Dancing Spools – Time To Vote

I’ve got a new pattern in development and a new workshop to go with it. Trouble is I’m stalled. I need just a little kick in the rear to move into high gear and I’m counting on you to give it to me.

When I get an idea in my head for a new design I am laser sharp and totally focused. That lasts until I start cutting fabric. Then I go into “what if” mode. What if I turned it this way? What if I used this instead of that? What if it were bigger? Smaller? Brighter? Quieter? This? That? The other thing?!

The maiden voyage of Dancing Spools is on April 14th, just 2 months away! I’m done percolating and I’m chomping at the bit to make some quilts already. All the answers are set in my head except one: Closer together? Or, farther apart? I think I know which I like, but with all the second guessing, I’m putting it to a vote. That’s where you come in.  One, two, three….VOTE!

Which do you like better?
Use the comment section on the blog. Click the word COMMENT below. If you get this in an email do NOT hit reply. Click the word COMMENT instead.

Closer together? Farther apart? If you can’t tell the difference or I’m too foolish to care, let me know that too. I just have to stop obsessing and move on. Make quilting history! Vote! Tell your friends!

Thank you!

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1,039 thoughts on “Dancing Spools – Time To Vote

  1. Om my gosh – I wanted to see what the others said, and it’s almost even each way.

    Closer seems more traditional – I like it.
    Farther apart is a little out of ‘normal’ – I like it.

    Sorry, I’m just wishy-washy! 8-)))


  2. How about splitting the difference and making them just a little further apart than your closer together version . . . or a little closer together than your farther apart one?

    It’s crazy talk, I know . . . but that’s my vote ;-)


  3. How big is the quilt? If this is all the blocks, I like them closer together. But if it’s going to be a big quilt, that feels like it would be overwhelming, and farther apart would be better.


  4. My first impression was closer together was better, but there’s so much more movement in further apart- keeps your eyes jumping around, and I like that. Soooo… my vote is for further apart.


  5. Further apart. For reasons, I can’t explain, it just feels more right that way.

    (Actually, it would be really cool if the center ones were closer and the outer ones further to create a look of emanating from the center – but that would be WAY too much math for me!)


  6. Farther apart! I’ve made similar quilts, and the design gets lost, to me at least, when the spools are so close together. I want your design for the spread apart ones, please!


  7. I am loving this pattern either way. If it were mine I am thinking about all the wonderful quilting in between spools on the “farther apart” quilt. thinking about different colored threads to match the spools making it look like the threads are loose and intertwined together to make a quilted pattern.


  8. I think the spools are more clear as “spools” when they are placed further apart. If your primary goal is to focus on the spools in dancing with spools than further apart is the way to go. If you goal is to focus on the fabric and the design, with the “ah-ha” moment being when one stumbles upon the spools then closer is better.


  9. I go with Sophie’s (23) comment – split the difference.
    The farther apart seems be moving and more lively, vibrant – is the quilt to be lively? But then I like closer too, as it might be a good background for applique if done in different colors.


  10. Farther apart–closer seems obvious–and I like it farther apart. And in the spirit of being wishy-washy it will definitely be great either way.


  11. Wow, I think you are going to be sorry you asked looking at all the opinions. There is no doubt in my mind that I like farther apart, shows off better and looks a little quirkier that way to me.


  12. Farther apart is my choice! I can’t wait to see which you decide now! Are you doing a class on it? …in Colorado again someday?


  13. wow…. 2 fabulous looks!.
    closer together would make a nice quick smaller piece, table runner wall hanging… while further apart really makes the fabrics used stand out.
    if i had to pick one… further apart!


  14. Closer together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They show more unity and placement had thought.

    But, remember this is from someone who doesn’t show her work.



  15. I like them farther apart, and bright colors! Like spools of the designer variegated threads ie., King Tut by Superior.

    here’s a what if…..the background was darker and the spool ends lighter, keep the stripes bright? Like light wood? Love using stripes for the threads.Or a gradated background, lighter near the top, getting darker toward the bottom. The beige background seems so “predictable”.
    My two cents! :-)


  16. Farther apart. The spools appear more 3-dimensional that way. Closer together makes me think Cathedral Windows … nothing wrong with that but is that the effect you want?


  17. closer together – more cohesive, more dynamic, more dramatic, looks harder to make, looks more balanced – is wonderful that you are soliciting opinions – great idea!

