I’m Going to Be A GRANDMOTHER!

 ultrI’ve been sworn to secrecy until today, but now I get to spill the beans: I’m going to be a grandmother!

Our daughter Jennie and her husband Craig are expecting their first child in October. That would be our first grandchild. Just call me Grandma.

Let me first say that Babies R Us has seriously missed the boat with their lack of gender-unknown clothing selections. Within hours of receiving the news (that of which I could not speak until today) I drove right over to Babies R Us. Time to change the store’s name to Frustrated B Me. There were racks and racks of “girl baby” clothes and racks and racks of “boy baby” clothes, but there wasn’t even a section for “we won’t know until it’s born” clothes. I literally bought everything there was in the whole store for “either or” gender, size 3 months and under and I carried it out in one bag. Apparently ducks are big if you’re waiting to be surprised.

Baby’s ultrasound was the first photographs of my grandchild. (Excuse me, of Jennie and Craig’s baby.) I was as mystified by the ultrasound as I was by Babies R Us. I pretended to see the little head, and the little limbs. It wasn’t until Jennie told me where to zoom in (3 weeks later) that I could actually see these things.

I am following along on my What To Expect iPhone app and we are now in Week 12, Day 6. Never having been pregnant, I find this all totally amazing. The baby has grown from poppy seed to blueberry, to raspberry, to green olive, to prune, to large plum, and now to peach! I’m guessing that grapefruit it next.

Baby HatsAfter the disappointing visit to Babies R Us, I hit JoAnn’s to check out the patterns. Not a single long sleeved, footed sleeper with the zipper that runs from neck to crotch and then down one leg. I checked all the pattern books. I’m just going to have to reverse engineer one! I did meet a woman at the airport who showed me how to knit baby hats on a loom. I think I’ve made 27 so far. Poor little kid has nothing to wear but hats!

I think I’m OK in the quilt department, but I’m going to need your help with other things I can sew, along with your coolest ideas for baby shower stuff. I probably won’t have a chance to moderate/read your comments until Wednesday, but please share all your good baby advice where it says COMMENT.

Ami Simms

357 thoughts on “I’m Going to Be A GRANDMOTHER!

  1. Oh Ami …….I am so thrilled for you!!!!!!!! We waited a long time and now have 4 grandsons ……no chance of having a grand daughter anylonger. They did finally get a pet a little doggie named Rose…so the joke is she’s our grand doggie. The little hats are adorable ..never thought you could that on a loom …lol.
    May God bless that little baby and your family always!!!!!!!



  2. I’m not sure you’re going to want to sew those footie sleepers with that huge long zipper anyway, so I wouldn’t worry about a pattern for it. I made a few long dress type things with drawstrings at the feet for my boys. They were a lot easier for middle of the night diaper changes anyway. And for real little baby stuff, check out resale shops! Babies outgrow that stuff before they’ve had a chance to wear out.


  3. Okay, Ms. Hand-dyer, you seriously have to check out Dharma Trading Company’s bamboo baby clothes. I’ve done a bunch of funky onesies for my great-niece. It’s the most incredibly soft fabric and just so much fun to play with! They also have baby clothes in other fabrics (cotton, etc), but I’m particularly fond of the bamboo. And yes, you’d still be dyeing undies–just baby-type undies!


  4. Burp cloths, you can’t have too many!! If she is nursing, a couple of infinity scarves would be nice. Baby carrier cover(s) are nice as well as sleep sacks.


  5. As I “seasoned” grandmother of NINE, I would like to share this story:
    When I first learned that I was to be a grandma, like you I had to go out and buy something for the newborn.

    I was at Joann’s buying fabric to make something (it probably had ducks on it too), and had to tell the clerk my good news; “Guess what? I’M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!”, I said. The lady in line behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said: “CONGRATULATIONS! YOU’RE NEVER GOING TO HAVE MONEY AGAIN!

    She was right!


  6. Good for you! (And Jennie and Craig!) It’s probably a good thing that they only had one bag of 0-3 month clothes; my babies wore that size for exactly a week. Besides, one bag will last long enough for you to make it back to the store armed with knowledge of which rack to shop from… Have fun!


  7. WooHoo! This is so exciting. Congratulations Grandmother! Oh, the stories she will tell now. Can’t wait to hear it all.


