Baby Watch

Grandmotherhood awaits!

As a quilter, I think it’s appropriate that I’m “on pins and needles,” don’t you? At this moment, we are Due Date Minus THREE Days. We’re having a baby!

No idea if it’s a boy or a girl, we’re just praying for healthy with the full complement of fingers and toes. Sweet anticipation. Jennie and Craig, you’re going to be a wonderful parents. I can’t stop smiling.

And for the record, the quilt was finished before the baby arrived—with matching crib skirt, assorted crib sheets, puddle pads, and receiving blankets.

TLCB-overall-lowrezI did have help. Inspiration for the baby’s first quilt came from a tutorial by Jennifer Grigoryev. I used 6″ white squares, so the scale is a little larger.

I used gray thread for the quilting (to match the walls). And, I’m particularly happy with the little sliver of turImage02quoise in the binding. It’s sewn in, not a flange. (Images get bigger when you click them.)

Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions on what to make for the baby. I’ll share what I learned soon. And if you don’t hear the shrieks of delight when the baby is born, I’ll blog and put it in my newsletter for sure.



Zoey Bea was born on October 12, 2014. She weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces. She is just a smidge over half a yard long–my little Fat Quarter.



92 thoughts on “Baby Watch

  1. How exciting! Wait until the little one is here! How he/she will take your breath away! The quilt is beautiful-love the palette and modern feel!


  2. From experience, you are entering the most wonderful time of your life!! Grandchildren are the most marvelous little creatures. Great quilt also.


  3. You are heading into the most wonderful adventure! It is truly an amazing relationship, and changes how you look at things all over again. Enjoy, and Congratulations!


  4. Congratulations on having a finished quilt for the new little one. One teensiest word of advice from one grandma to another, if that due date comes and goes, do NOT bother Jennie with silly questions about just when that baby will arrive. Since most moms at that stage just want that baby out, those comments can be a-noy-ing. But hoping it’s soon :-)


  5. So excited for you, Ami. I know you will love being a grandma as it seems you already are. I am in Vermont waiting for a grandchild to be born, too. Not due until the 22nd. I’ll be looking for your news!


  6. Ami, congratulations to all on this joyful event. Our Number two is making her debut in December and I am now thinking of the quilt I will make. I really like the colors and design of your modern baby quilt. It will be a treasure. All the best, Deb


  7. Beautiful baby quilt! My daughter(adopted from Korea) will give birth to our first grandchild in a few weeks. She also chose gray walls for her nursery. Yellow and gray baby quilt in the making. Best wishes and prayers for your daughter for a healthy delivery!


  8. Boy or girl, this is one lucky baby to be born into such a loving family, and to have you for a grandma. I’m sure Scooter agrees. Blessings to you all. Oh yes, the quilt is a treasure.


  9. I love the gray walls, and I love how the quilt colors pick up the colors in the fox pictures above the crib! Please remember to send a quick message to all of us Ami followers pronto after the baby is born. I think we all feel like honorary grandmothers for him or her.


  10. Congrats! I’m loving being a “Grammy” of twin boys. Yes, I had to make two coordinated quilts. Labor of love!


  11. I did not see burp cloths on your list, they are super easy to make and are a necessity, I always liked to use flannel as it is soft against the baby’s little face and absorbent. I know you are anxiously awaiting, I have been there and this is a very exciting moment for you.

    Happy Grandmothering



  12. Wonderful quilt. I, too, am soon to be a first-time grandma in 5 weeks! Can’t wait!

    How wide are your “lightning” strips?


  13. Ami, your quilting is awesome. I sense freedom when I look at the variety of do-dads that fill your feathers (in the close up). My next feathers will be vastly improved :)


  14. Ami, love the quilt. Being a grandma is awesome! Does this pattern have a name? (sorry if this has been asked and answered I didn’t see it)


  15. Lovely quilt ! But………..the ones most appreciated right away
    are the small flannel blankets that Mom uses ,& washes. a lot.
    Just make like a quilt without any sort of batt. Make dozens.


  16. Adorable quilt and congratulations and the upcoming event and hope all goes well for mom and baby. You’re in for the thrill of your life to be a grandma!!


  17. We found out a few months ago that our daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first child in January (we met you at the quilt guild in Sarnia). They’ve also chosen gray, turquoise and coral for their nursery – and, they’re having a boy. I’m eagerly awaiting your report on what you’ve made for the baby!
    (I’m still working at quilting my Twisted Sister quilt… I’ll send a pic when it’s finished!)


  18. Oh, Ami,

    Even the fourth and fifth ones (still expected for me) are soooo exciting and kudos to Jenny and Craig for waiting for the best surprise of all, just like we old folks had to do. So much love to experience, your heart will feel like exploding. The quilt is beautiful and will join one lucky baby real soon.


  19. Ami, your feathers are great. I guess it’s time in my quilting life where I should start doing some machine quilting on small things myself. Hum……I’ll think about that. Meanwhile, CONGRATULATIONS on getting the quilt and other stuff done before the baby arrives!!!! That’s one lucky child. Since it’s Monday, I’m thinking it’s D-Day or is that B-day? Can hardly wait to know the baby’s arrived and you’ve officially been inducted into the grandmother club!!


  20. I love being a grandmother, I know you will love being one. It’s way more fun than being a mom and I loved that too. I loved being in your classes and hope to do another one someday. Roxine


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