    On the other hand – if you do a block with them closer together, it could work to have a lot of “blank” space around them to draw attention to them and give the eye a place to rest. So large “blank border” around the closer together spacing would bring the drama I’d reach for…


  18. Further apart, with instructions that the spools must be of a striped fabric, not a fabric that reads as a solid. That really gives the spool look, not just an interesting design. Hmm, thinking of ways that needles (very tall, thin wedges) could be incorporated into the border or quilting….


  19. At first impression, I liked closer together — but after looking at them for a few minutes, I changed my mind. Definitely farther apart. The closer together group becomes just that –a group. The farther apart spools allow my eyes to travel from spool to spool, enjoying the fabric and design in each one.


  20. When I looked at them from about 6 feet away, I really liked them farther apart. My impression was that closer together was too busy.


  21. Not so simple as this or that,,,it’s gray Feb. so I’m drawn to the lighter colors (apart), but how the blocks would look in a multi block arrangement may be a different choice depending upon the overall pattern created.and of course the color choice. Ami, you have all of the pieces, so really you are the only one in the position to make a design. A lot of help I’ve been :-)


  22. My eyes tell me farther apart is more interesting, makes the eye travel around the design. Closer together makes the eye take it in all at one glance, not so interesting to view.


  23. Closer together, but that’s just me. :>) I’m never a fan of wide borders/sashes/empty spaces. I like busy. The exception, of course, is if you plan on doing a lot of fancy quilting in those spaces. I, too, was wondering about the size. If it’s a small wall quilt, definitely closer together, maybe with a wide border for any fancy quilting? But if it’s a huge bed quilt to be used horizontally, then maybe wider would be the way to go. (Didn’t help much, did it)?


  24. Like the tortilla commercial, why not both? Is it that much more difficult to include a version of the square if someone wants them further apart? I prefer them closer together, to see the colors of the “threads” play against each other. (I’d do a black background or pure white). But I could imagine being in a workshop where some of us did one version and some the other. Vive la difference!


  25. At first I liked the farther apart ones because it looked as if there was a three dimensional effect with each spool sitting on a raised area. Then noticed that the different values of the fabric used for the background were really random, not organized, and the 3D effect is in some parts of both arrangements (at least as I see it). I still like the farther apart one best.

    I think that is really cool thread on the spools wherever they end up. :)


  26. Why not just include both options in the pattern and let each quilter make his/her own choice? I can see times that I would prefer both. Pretty pattern.


  27. Closer. But, will this make a difference in how you teach the workshop? And, which would be the easiest for your students to learn and finish in the class time alloted?

    Love your fabric choices!


  28. I prefer the further apart. BTW I find myself doing the same “what if’s” when I design. My other problem is usually the name. At least you have a great name for this & I can’t think of a better one.


  29. I swear I commented before, but I can’t find it now.

    Further apart is awesome!

    My favorite choice would be close together in the center and further apart on the outside, but that’s easy for me to say since I wouldn’t be the one doing the math!!! :-)


  30. What seems important to my eye is not the distance apart of the spools but the fabric choice for those pieces. The more contrast between the spool and the background, the more interesting the piece becomes.


  31. I like the ones closer together-I like the closer ones-more united. Maybe an option for both could be included int he pattern-they both look great but the closer one hits me a bit better-looking forward to seeing the pattern.

    Thanks for your enthusiasm, experience, stories and encouragement.


  32. First and last impression: Closer together.

    Then again, why not print the pattern with option of closer together or farther apart? I know not an option because of cost to print.


  33. I prefer the closer together — think it gives more of a “dancing” feel. I think it’s fun to be able to get a sneak peek at your new patterns.


  34. Close together seems more appropriate for a wall hanging or a lap quilt, while further apart seems to better fit a bed quilt size.


  35. I like the Spools – Farther apart – but, the first three comments I saw they said the opposite.

    I still like Farther Apart…


  36. Further apart. When they are closer together I have a more difficult time seeing the “spools”. I like the definition when they are further apart and LOVE the shape!


  37. I prefer the closer together.
    However, I like the colors of the further apart. Having the same colors of spools would have helped make a more decisive suggestion.
    The further apart pattern would lend itself to a signature quilt.


  38. I like the one on the left Ami – except it has something in the tan fabric just below the center and a little to the right that makes the center and right look connected instead of like the other spools. Sort of hard to describe, but like a shadow. Really cute pattern., I can imagine using a lot of cute scraps from this OR a fabric line itself for this pattern. History in the making!