  8. make the little babe some flannel burp cloths. 2 flannel fat quarters will make 2–cut in half on the 18″ width, using one fq for front and complimentary one for back. there are some adorable ones out there in gender neutral patterns. round the edges with a coffee cup and you won’t have those pesky corners to punch out. leave a space for turning and then press and top stitch or decorative stitch. not only good for burp cloths but wiping runny noses as they get older as they stay so soft after many washes. congratulations! many fun days ahead!


  9. Ami, there is nothing better in life than being a Grandma!!! Congrats!!!
    Make as much as you want, be sure you get a picture with the baby wearing it or holding it or reading it! This IS an adventure of a lifetime! Kathy


  10. I have grand daughters 11 and 13..i have also never been pregnant..but those are my girls!! I also recently adopted my former personal trainers little boy..H e has no grandmas…so I volunteered…what a joy…little boys really are different..and this now 18 month old is a little terror…very smart, very curious and fearless…anyway…for Colton AKA BUbba..I made small blankets out of flannel…I just sewed two pieces of flannel together right sides together…turned it inside out and stitched about 2 inches from the edge…they were meant to be like receiving blankets…I think getting them used to wearing hats and baby sun glasses early on is a good idea…so some little hats to shade their eyes is a good idea…bibs are so easy and fun to make…for bubba I made bibs out of discarded jeans and discarded khakis that belong to my husband…the opposite side was plaid flannel…..I also made bubba some little cloth balls and cubes to toss around..have fun it is a wonderful time being a grandma…


  11. Ami there are lots of things to make for that grandbaby. I remember when I was going to be a grandma for the first time. Now I have 5. If you take a 1/2 yd of Flannel and cut it in half. Fold it in half and sew it together, it makes a burp cloth.. I put 5 or 6 together and tie them with ribbon with a rubber duckie on top. I roll them and put three on bottom and 2 on top. If you go to you tube they show you how to make diaper cakes for showers or go to Pinterest. Lots of ideas out there. Have a wonderful time getting ready for that new grandbaby. What a special time in your life.


  12. So happy for you and Steve! And for Jennie and Craig, of course! It is the most joyful experience ever… ❤️


  13. Congrats, Ami!!! You’re going to be an awesome grandma. I have one myself, and it’s a blast! I also didn’t know the gender until she was born. Suggestions: sew your own outfits. There are patterns for everything if you look hard enough. You can also buy plain tshirts and tie dye, embroider, stencil, etc. You of the sisterhood of dyed underpants can surely dye onesies to your heart’s content! Another hint: learn to knit more stuff. Baby sweaters are really fun and easy. And your baby cannot have enough cute hats.


    1. Cindy, thank you so much for the encouragement. I did find onsies in Dharma Trading catalog, but they are all short sleeves and no legs. October is a little nippy here in Michigan.

      Go through your pattern stash and give me a name of your favorite one. Thanks!!


      1. Ami….baby shower idea: buy the white onsies in a couple different sizes. Let everyone decorate with fabric paint or fabric markers …. it is wonderful how creative people are!


  14. Receiving blankets—1 1/4 yd of flannel and use a serger to finish the edge with soft thread like Decor by Maderia or Wooly Nylon. The Decor is my all time favorite—Ami I have 10 grands ranging in age 4 months up to 23 yrs old. You are going to LOVE being a Grandma and Scooter will love being an Uncle. I know what you mean by Babies R Us—our youngest daughter who just presented us with GB #10—–4 month old Ian, did not find out the gender of any of her 3 babies—-so it is difficult, but I bought for both genders and returned what was not acceptable after the baby arrived—-but you need to WAIT (which is really really hard to do) so you buy stuff that can be returned according to their Return policy. Some stores are 30 days, some are 60 days and some are 90 days!! I also make hooded bath blankets out of plain old terry cloth—I just make them BIG enough for the baby to use—-those things you buy are the size of a postage stamp!! Good luck with trying to find patterns to make baby clothes!! Even if you find them, the clothes are not the proper size for the little bundles of JOY. Ami I am so happy for you and of course your Daughter and Son-in-law!! Congratulations.


    1. Diane, I have my Mom’s old serger. Never took it out of the box. NO idea how to thread it. I guess I’ll have to get really brave and try it out. Good thread recommendation. So how big is big when it comes to hooded bath towels if what they sell is too small?

      Thank you for your good wishes.


  15. I also made crib and bassinet sheets—so easy- peesy and you can make them out of flannel because your baby with be a Fall/Winter baby!! Enjoy


      1. I used to take several layers of flannel, serge the edges all together to make a thick blanket, and then sew ties to the four corners. I’d tie several of these on to the crib (it was Jenny Lind style so lots of things to tie to) above the mattress. When the inevitable night-sheet-changing occurred, it was so easy to untie a layer and lay the baby down on a clean ‘sheet’. I’ve often thought I should patent this idea!


