Pet Day

Mom took me to Tractor Supply in Clio, Michigan  last week. They had a Pet Day where dogs and cats could come and hang out. There was a Vet, animal adoptions, and a talent contest. And lots of dogs!

Mom said I should cover the story with the Doggie Cam.

I liked how the nice lady bent down to look at me.  She was very nice. This was our second “take.” Mommy forgot to turn on the camera the first time. It’s so difficult working with amateurs.

If you ever get a chance to take your people to the store, you should do it. It’s a great chance to sniff new things, and I don’t just mean the rear ends of other dogs. They had great toys and lots of dog food to smell, and of course tracks on the floor, which I find quite interesting.  I also met a cat who was sleeping with her tongue hanging out. I was going to help put it back in, but Mom said not to.

Does anybody know how to edit video?

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14 thoughts on “Pet Day

  1. Madison, you are the best! I’m looking forward to many more videos from you. Thank your Mom for all the hard work it took to get you set up to take videos.


  2. Thanks Madison,

    Where will your Mom take you next? Maybe you would like to tour a steak restaurant? That would have lots of good smells.


  3. I can always count on Madison for a chuckle. What a great way to start my day.
    Thanks Madison – be patient – she’ll get the hang of it yet.


  4. Madison,

    I love the doggy cam! You might be able to fix our ailing economy.
    Mom could take you to all the banks and government agencies. Who could cheat when doggy cam is on?


  5. Ami – if you find out how to edit a video w/o expensive software, please let me know. I have a great clip that includes my mom, but it needs to be shortened.


  6. Madison, I hope you got a real good treat for this gig. Our Mom and Dad always buys us hamburgers when we go on trips in our car. (“they have to be long trips,Molly doesn’t share the room in the back seat very well!!) Consider McDonald’s for your next tour, ask Mom.
    your faithful fans,
    Molly and Abby
    the Black Labs of Pine Grove, CA


  7. Madison,
    (I love that name, my grand daughter has it too!) You and your momma are awesome, and I love the doggie cam. Your mom probably has Windows Movie Maker already loaded on her computer (unless she uses a Mac). It is a pretty easy to use program for editing video. I am sure the two of you can figure it out together. Thanks for the smile this morning.


  8. Dearest Madison,
    Thanks for the trip to the Clio TS, I used to live a half mile from that store, so I was scanning the crowd to see if there was anyone I knew. Drat! My friends missed the event.

    I must say you hold the camera nice and steady and have all the makings of a fine newshound.

    Thanks for sharing your good work on behalf of others.



  9. Hi Madison, You and your Mom are getting better with the web cam. What a good event to cover. Trust us, your Mom was right about the sleeping cat. They say “Let sleeping dogs lie”; it is even more true of sleeping cats. Our Mama looks for your emails soon as she gets on her laptop. Sniffs and kisses from Care Bear, Sasha, Trixie & Martha


  10. Madison…Encourage your Mom…Act “happy to oblige” and she will ‘allow’ you to do the penetrating hard news coverage I’m sure you are straining at the leash to cover. There are too many underappreciated dogs (and cats) out there. Go get ’em, big guy!

    Admiringly, Gold_EE in Nor.Cal.


  11. Madison you are one great dog! My daughters God parents live in Clio! What a small world. I wonder if my cat, Mr. Kitty, would do the web cam thing for me and my grandchildren! LOL
    Good dog!
    Central Oregon


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