Is This Up To Code?!

This can't be up to code!I travel quite a bit. And I’ve got loyalty cards for more than 54 different hotels to prove it. Never mind that I haven’t been able to earn a free hotel stay yet, because that’s another story.

Upon entering my hotel room for the first time, I cheerily announce to the empty room, “Hi Honey, I’m home!”

Then I busy myself with actually making myself at home. I’m not a coffee drinker so I move the coffee maker out of the bathroom. I know they have to put it somewhere, and the bathroom is often the only source of water, but esthetically speaking, even if I did drink coffee, I wouldn’t want to brew it in the john. It’s just not right.

I also unplug the  hair dryer as I bring my own. I’ve written about my big hair before, so you know how important this is.

I can’t remember which hotel I was calling home when I took these pictures, and I sincerely hope that mentioning it does not embarrass anyone who has made my housing arrangements in the recent past. While I can’t remember where this was, I know that my stay was comfortable as well as thought-provoking.  

So check out the “interesting” way this hotel devised to keep patrons from, I don’t know, walking off with their wall-mounted hair dryers?!


I’m no electrician. I’m not sure how this is supposed to be wired, but I have a feeling this isn’t it.

Put it this way, I’ve never seen this before. I can’t even imagine how they did it, but I have a feeling beer was involved.

When the hair dryer dies, what do they do? Kind of makes cleaning the splash guard a little more difficult than it needs to be. I guess it just proves there’s more than one way to plug in a hair dryer.

Thank goodness the hole in the wall is centered.

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9 thoughts on “Is This Up To Code?!

  1. Oh my, that is hysterical! You’re right about the centering thing though – would have driven me crazy!! And I’m thinking something stronger than beer was involved . . . maybe tequila? Hugs!


  2. Thank you for the link to Big Hair.. While this was food for thought, Big Hair is about the best thing I have read ever! Great start to my day! I may even get something done today now…


  3. Against code? OMG! This is like soooo illegal!!! If the electrical inspectors ever saw this, they’d so shut down that room at least! You are very good at photographic evidence, Ami. Now, on the hotels side (or at least the guy who did it. . ), he did do a neat, clean job. You keep that camera handy!!!!! Lisa T


  4. I must have stayed in the same m/hotel because I thought this setup was weird when I saw it, too. Very strange. Just who thinks of these things?

    And the hairdryers in those rooms are so weak who on earth would want to steal one anyway? Are people really that desperate or do some folks just take anything that isn’t nailed down?

    Now I might have to really restrain myself if there was quilting fabric just laying around…….


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