  16. How exciting for all–dad, mom, grandma’s and grandpa’s! And the furbaby uncles and aunts!! You need to find the older knitting books–used book stores, etc.


    1. Well, first, I need to learn how to knit following a pattern. Those knitters don’t even use real words in their patterns. Everything is abbreviated. I don’t think they want me to knit.


      1. I’ll bet that many of your quilting fans are knitters, too. I knit far more often than I quilt. Just say the word and you probably won’t have to knit anything yourself. By now, in just less than one day, I’m willing to bet that you have a legion of us just itching to make something for that grandbaby. You are loved, Ami!


      2. Ellen, you are too kind. I’ve got a few patterns that I’d like to crochet, if I can figure out the patterns! There is a Yarn Club at out local JoAnn Fabrics, so I’m hoping to find answers there. If not, I may start begging….


  17. Ha! To the great cook! You have to have one of those watermelon baby buggies with the baby in it fruit display!!! If I made one, you can make one! Just google it. I made the one with the baby face made of a small or half cantaloupe!!


  18. Congrats to you and of course the parents too! I too will be having another Grandchild soon…but we have been told it is to be a girl as long as the ultrasound is correct! LOL There has been some problems at the hospital in question so DD is a bit skeptical for now!
    You can make the new one a car seat carrier cover in a fun print…boy or girl friendly…some receiving blankets that have flannel on one side and cotton on the other (favs of those I have made them for) and my DIL loves these swaddle wraps but I haven’t found a pattern for one yet to make a couple for my DD’s baby due in Aug…that should get you thinking


    1. Cathie, I have to learn about the newfangled car seats. We just threw Jennie in a bucket and tied it to the seat. (Just kidding, but close compared to the newer models.) That is on my list, but want to make sure it fits the specific car seat.

      Do you have a recipe for a receiving blanket? (size?)

      I did find a few swaddle wraps, but I’m still looking.


  19. Congratulations! For onesies type sewing, get the Kwik Sew “Sewing for Baby” book. The included patterns fit like ready to wear. This book has been awesome for at least 25 years.


  20. Congratulations Gramma Ami!!!!!! My favorite baby shower gift is a diaper bag – I’ve made several – I hope I am allowed to say the pattern name – I have no investment but love the pattern – it is called “Chubby Charmer Tote Bag” and uses 5″ squares – it is not originally a diaper bag, I just add pockets to the inside at the ends (perfect for bottles!) – its big advantage is it is HUGE. I’ve also made it as a knitting bag…. just my favorite big bag! As a gift you can “wrap” lots of little things inside it.
    -Maria in Tucson


  21. Congratulations!!! No special hints here. All of my grandchildren have four paws. I’m sure that you soon will be writing books on the subject since you have such a great learning curve. So much fun!!! You are truly blessed to be a blessing!!! I am looking forward to your future postings!!!


  22. Congrats! Another thing that whips up fast and babies need a lot of is burp cloths. Don’t forget a cute robe for mama to wear at the hospital! Much better than the gowns they give you. Just make sure it opens from the front for easy access for exams and breastfeeding. It’s so fun how excited you are. What a great grandma!


  23. Congrats! Enjoy every moment because they become teenagers faster than you can imagine. Department stores usually have nice baby sections.


  24. Oh Ami, I am so so SO happy for you and Steve… and of course the proud parents! I remember when Jen arrived… and what a special time it was. Looking forward to the excitement.


  25. Congratulations!!!! Hope it continues to be a wonderful pregnancy and a very healthy person emerges. Never being a parent (personally I think the good Lord knew what he was doing in that respect too) I don’t know a thing about babies to tell you. But Ami, I must confess, please forgive me – those hats look like thimbles. Are you sure that person wasn’t pulling your leg knowing your quilting history. ;-D


    1. Rebecca, you voiced our hopes too—easy pregnancy and birth and healthy little person. As for the size of the hats, apparently newborns are very little. And unlike quilts, knitted stuff does stretch. And, just in case I bought looms for the next 6 sizes, so I’ve got it covered.


  26. Congratulations Grandma! Bibs are really fun. Make one for every holiday with the appropriate appliqué on it, heart, shamrock, bunny, Stars and Stripes, apples, pumpkins, turkey, and Christmas tree or Menorah. Enjoy!