  39. I wanted to like the ones closer together but my eyes kept going to the ones farther apart. So my vote is for the farther so my eyes can rest.


  40. It will be a COOL quilt either way, but…
    Farther apart the spools stand out more.

    (I realized afterwards that my lovely stack-and-whack squares were too crowded unless one is really close.)


  41. Closer together makes it more interesting. I would use all the colors in the spools to make a border and then bind with the dark brown.


  42. Closer….I like how they become a design unit that way.

    First thing I thought of was a quilt with lots of spools…a great way to use up my many boxes of bits and pieces/leftover fabrics and make a bright colorful quilt.

    Can’t wait to see what you do!


  43. If you are going for “Dancing Spools of Thread”, I vote for farther apart. They look more like individaul spools of thread that way. You could have them connected by appliqueing(?) loose threads from spool to spool or just have threads from some floating off doing their own thing. I like the pattern. Good luck with it & your workshops. You are a great teacher. It was very nice to meet you at the Delaware workshop after reading your newsletter for years.


  44. Further apart, the secondary pattern is more obvious and each spool stands on it own – IMHO – closer is more of a colour splodge.

    Will be interested to see the results.


  45. Here’s a little tough love for you. You admit to a preference, so choose it, already, and get going. It will be beautiful either way. I love your use of striped fabric for the thread, and am looking forward to seeing your completed quilt.


  46. Closer together. Being a painter also, I tend to “set things down” with a shadow. The one that is further apart looks like the spools are floating in the air.


  47. You can’t go wrong with either but I like the farther apart ones. It keeps my eyes moving all over the quilt so I look at it longer. I am also probably influenced by liking the somewhat more colorful fabrics as well.


  48. Father apart – I hand quilt and that way there is more space to enjoy…why not do both – futher apart in the center and closer on the outside….


  49. Its real close in my brain… I like them both almost equally… however.. I lean towards FURTHER APART, but just barely. Its also possible that whether they arer FURTHER or CLOSER might have a different look if the background was not white or off white… like black, red, tan, light grey, dark grey, turquoise or aqua… bright yellow…. hot pink……??? Is there room in the pattern directions to put side-comments for the “other” layout along with whatever you choose first ?
    Side question, can’t see it well enuf to tell if there are Y seams… are there ?


  50. Farther apart. Closer together looks like they’re jumbled together in a sewing box, whereas farther apart makes them look like they’re dancing (as if tossed into the air and dancing around). I’d stick with all lighter fabrics between the spools, too, for the same reason. I love the pattern and would make my quilt this way.


  51. Farther apart, which allows the eye/s to concentrate on idividual spools. When they are closer together it appears more of a hodge podge. I like the extra room for a neat quilting design too. My vote might be influenced by the tread colors as well. The closer together spools appear dull while the farther apart sparkle.


  52. farther apart…I like the space in bewteen (as the quilter)..and bigger pieces would make it easier for the piecer as well.

    It just looks less cluttered….


  53. My preference is closer together, but I would leave a little space between the larger blocks (what you are showing on the screen) so that you have a group of blocks a little closer together, then a little space and then another group of blocks closer together.

    Also, some of the beiges (at least on my screen) look a little too dark for where you have placed them. You may want to stick to the lighter beiges or put the darker beiges on the outside where they have some space to breathe. Right now the one in the middle next to the two darker (teal??) spools looks shadowy.

    Like the pattern. Nice work!


  54. Closer together! Yes, that does look “busier” – but I like “busy.” They look so much friendlier and happier all close together – like they’re vying for the quilter’s attention – “Pick me, pick me . . . for your next project.” Closer looks like the jumble that is my thread box! But, Ami, it’s your pattern – for heaven’s sake, do it your way!


  55. I prefer further apart – looks ‘cleaner’, and I can tell what I’m looking at – it also makes my eyes move around the quilt, picking up the various colors, textures, spools, etc.


  56. Farther apart otherwise they look cluttered and you can’t really see the spools.. A lady in our guild had a similar quilt in the block exchange and after all was said and done they looked better further apart. What did Madison say?


  57. It is really tough! I actually like them both ways, but if I had to say just one really quick it would be……farther apart! Ta da!


  58. Looks to me like the background fabric used is the element causing the ambivalence. With that particular fabric, I would say that farther apart is better.


  59. i’ve seen similar patterns closer together…farther is more unique and makes the spools seem like they are floating…my vote is farther! ( :


  60. I like farther apart so the colors of the spools show up better but you could put both options into your pattern so the quilter can choose which version they like.


