Happily that’s makes them and you all the more moveable. Please come to Houston in Nov. for the quilt festival. It is do much fun and directly across the street is a dog park. Did your mom mention that?


  71. Hi Scooter. You made me remember my brother Shadow that is now at the Rainbow Bridge. He used to bring plants with roots into the house through the kitty door. I’m sure if the door was bigger he would have fetched trees too!! You are funny and I love you!

    Shakespeare from Texas

    Thank you and everyone fir the kind words. –Scooter


  72. Hang in there Scooter. It takes time to train your human parents. It took me nearly 2 1/2 years! Sounds like you are a good boy. You share your bed with mom and dad and let them go with you on walks outdoors. Keep us posted on their progress!

    Your friend, Lacey (Great Dane) in Jackson, MI


  73. Scooter, your mom is a wonderful person to work so hard to train you to be the best you can be :) Sounds like you are making wonderful progress but those squirrels can be trying, can’t they?


  74. Hey Scooter, Remember me cause you can visit my home
    in the suburbs of Chicago anytime…my mom is currently
    shaking our apple trees or pear tree to get the fruit. Have you
    eaten any Michigan apples yet? I just have to warn you Not
    to go near mom when she is shaking a tree…I still see stars
    from the apples clunking me on the head!!Off for homemade
    chicken soup (I get the leftover chicken chunks}
    Your friend in Illinois, SCOOTER Randall


  75. Hi Scooter,
    My name is Kalee Payne and my mom showed me your YouTube video. I barked and tried to tell my mom how big and strong I think you are (beside being handsome!). I just might be in love but my mom said it’s just Puppy Love…anyway, I have my own blog! and you can see pictures of me watching you on video there.
    Your doggie friend,
    Kalee Payne

    What a great blog!!! (Scooter)


  76. Hi Scooter. I’m Cooper, a 16mo springer. My mom loves reading about you! You are lucky to have a great mom! I have to admit I hardly EVER bark. I just came that way. Mom loves it. My naughty thing is jumping up to humans. I’m a springer, so I spring! Mom is not amused. We’re working on it. Hang in there, Scooter!

    Katie & Cooper from Lowell, MI


  77. Hey Scooter! Cool branch, wish I had one like that in my yard. My mom and dad pick up our branches before I have a chance to play w/them. I like your shirt, mom says it’s like what they call a “thunder shirt”, it helps when we are anxious. My mom wishes she had one. She was not too far from Flint when she was helping her brother and sister in-law pack and move to Illinois while her sister in-law was stuck in the hospital for 28 days inbetween taking care of grandkids in illinois and wisconsin. Now she’s grateful to be going on retreat!


  78. Scooter, good job with the training. I believe your mom is trying the ‘thunder shirt’ idea where you are comforted by the t – shirt, she’s only trying to see how to console you in your time of need (to bark). Now, may I watch the video?


  79. Dear Scooter,
    I am Boomer, the half Dane, half pit bull currently residing at the Donaldson’s. Sorry to hear you’re caving on the training. I’m proud to be on my 5th year of obstinate behavior with my family. They try and try, but I am always able to revert to bad behavior at a moments notice. Dad calls me the Not-So-Great Dane. The only downside is my world keeps getting smaller and smaller. I am no longer allowed to greet visitors (they lock me in the bathroom) because I recognize them by taste. I used to be wild on walks, but now I just stop and stand. This seems to really drive Dad nuts, so he doesn’t take me much anymore. But I think it’s worth it, I still have my pride (but not much else).

    You should come over and play. It would be so much fun. I could teach you “doorbell” and you could teach me to not be so nutso. —Scooter


  80. I really think you need a more manly tee shirt – and if you and your mom can figure out why you bark and what stops it, please let me know so I can try your tricks out on Moxie. He is a wire haired (partially) fox terror that I found at the Last Chance Ranch in Doylestown, PA. They named him Chrispy (silly name) but he has more nerve than brains, I think, so I named him Moxie. We have tried the spray bottle with water and the can filled with coins to rattle and also tried ignoring him when he gets nuts with the barking, but none of those things worked………hugs and a pat from HelenMarie and Moxie.


  81. Scooter, I know you have big shoes to follow but it will come in time. You can come over and play with Corky and Brady anytime. They still bark at anything that comes into our yard. I guess I’m just not a good leader. Keep the blogs coming. I love to read them. You are sooo funny.

    Sharon in Holly – not too far from you.


  82. Scooter I have so missed your blog. Your writing is terrific. I am sure your barking will improve. Your mom is very lucky to have such a good looking dog.



  83. Scooter, I think you are a beautiful dog! Don’t give up on the training because it is important to your mom. And keep blogging!!! We LOVE hearing from you!! You crack me up!



  84. I love to read about your antics (training) Scooter and please pass on a very kind hug to Ami who was so kind to me at Houston when we shared a teary moment. Scruffy hugs to you too Scooter.
    Hugs, Jan Mac

    Will do, mate! ~~ Scooter


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