  27. Yay, yay and YAY!! I have a cute pattern for flannel burp cloths that my grandchildren all used… they’re easy-peasy and cute, too! I will send that off to you ASAP. Congratulations to all of you, what a happy post! :)


  28. Congratulations, Ami..One of my daughters favorite gifts was flannel squares made from 27” Wide Diaper Flannel. No one uses cloth diapers anymore but it makes the best burp/nursing cloths. I made 24 of them and she used them regularly. I serged around the raw edges and put a drop of fray check at the corners. After 5 kids they became dust rags…easy to wash, dry, fold and ready for the next use.
    Diaper flannel is very different from our quilting flannel..double sided.


  29. Congratulations! So very exciting…you will be the perfect grandma!

    As to suggestions? I bought 1 1/4 yard pieces of cotton flannel, trimmed selvage, hemmed all around, for just-right size baby wraps. The “receiving blankets” they sell today aren’t big enough or the right shape! Our six grand kids were swaddled in them, crawled on them, dragged them everywhere, and I can’t tell you how many times I was asked to patch them!

    I think I bought some cute patterns from Nancy’s notions…but that was long long ago.

    Enjoy! Oh, and encourage Jennie (if she is considering breast feeding) to look for a lactation coach or counselor. Not necessarily La Leche.


    Sent from my iPhone



  30. It’s not important WHAT you make; it’s important that you make something with love. And that’s the best part.


  31. I am so happy for all of you! Congrats! Wait until the first time you hear he/she call you Grandma! Talk about melting your heart. But there will be many more wonderful moments before that. First smiles, first coos. Enjoy every minute, they go so quickly!


  32. Congratulations – Grandma – the most beautiful word in the English language – you and your husband must be over the moon excited – here is a baby shower idea – buy white onesies – enough for everyone at the shower and have permanent marking pens – all different colors and have each person at the shower design a onesie for the perfect baby – just make sure that you have plenty of cardboard so the budding Picasso’s will have something to support the onesie while they are creating – rather than putting it on the table and having the pens leak through to the tablecloths – once again congratulations!!


  33. Burp cloths. I hit the sales on flannel, and there are beautiful designs. I favor the kidney bean style. Must have made 100 + and shared the extras with “the hope center”. Absolute necessity and you cant have too many. Congratulations!


  34. Congratulations! What joyous news! You will love the experience and you will find more things to make and buy than you can imagine. AND- – – you already have that wonderful ball pattern! :-) You can make a dozen or so of them. LOL Have fun, Ami.


  35. Ami, Check out Studio Kat designs-she just showed the great nursery items she made with Laurel Burch fabrics for her new grand plus instructions!! Also a great backing for baby quilts is Minky–they and Mom love it!


    1. Great tip! I will head over to Studio Kat designs. I’m a big fan of fleece for baby quilt backing (no batting needed) so I would imagine Minkee would be awesome too!


  36. Congratulations. Such a fun time in life. I also make burp clothes, but I buy cloth diapers and sandwich them between the fabrics I am using. I wash everything so they are really absorbent. Sometimes a burp is a whole lot more than just a burp. LOL I also find my embroidery machine very useful. Especially when the sex is not known. I can embroider many things that are not sex specific. And everyone always thinks I worked really hard when I embroider something. If they only knew. Enjoy this fun time.


  37. Congrats! You are about to embark on THE MOST AWESOME experience of your life! The love you feel for your grandchild is like no other love on earth (and I would know because I have 7 already and #8 is on the way!)

    I have made burp cloths, diaper bags, bibs, and, of course, quilts for new little ones. I also made an heirloom christening gown that has been worn by each of my grandchildren for their baptism.

    Also, check out a Carter’s store. They have lots of gender neutral layette items for you to spend your “grandma money” on.


  38. Ami, the most wonderful part of your life is about to begin–well, actually it looks as if it already has begun. Blessings and good wishes. Stephanie


  39. Real old fashioned receiving blankets…but 1 1/4 yards cotton flannel, slice off selvage, hem all the way around.

    Instead of the zip up jumpsuit, think about onesies (long or short sleeved) with matching pull up footsie pants. Easier diaper changes!!!

    Try Children’s Place for nifty clothes for infants, babies, children, as well as ideas for making your own. Baby Gap is another good place. I find babies r us to be frustrating and annoying!

    I made fleece “angel suits” for our grandchildren. They were box bottom hooded long sleeved gowns. I cut and interface slits for car seat belts in them. My girls loved that the babies had a “snowsuit” for car rides and rides in a shopping cart!