  61. I prefer them further apart – they seem too cluttered closer and too busy. A quilt should be peaceful and calming. Then too, I like to see the quilting stitches between the spools.


  62. There’s something to be said for both. I think people who want to make it should be shown the two options. If I absolutely HAD to decide though I guess I’d go for the “close,” it has more movement, more of a dynamic feel to it. The ones that are further apart are very classy looking though. Do the eeny meeny miney moe thing.


  63. I’m saying farther apart but actually I had to look very closely to see that they were father apart in the “farther apart” pic. Pretty design.


  64. Closer would be my choice. Great ideas for setting the finished squares pop into my head. Single row of spools around quilt on border would finish it off nicely.


  65. closer together, it stands out more. But in the closer together sample you are using darker colors in the middle compared to the farther apart sample and that might make a difference.


  66. Im finding the background fabric distracting in the further apart spools. If it were more uniform, I would like further apart better than closer together.


  67. Farther apart. If my only option was making this with the spools closer together, I would not make this pattern. Seeing the spools farther apart, I’d definitely make this pattern! But with the option of closer would be great for those “closer” fans of yours!


  68. Closer together – that way, the emphasis is on the spools. When there’s more space, the accent is on the background. IMHO, of course


  69. I would probably do something crazy like have them start out one way and move towards the other as you move from the center to the outside of the quilt – close in the center and farther apart as you move outward or vice versa. Of course that is probably not any help whatsoever…..


  70. I like them both. I would like the option of choosing at the time. Can you put both instructions in the book – choose farther apart one with wonderful quilting in between for the main – then give the instructions for the option of closer together. Can’t wait to buy the book.


  71. Personally I think farther apart is better. But, every quilter is going to have a different idea on this. How about 2 patterns? Than you will satisfy everybody. Just a thought. Luv u


  72. I vote for farther apart. They can be distinguished as spools of thread and may be imagined to be spinning and that is what thread spools do, unwind and spin away while on the
    sewing machine.


  73. Farther apart………..

    Having them too close makes it feel too “compacted” and I tend to lose sight of the individual spools….. especially with a scrappy use of fabric.

    Too close makes the dance floor too crowded and I wouldn’t feel comfortable dancing on a packed floor! Ha! Give me a little room!


  74. Further apart and images of Italian church floors come to mind. Closer together and it’s a bit more watercolor ish.

    I think it depends on the final product. Wall hanging? Closer together. Bed quilt? Further apart.


  75. Wow! What a dilemma… I think I like them closer together. The negative space works better to set off the colors of the “thread”


  76. Ami, how can I chose, I like them both!!!!!!!!! Okay, if I can only chose one, I go for the one with out the sashing between the spools. Whe the pattern is ready for selling, please tell us so I can order one.


  77. Further apart allows you to see the beautiful colored fabric in the thread areas…I like it. I too am stumped on a quilt for my youngest grandson. Need to send you a pic so you can help me get over the hump…


  78. Neat twist on a classic pattern, like the closer together if the spools are on the small side, if larger they might need some space. What fun!


  79. I prefer farther apart… it is more peaceful.

    Closer together is more busy.

    Guess it depends on one’s mood at the time, It looks like the vote might be close!


  80. I didn’t read through all the comments, but it looks like both versions are getting their share of votes. Personally, I prefer them further apart — but I like it either way. I just prefer the more open look, and with scrappy background fabrics, it’s another element of interest to be able to see all the different background fabrics better.


  81. Hi Ami, I vote for farther apart for a bed quilt as it makes your eyes move around and could have a secondary pattern to compliment the spinning spools in the quilting design choice.

    I would like the closer version for table toppers, table runners, and/or smaller wall hanging versions.


  82. Farther apart; I think the colors and design show up much better than “squeezed” together. But would be interested in the overall size of each block/unit.


  83. I prefer farther apart “more room to dance” version. BUT, I agree with an earlier comment that the size of the quilt plays a big part. The closer together scale is needed for a small quilt (lap, wall hanging, miniature) but the dancing effect might get lost if the closer together version is done as a bed size quilt. Also important to the size/scale issue are your borders and how you are going to quilt it. But you know all that.


  84. I love them both, but if I had to make a choice I would choose farther apart, because when I viewed them individually, the dance floor looked too croweded on the ones more closely set.


