The Yo-Yo Sisterhood Of The Traveling Panties-2010


It is spring!

They are predicting snow (just a little) for tomorrow, but today we celebrate. Away with the drab, dead colors of winter! I’m dying my underpants!

And yes, I am again offering to dye your undies too!  Interested? Click here.

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18 thoughts on “The Yo-Yo Sisterhood Of The Traveling Panties-2010

  1. what a hoot….sorry but I buy my undies in colors….curious about styles you recieve…some do not require much dye!!!


  2. Who Hoooo!!! Ami’s at it again . I just LOVE how you bring color into our lives and on our persons. You are a trip and one of these days I will meet you in person. Have to be able to give you a hug for your sage advice on my dad (end stages of Alzheimers). You’re the best Ami. Hmmm, perhaps I’ll even send in a few skivies for your royal color transformation!

    All the best to you my dear friend.

    Namaste – Terri at the Drake’s Nest in Ossineke, MI


  3. I’ve been waiting for this ALL winter! Bought some white panties the other day just for you, Ami! :-) Even my 16-year-old daughter wants to play, but since the only white cotton panties I can find here for her are “granny panties,” she decided to skip it. LOL! She’s too silly!


  4. If anyone out there is thinking about it and can’t decide, I advise you to go for it! I sent mine in last year and just love them. I get a giggle out of it every time I put on my custom-colored undies.
    Nancy- Jackson, MI


  5. LOL! You always know how to bring a smile to my face….! If I sent you my panties, you’d know too much about me. My size, for instance. Gotta keep some things secret.


  6. Ami…I’m like your first ‘responder’…I buy my unmentionables in all the brightest colors. Just imagine a well-rounded, sedate Grammy carted off to hospital, clothes cut away, and finding fuschia and emerald green! Too much information?

    p.s. Love to see your Spring collection on the clothesline…second year I think?


  7. I have to say I have quite the girl-crush on you, Ami. You always make me laugh and remind me of me. I buy wild undies so I guess I won’t be sending any, but what a great idea and stay crazy.


  8. Woo Hoo. I LOVE the ones from last year and was hoping you’d be up for it again this year. I think the folks who say they buy wild, colorful undies are missing the point…..they don’t come back white!!! ;)


  9. YEARS ago when I was in college someone would mix up dye
    in the sink of the restroom and gals took turns dying a bra &
    panties. Different day, different color, different gal starting it.
    Pretty matched underwear!!!


  10. Ami: I want to send you a pair of my undies. However, since you are coming to our guild in Kernersville, NC, could you possibly just bring them with you. That way, you can match the panties with the face. HA (If this is possible, I will be a note on the panties.)


    1. Sure, I can hand deliver them. Just put a note in the comment section of order so I’ll know that if they are done in time I can bring them and save you shipping.


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