    HelenMarie Marshall


  40. What fun lies ahead for you and Steve. If you count your time and the price of the materials (but not the love), you’ll be better shopping at the sale racks. Macy’s has great sales! Indygo Junction has a really cute pattern for a poncho, lined or unlined, laminated fabric or Sherpa. Blessings, Donna


  41. CONGRATULATIONS Granny! (The queen of England is a granny–why shouldn’t the Queen of Everything Else be one, too?:)) How ’bout making some soft bath towels — square, with a smaller square folded into a triangle and bound into one corner of the towel…for a little hood?


  42. Congratulations, Ami!

    I made a fleece jacket for the baby of a friend of mine – to judge size, look at a shirt in the right size. Then just cut 2 T-shaped pieces of fleece, slice one up the center, and sew it together. I sewed on ribbon ties so there would be no buttons for baby to choke on.


  43. Nothing in the world as wonderful as being a grandmother. Yoi will never be the same and it will be terrific. You will be an important
    person for This child. I am so happy for you and yours. Imogene


  44. Congratulations, Ami! I hope that her pregnancy goes well. Your post made me get into my pattern box & dig out what I used for my son & daughter 40+ years ago. The newborn patterns only have the sack gown that ties at the bottom but no pajama-type outfit I did find a pattern with a long- legged romper (no feet & zipper in the back) but it’s a size small not newborn. You are welcome to the patterns if you’d like them


  45. Congratulations all around! I’m so happy for all of you! One great gift is flannel receiving blankets – Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co. has a great tutorial for one – here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqwdNqMZ8Ro
    A great idea for a baby shower activity is to pick up a bunch of onesies in various sizes, and a variety of fabric paint. Each guest gets a onesie and a template with a cute picture cut out – affix the template with temporary adhesive – use the template to paint something on the onesie. When the weather is cool, the onesie goes under a sleeper or shirt, and when it’s warmer out, the onesie becomes the t-shirt!


  46. Ami,
    Great News! I’m not a Mom or Grandma but I am a Great Aunt 9 times and about to get another one in September. Already planning to make another Paparazzi Cover for the Baby Carrier. You know most people throw a receiving blanket over the thing while the Baby is sleeping to keep the light down and quite for the baby. Then struggle to carry it by gripping the handle through the blanket. Here’s a good solution. Make a blanket cover with velcro handles to attach to the handle so the blanket hangs free below it so you have better grip and can carry it easier.

    Get some cotton flannel any two colors or prints you want. Cut a front and back in a square from the width of the fabric (35″ or 42″) and use a plate to round the corners. Sew right sides together using 1/2″ seam, leaving a hole to turn. Clip corners, turn, press and top stitch the blanket edge so that it closes the opening where you turned it.
    Cut two pieces 4″ by 17″ for the straps. Fold the straps right sides together and sew and turn like the blanket and top stitch. Now you have two straps. Use sew on velcro, I used 2 1/2″ of 1″ wide, for each strap. Make them so they form a big loop closing with the velcro. Find the middle of the the blanket and measure about 2 1/2 ” out from the center in two directions. Most carrier handles are five to six inches so this leaves space to grip the handle. Sew the center of the strips down to the blanket. Now you can “hang” the blanket under the handle with the “canopy” going over the carrier seat with plenty of space to grip and pick up the carrier.

    As for shower gifts, I usually get an assortment of all those little things you need and package it up in a receiving blanket and tie it up in a bow. Things like, clip to hold on the pacifier, little cage basket that goes in a dishwasher to put bottle tops, pacifiers and small things to sterilize, baby cups with tops and handles (also know as sippy cups), cup that holds juice boxes, package of the disposable liners for bottles with a bottle they work with and a few extra bottle tops if they have them, baby thermometer and any other little helpful gadget I find.