  85. Closer, please. The far apart ones seem to be talking to me,…”Let me into the group”! If you really can’t decide, how about close in the center of the quilt, moving on out to farther apart, as though they too are trying to move on into the friendly group…


  86. Definitely closer together-the other seems lost in space, just floating. Close is strong, a united front, and, I think, the eyes flow over it easier.


  87. I actually like both, with a slight preference for the ones that are farther apart.

    Would it make sense to include directions and the picture for both in the pattern? Then everyone could make the version that s/he likes best.


  88. I like farther because the individual spool colours pop more andit looks like they are dancing. The closer ones look as if they are stuck in formation and therefore can’t dance as much.


  89. farther apart

    1. I think it’s too busy looking with them closer together
    2. It’s easier for me to tell taht they’re spools farther apart


  90. I’m a fan of breathing space: farther apart.

    Do you really read all these notes? In the time it takes you to do that, the quilt top could have been put together …

    Pretty design, by the way.


  91. Definitely farther apart! That setting allows your eyes to move between the spools and creates movement. They look like they could dance, while the other spools are clearly wallflowers.

    The spools in the farther apart setting are design items on their own, but also a part of the whole. I can’t wait to see the pattern!


  92. I like them farther apart better; in that setting the background “fades away” and the focus is more on the spools themselves.


  93. Farther apart looks more like they are dancing! ( Oh, how funny. I had not read the last comment #385. Looks like we are on the same wavelength!)


  94. Why don’t you pass on your indecision to those who will be making the qult and let them decide whether they want them closer together or further apart? I’m undecided, too. Actually I think it might make a difference depending on if this is to be a wall hanging or a full bed quilt. Wall hanging, I’d go for closer together. Bed quilt, I’d probably go for farther apart.


  95. I think they really show up farther apart, like they are dancing the night away!!!Will you have a book,f or those of us who can’t come to class??Hope so, :-)


  96. I vote for farther apart. They look more like they’re ‘dancing’ when they’re farther. Bright, fun colors would work great (kinda like you already have).


  97. Closer together. I was all ready to vote for farther apart, but then realized that I was being influenced by the colors in the sample photos (the closer together photo has lots of darks together, and the farther apart photo is brighter).


  98. Give your students the option! Offer both templates. Mak your large sample the way you prefer and a smaller sample the other way and let the student choose. Make everyone happy!


  99. M of MandN says With a background in advertising, I learned that more white space makes the eyes focus on the subject better. So put me down for the further apart layout.
    N of MandN says I like the closer layout. The eyes can take it all in better.
    When It is finished, we’ll take which ever version is made!
    What is Madison’s choice? Maggie says either one would be comfortable to sleep on.


  100. If the quilt is a wall hanging, I like the closer together; if it is going to be a bed-size quilt, I would prefer the farther apart. It all depends on the size of the quilt…would be too overwhelming if closer together in a large quilt.


  101. closer together gets my vote.I like not having a lot of blank spaces between the spools, I don’t like to use a lot os quilting “fill in” between the dinamic elements.


  102. Farther apart – give the eye room to move from spool to spool. I also really like the brighter colors, but then I’m a color kind of gal.


  103. OMG! what a wonderful problem. I like lots of color, so I’d go for bigger spools closer together. But, why not just make it an option, more space, bigger quilt, less space, smaller quilt.


  104. I like both versions for different things. I like the one that is farther apart because you get to see the spools better and I can see using that in a wall quilt for my sewing room.


  105. I like them closer together but I think that you should just get started. Without them right next to each other we wouldn’t know the difference!


  106. Closer together this seems to make a secondary pattern with the background. Great idea well done Ami. I love it.
    Cheers Helen


  107. farther apart for me :) and may I say – 534 comments! Wowza. Oh my oh my. That has to be a blogging record.

    hmmm….maybe there’s a polling function in WP?


  108. I like farther apart. The color choices seem to
    make it “shimmer”.
    When quilted, you would probably want to densely
    quilt the background so the spools pouf up and give
    lots of depth contrast.


  109. I think you just made more work for yourself–counting replies and making two designs. I’m with those who like them both, depending upon where the quilt would be used.


  110. I prefer the farther apart because there is enough action with the spools tipping this way and that. The presentation of the secondary pattern is also attractive. This will also mean fewer fabric decisions as I make the quilt, not a bad thing considering the trouble I have now. ;^)

    Please give Madison a scratch behind his ears from Aunt Sheron.