  47. I know a quilter who has created a quilt pattern for a ball that little hands can hold quite easily. It might not be for the first 3 months, but those grandkids do get bigger eventually. I think it’s Ami Simms that sells the ball pattern. Or it might be her dog that sells them! LOL


  48. Woo hoo and congratulations to to the Simms family tree!! A truly exciting time. On the practical side, a set of everything that the parents have . . . car seat, portable crib, high chair, play mat, play pen, baby bath tub, rubber duckie (I’m sure this is showing my age – oh well!), additional sets of clothes and diapers to change in due to spills and other things. That way the parents won’t have to tote everything to come over. Which might get them to come over more often if you are set up to receive the precious bundle!! Enjoy every joyful second of this great blessing God is bringing you.
    Hugs, Allison in Plano, TX


  49. I make a variation of a ‘taggy’ blanket. Actually, I always make 2 – because mother’s have told me that they have to have a spare in case the original is in the laundry or has been left behind (don’t let this happen). If you think you dare cause this much drama, proceed as follows. Take 1/2 yard of minkee. Fold into the center from each of the selvages, wrong sides together. Cut down the middle to make 2 pieces; trim approx. 18×30″ each. Sew ‘satin’ binding all the way around .Watch your language. Remember: Always be careful of what you place in a babies bed.


      1. Bunny, with all the comments, and being on the road right now, could you please email me the instructions again all together. I don’t know if I can find your other comment. Thank you!!!


  50. Congratulations Ami! There is nothing like being a grandmother- fun, fun!! I suggest you get a baby quilt started but don’t finish it until she/he gets here and you can embroider the name, weight, date, and time of birth in the center square. Wonderful keepsake for the baby. Remember years ago when we were trying out the printers that did pictures (paper backed cloth). It has been perfected now, and you could even put her/his picture in that square! I did it 12 years ago, and it is still in good shape.


  51. I am so thrilled for you. I was just that excited every time I got the news. Can you believe it is better than quilting?

    And in 18 years, when AG (Ami’s Grandchild) is headed off to college, packing some of the quilts you’ve made this year (made in a size which is usable beyond the first year!) you’ll still be thrilled. Through your tears. P.S. Start a college fund!!!!


  52. Congratulations Ami! Grandchildren are positively wonderful! When her friends have babies, my daughter in law makes them something that she created. No name for it but it is a small quilt backed with terry and has an area on the top that is padded extra for baby’s head. Its a carry along pad for changing baby when away from home. It rolls up and has a strap that goes around it(attatched at the back) to hold it in place(velcro on the ends) Her friends love it.


  53. I’m still waiting for my turn, my 41 y.o. son will be getting married in August. You are so lucky! Don’t buy any of those size 0 things, buy bigger size because they do grow into them.


  54. Personally I believe that every new mother needs both a shopping cart fabric insert and an insert that goes in high chairs — both of these are totally nasty dirty. Children chew on the cart handles and leave wet unmentionable things on the seats. The inserts have fabric that wraps around the handles and you can attach toys to them, they also protect the baby from any other germs that might be left on the carts or chairs. I have seen patterns for these in the books at fabric stores. Also, it’s nice to have one of those front carriers to put baby in. I don’t like the back carriers because you don’t know who is touching baby back there while you are in public.


  55. I too am going to be a first time grandma. It is exciting ! I went to the thrift shops and bought my daughter a huge bag of clothes in all sizes for the baby. I found that more gender neutral clothes were in the boys section. And beautiful hand knit sweaters that had never been worn, or only worn a couple of times. Thrift shops are the way to go for baby things. I found out that my grand baby is a boy. Congratulations to you. – Terry in Maple Ridge, BC Canada


    1. Terry, I just had a quick trop to Salvation Army and found a “hardly used at all” outfit. At those prices, I can outfit a boy AND a girl and just donate back whichever we don’t need.


  56. Congratulations, “Grandma” and “Grandpa”. How about “Uncle” Scooter too? I am so happy for ya’ll.
    What wonderful news. I remember way back when Jennie arrived.
    The only pattern I have is one where you take a small hand towel, fold down one third of the length and cut a half circle in the center of the fold. Then open it up and sew on some bias binding or knit ribbing fabric (the kind they use for Tee Shirts) so you can pull it over the baby’s head as a bib or burp cloth. No strings to fool with and the fabric is very stretchy and soft. Very washable too.


  57. Congrats…I still have a few years till grandkids.
    U might want to wait a while to get everything. Their friends may want to get the baby something. Stay with your strengths. A friend, who is also a quilter, made her grandchild a quilt for the baby’s first year, plus the complete nursery.