  111. Truth be told, they don’t look like they’re dancing either way. They look like they’re lined up like soldiers. Dancing should be freer.


  112. Allow me to jump in here again. Would it be feasable to include an option for both sizes? This will be great for the stripes I ‘ve been collecting for 20 years. I’m already planning pillows, sewing machine cover, a valance for my studio and……..


  113. Farther apart features the fabrics more. Closer together is better for scrappy or fabrics that go together like layer cakes of one fabric line.

    Why not let your students choose?


  114. I remember making spools in the first quilting class I ever took.
    They are fun to make, and I vote for the Farther Apart.


  115. farther apart if the spool colors are so scrappy; it allows the eye to appreciate each color, before moving on to the next. But then again, as I say when I’m teaching, if you absolutely, positively cannot decide, then it probably doesn’t matter!


  116. Farther apart! It’s not entirely a fair test, though, because the one that’s farther apart has more light colours distributed throughout it, making the spools seem to dance more.


  117. I think the farther apart one is much better as you can clearly see they are meant to be spools. I alos really like the bright colours in this example. More light in the centre of the quilt and the eye travels over it much more.

    Can’t wait to see the pattern.

    Lorraine :)
    Sydney, Australia


  118. Farther apart. The close ones look too crowded to dance and they lose symmetry and individual effect.
    A nice pattern, though, and one I’d like to try.


  119. I think which ever you choose, you (or anyone else) won’t remember the other. It really doesn’t matter. They’re both good. The thing that strikes me about the closer one is that the spools seem to be darker which adds more contrast. If the farther one had darker spools, it would really be sharper. That would make them look even more alike. Stop obsessing and just go with one. It’s not life or death. They’re both very good.


  120. Closer, but both are good, and I agree that it depends on the size of the quilt. Could you make BOTH versions for the pattern?


  121. I think you already have enough votes so I will decline my wonderful opinion. But don’t forget to consult Madison. He always has a good comment!!


  122. Farther apart, but I think it’s the color choices that make it better as much as the spacing. The closer together just appears bland to me.


  123. I like the ones farther apart, but I think it’s because of hte brighter colors on that one. The ones closer together don’t have as much contrast.


  124. I paused. I looked. I considered which drew my eye in more. Winner: closer. More dynamic and intense. However, consider doing the pattern giving both options. Have a sense closer will be finer cutting and piecing, hence for the less experienced piecer, they’d feel more successful with the farther/larger pieces. Looking forward to the final product!


  125. Definitely farther apart. The spools look like they are having fun. The close looks like they are jumbled together and not as pleasinmg to the eye.


  126. Ami..
    The closer together spools look more traditional, but I like the farther apart ones best. Gives you more room for some neat quilting!
    Why not do both? Norma


  127. Closer together! The design seems more cohesive and the colors appear sharper on the neutral background. Light colored backgrounds absorb color; a dark background would make the colors sparkle..


  128. I would very much like to have both choices included in the pattern I can see where a different sort of sashing would make all the difference! And I just LOVE choices!.


  129. I can see why you are having difficulty. I prefer the farther apart because I do like the secondary pattern. I think some of the dfference is because of the colors…bright and light or dark and neutral. I’m definitely a bright person….color wise at least.


  130. Prefer the closer layout – it concentrates on the spools rather than the background. Giving an option of either in your pattern would solve the problem.


  131. I think I like them farther apart except when I am looking at the one where they are closer together! So I guess it doesn’t matter!


  132. Closer together if the whole quilt is to consist of just the 13 spools. If what we are looking at is going to be one block of many then I like the spools further apart.


  133. I like farther apart. It’s much easier to tell that they are spools of thread. Now, maybe that’s because the particular spools in the farther-apart sample are more contrasty, but it definitely appeals to me more.


  134. Closer together reads as a sort of woven block pattern. Farther apart reads more like individual spools. My first response was to like the closer together…it’s just a tighter design. But if you want it to say “These are spools!”, well, of course quilts don’t talk, :-) but the further apart would get the idea across better, and go better with your name for it.


  135. I placed a mirror next to both blocks. I like the Further Apart block better, especially if this block is meant to be a border, with the blocks together and no sashing. The spools are evenly distributed across the background and makes me feel right with the world. If you are using a sashing, then I would probably like the Closer Together block better.


  136. I voted this morning for further apart, but when I checked tonight my comment didn’t appear. Further apart definitely from here.