  58. Ami, congrats to you, Grandma, and those kids! You will have so much fun! I will bring you my burp cloth pattern when you are in Nebraska later this summer — I put a light padding in mine, my friends/kids love(d) them (good for all kinds of things!). I also made various sizes of flannel blankies (one layer), again, for all uses! I am “Kitty Grandma”, do you think you will be “Scooter Grandma”?????
    see you at the NSQG


  59. First, Congratulations!!! Exciting times ahead.

    Many ideas (and none from any manufacturer as not knowing the gender of a child before he/she arrives seems to be an anomaly) blankets as noted above. soft toys. a cover that goes in the grocery cart and in those wooden high chairs in restaurants. I gave up on colors for babies and went with brights and the parents’ favorite sports teams. NFL and NBA and many colleges license their logos for fabrics. Hence, 6 grandsons and one granddaughter later (and one someone else on the way) we have lots of Pirates, Steelers and Penn State things… (yes, from PA here) Oh – and a little Chicago Bears, too.


  60. Taggy blanket – two pieces of fleece (12inches square or so), and different sizes and textures of looped ribbons pinned or basted around the edge of one square (raw edge of ribbons along the edge with loops toward center of square). Sew fleece right sides together, leave an opening to turn, yada yada, you know how to do the rest of that. :-) My grandkids LOVED their taggy blankies and one couldn’t fall asleep without it. He would go from one ribbon to the next, feeling the textures between his fingers and in no time, he was asleep. Some people sew things in between the layers that make noise – empty chip bag for crackling noise, squeaker, etc., but I always thought that would just keep them awake and defeated the purpose. :-)


  61. Congratulations, Ami! I have used cloth diapers (from Walmart) and machine appliqued fabric down the middle (padded part). Then put rick rack over the machine stitching to use for burp cloths. Also, cut four 8-inch squares of Minkee (different colors, different textures), sewed them into a 16 x 16 square, machine appliqued a 2-inch square of kid fabric in the middle where the four seams meet. Then I back the whole thing with satin, turn it right side out, and stich close to the outside edges. Babies love to feel the textures and sometimes this becomes their “security blanket.” I once had to make one just like a previous one because the recipient took it everywhere and the mom was afraid he would lose it, which would not be good.


  62. Fantastic! I can’t wait to see what patterns for all baby things you come up with in the next 6 months and what new lectures or classes are wound around “babies – girls or boys”. Just ENJOY!


  63. AMI, Now that you have everything that you must know about being a grandmother I will not give you any advice. So I will just say enjoy the fun with that grandchild and provide him/her with lots of little books and read read read read to him/her (even as a newborn) while hugging as long as he/she will let you. Grandkids are the best because if they are getting too rowdie for the faithful Grandmother, he/she can be given right back to the Mother without feeling any guilt!! Enjoy being a Grandmother and keep us posted as I know you will. Love for all you have meant to us quilters through the years.


  64. Check out Pintrest and Craftsy for all kinds of patterns for baby clothes and shower inspiration. I’ll just bet you can alter any thing you see there to meet your needs:)


  65. That is wonderful news!!!!! It’s great to see you’re enjoying it so much! All good wishes to all involved….


  66. Sounds like you are getting good advice on sewing for baby. My first grandchild turned 18 this week. Those were the fastest 18 years of my life. I was in the room when she was born and have loved every minute of her life. Enjoy


  67. Grandparenting is so much fun. We have 2 granddaughters and didn’t know until the got here what was coming! Nothing wrong with not knowing, I didn’t with my 3 girls. Just enjoy the adventure!


  68. Congrats to you and your family! Looking forward to updates and photos. Being a grandparent is the BEST!!! You said you were looking for an easy receiving blanket pattern — 2 pcs flannel 3/4 yd each OR 3/4 yd flannel and 3/4 yd minkie type fabric (the minkie makes it cuddly soft and warmer), trim to 27″ x 30″ or 30×30 if you want it slightly larger; right sides together, round corners using a curved ruler, saucer or cup, stitch 1/4″ seam allowance; leave about 8″ unstitched for turning; turn and handstitch closing; choose a decorative stitch using colorful thread and sew about 1″ all the way around. If you want to use a ruffle or ric rac it’s also easy to add. Use the leftover fabric for burp cloths — 10″x24″ and use the same sewing method as the blanket. Also, long “dress” type gowns with a drawstring bottom are much easier for diaper changing than the long zipper. Check out “sewingsupport.com” for free baby patterns. Have fun for many years sewing the cutest clothes ever!


  69. Congratulations to all of you! I have a feeling that we are going to see some GREAT patterns, clothes, quilts, and what have you out of this experience


  70. A tad bit EXCITED are you??? What great fun to read about your Grandmotherly adventures so far…..the next 5 months are going to be special in many ways.
    The Mug Bucket from Buckets Gone Wild is a dandy baby gift….I put Q-tips, fingernail scissors, cotton balls, a rattle, thermometer, etc in the pockets instead of ruler, pencil, seam gauge, ripper, scissors. Make one for yourself (for sewing stuff) as a practice for the one for Baby.
    Big hugs and congratulations to all!