  137. Well, this looks interesting — are you doing an actual count? …cause it looks like the expected is happening — some like it closer, some like it further apart. I prefer the further apart — they look more like spools.


  138. Closer together looks like they were placed there; more color dynamics.
    Farther apart looks like they dropped out of the box(ask me how I know)
    I like them both; sorry but I do; so whatever the majority likes. I am more familiar with farther apart.


  139. farther apart is more pleasing to my eye. either way should work tho. buy the pattern and if you like them closer or farther apart that the pattern calls for, adjust!


  140. Farther apart – when they’re closer it looks a bit like Cathedral Windows in your picture. Farther apart they have room to dance!


  141. Closer together. I like both of them, and although I prefer the one closer together, the further apart one has a neat illusion of floating through the air.


  142. Holy Cow How many opinions do you need?? I prefer the farher apart one because it gives an opportunity to see the spools for what they are and also because a quilt named “Dancing Spools” ought to have room for them to dance! Other wise they are more “Jammin’ Spools” I too love the colors!


  143. I like the farther apart for the reason that has already been mentioned, “more quilting space”. The further apart gives more options.


  144. I know this is a trick question….. I like the colors better in the more open one and the sense of space. The closer spools seem darker to me. The closer spools feel more dynamic. The farther apart ones more tranquil…… sorry…..


  145. I like the one on the right and my husband likes the one on the
    left. Not much help are we. I’ll email some friends for help.


  146. My eye tells me closer together, however it would depend on the quilting for the ultimate decision. If you had a design that you wanted to show off or wanted to quilt swirls like thread coming off of the spools you would want to have room to stitch it. Because of that I’d have to go with further apart.


  147. Is this a psychological test? What can you tell about a person from the preference?

    Either way would be a great way to reduce the scrap pile.


  148. Definitely farther apart! The farther apart picture gives you a feeling of peace and has a nice, velvety texture. The closer together picture brings a little tightness to the chest and is scratchy like a really bad GI wool blanket. What can I say–I’m a tactile thinker. You DID ask.


  149. Closer together–both look nice, but the other way looks more like “floating” spools! (or maybe they are dancing solo! LOL)


  150. Definitely farther apart. That puts the focus on the spools, which is the point of all that lovely fabric anyway. And closer together is too busy and hard to look at.


  151. i like them both. farther apart—you see the fabric in the spools. could really show off some favorite scraps.
    closer together shows movement.


  152. I think both are rather nice–might depend on the occasion or the person for whom I was making this pattern–I’d probably make the one with the spools farther apart if it were for me.


  153. Closer together–it gives a more pleasing perception when looked at from afar, rather than a scattering of spools.

    Fun pattern!


  154. Dancing cheek to cheek, shoulder to shoulder, or dancing with room to cut loose? I vote for room to cut loose – farther apart. Or as mentioned by others, include both options in the pattern and let others go through the agony of making a decision….


  155. I like the spools closer together, and I haven’t read anyone else’s comments (yet!).

    The background becomes too much (for me) of a design element when the spools are farther apart. It also could be because of the lighter colours of the “thread” in the farther-apart setting.

    In any case, basically – suit yourself, or teach both ways so others can choose the setting they like best.

    Good Luck!



  156. Closer Together looks like a single picture. Farther apart seem like the spools should be skewed about and less formally placed. My vote is for closer together.


  157. Initially I liked closer together, but I think I like the further apart best because it would leave more space in the background for some cool quilting to show up. Just looking at the big picture, lol.


  158. I like them closer also, but I happen to prefer the brighter colors in the quilt on the right and i think the colors play a large part in how both quilts look.


  159. Either is perfect. Include directions for both, then the user can decide which size quilt is best for her/him..Closer is smaller size


  160. Closer….the farther apart looks like it’s missing something. If you choose the farther apart version for the pattern then if I made it I’d add buttons or something in between so the spools don’t look so lonely.


  161. WAY too many comments to be able to read them all in the short time allotted! Love the lengthy explanations best, though.

    I lean toward the farther apart ones. More “negative space” for the eye to rest, less cluttered. Yes, the closer-together ones seem to look more dynamic, but the farther apart ones are more obviously spools and less cluttered-looking. Plus, like some of the other writers, I like the extra area for quilting designs.


  162. farther apart. take less work to make more quilt. busy is not always good, need a place for your eye to rest. also, the color needs to tell a story, not just random. cools into hots, greens into pinks, darks into lights, etc.


  163. i think the problem is too much scrappiness. either the background or the foreground, but not both, too hard to look at. if there are Y seams, count me out!


  164. CLOSER! They look like they’re having fun at a party, doing the twist – a big whoop-dee-doo!! The far-apart ones look like they’re at a formal party, doing the foxtrot – boring!


  165. I like ‘further apart’…especially with the fabrics you’re using. They look like floating spools of beautiful thread.

    The closer set ones become an object in itself. Guess it’s up to you…have fun.

    Will be waiting to find out the results of your poll…I sure wasn’t going to count…lol


  166. Farther apart, which seems to make the spools smaller.

    The closer they are, the spools appear bigger and crammed together. In addition, I like the fabrics in the spools on the right (farther apart) much more. More like thread on spools.

    Looking forward to the finished project!

    P.S. Great lecture last night at Quilter’s Connection in Watertown, MA, so much laughter! It was greatly enjoyed :) by all. My sleeve, not the one on the back your quilt, was so wet from the tears of laughter.


  167. I agree farther apart is better, but I think you said you had already made your decison, which is in between. Loved your workshop and lecture for Quilters’ Connection – to smile is human, to laugh is divine!


  168. I can see why you are “tormented.” I like closer together, but if you wanted more quilting opportunity you would need further apart. I love them both but closer would be my preference.


  169. I’ll join in with the people who like the spools further apart. Hum…..maybe you should make two !!


  170. If it’s a small wall hanging probably closer together. If it’s a larger quilt then farther apart. The farther you move them out it gives a spinning effect because the secondary pattern of circles show up more.


  171. Closer together is a single design. Further apart is block by block. I like closer together and would like it even more if there were lots and lots of spools — with perhaps an occasional empty space.


  172. Hi Ami,
    This is Joyce Harry from Farwell, MI.
    I like the spools that are closer together, and they look cozy.
    The spools that are farther apart look like they don’t like each other.
    Also, guess what? My birthday is on April 14th!!!

    Take care, Spring is almost here, Joyce in MI.


  173. I like them further apart…but what about doing rows…up and down and off set each row ????? and put a needle or thimble in the other blocks ???? or sign each other block….


  174. I like them further apart. Either way be sure the background is light. some look like the spools are stuck together. Too dark then I see them sideways as the old wooden spools. Check the the lower row of 3 in the close quilt.
    My 3 colonial fabric – three sisters quilts that I started in your class are all ready for final stage of quilting.


  175. Closer together – seems like you’re just trying to make the block bigger, if you use more space. Just my opinion, of course. You can give it some breathing room on the outside.


  176. Farther apart gives the pattern much more dimension, they appear to be floating. As if as Madison ran through the sewing room and tipped over a box of threads. It also depends on the block size. If they are small, I think the design will get lost from more than 6 feet away. It’s very pretty.


  177. My vote is for closer together. From a distance it will make a pleasing pattern, and then when you look at it up close you will get another surprise when you find out they are spools. The farther away one makes it look like the spools are just floating in space.


  178. Farther apart. Cuz i just know you’re going to add a fabulous border or set of borders to expand the piece to at least double its current size. And you’ll want the focal area to pop, to advance, the borders to recede–so, smaller scale designs/patches/pieces there.


  179. Closer togather. Farther apart makes me dizzy and I am wearing my glasses and just had my eyes checked a few weeks ago. It all comes down to what YOU really like. You are making it. Sandy


  180. I prefer farther apart.

    For those who are more adventuresome, I envision that it would be lots of fun to put in a center close together, then space it farther out, and then just some random spools near the edge.


  181. I agree it is hard to make a decision. But, I asked my husband and he said closer together. He said he didn’t know what dancing spools was susposed to look like. Squaredance?
    Oh well.


  182. Closer makes a more unified version(like they are able to work together)! And farther apart makes them appear disjointed (not able to function together)!! lol
    Also- closer together is how MY own spools look! *giggle*


  183. Farther apart, please. There will be more opportunity for quilting in between the blocks, but also it looks more harmonious in design.


  184. Definately closer together. I like the extra visual of father, but too much “extra space. I like the movement of the closer much better.


  185. I actually liked both options but I think the closer the spools are, the more they look like a typical set of spools in my sewing room so I will go for that as my final vote!! Maybe a few threads need to be hanging loose though.


  186. I believe it would be easier for me to determine whether I liked the spools closer or farther IF the spools were arranged in the same order. Good Luck


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