  71. Ok, 1st things 1st…How does Scooter feel about this???? I have never married, never had a kid but if you make all of those burp pads and have extras send them to me! I am 62 almost, and will probably start drooling at any time. And of course it goes without saying…CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL:)


  72. My best advice is to take most of those clothes back and buy 3 to 6 months size. :) At least!
    In my experience, baby clothes usually shrink. (quite a bit!)
    And even if they don’t, < 3 months size will only fit for about a week.
    Course, my kids all weighed average 9 lbs… but still…
    Congrats to you! Babies B FUN!


  73. Congratulations, Ami and mom and dad. You may find some flannel covered rubber-like (possibly vinyl?) mattress pads in department stores (or Babies R Us?) for shower gifts. Washable, durable, smooth, protect the mattress, and the flannel coating is comfortable. Buy the big ones and they will last through the many grandchildren you get. I hope they still make them…I used them with four grandbabies sleeping on them every weekday until the last one was ten. (Toilet training is difficult with autism.) I just checked and mine still are OK after 20 years! Also, I could not have done without the little cloth carrier the little one sits in (cannot remember what they are called) with adjustable straps over my shoulders and around my waist so the baby was snuggled right against my front while I walked, shopped, loaded the dishwasher or whatever. Great shower gift.


  74. Something I started at our first grand babies ‘baby’ shower…each year on their (grand kids) birthday, I write a letter on what we/they did that year..funny sayings, walking, driving! (yes, that will happen!) and put it in a sealed envelope. I have a metal container where I keep a stack for each grand child. They won”t be able to open these letters until they turn 21! I’ve been doing this for the past 14 years. I hope I’m around when they read them! I know I’ve forgotten some of what I’ve written!!


  75. Congratulations, Ami! “Grandma” is the BEST title ever!! I made 2 quilts each for our grandchildren when they were born. With the first one, I bought a diaper bag and filled it with necessary items every newborn needs. Within a short time, that was filled to the point it wouldn’t close so I sent that home with the expectant parents. I then continued to buy things for the baby and once we knew it was a girl – and having raised 2 sons – I went into pink mode! By the time the baby shower rolled around, I had to find something to hold everything. The “container” turned out to be a Radio Flyer red wagon with the wooden rails around the sides! We’ve taken the grandkids for many wagon rides! Good luck and happy shopping/sewing!


  76. Congratulations!!! I love being a grandmother SO much! I have ten! I told my kids that if I’d known how much fun it would be, I would have skipped having them and just had the grandchildren!!LOL My best advice is to spend as much time with them (one on one/babysitting, etc.) and you will grow a relationship with them that will be close and last for a lifetime.


  77. Easy burp cloths are: buy premade fabric diapers and zigzag or serge colorful thread around the edges. Do each one in a different color or use multi color threads.

    To present, fold diaper in half, roll into a flower, using curling ribbon tightly tie several at the bottom of the “flower” and have a bouquet.


  78. Congratulations, Ami!…Of course you will be giving Baby one (or more!) of your Puzzle Balls…I make burp cloths with fleece on one side and flannel on the other. The fleece keeps the burp from going thru to your shoulder. The Moms I have given these to love them…


  79. Congratulations Grandma!!! I remember wanting to be a Grandma and finding sooooo much baby fabric for boys, girls and generic (just to make sure). Both of my daughters just shook their heads when they went into my “sewing room” because one piece of fabric was cuter than the next, but there was a lot. It has been 10+ years now (the two oldest are 10) and I still have some of the fabric in my stash. After four growing grandkids, that fabric is now going to baby quilts for our Guild charity efforts and diaper bags for shower gifts (easy to make – just use purse pattern that has pockets). Include flannel burp rags, flannel receiving blankets, and bibs and you will be Grandma of the Year. The most coveted presents were the burp rags and receiving blankets which were just serged around the edges. EASY!! and fast!! and cheaper than buying them.


  80. Congratulations!! I am so happy and thrilled for you! Being a grandparent is the best! The big 4 pattern companies have retro baby patterns and are a lot of fun – check them out.


  81. We will be sure to call you for lots of emergency baby-sitting and overnight visits. TLCB can’t wait for quilted everything and all the spoiling that comes along with having grandparents. Also, Maizie would like to remind you that she was your first granddog and has a present for you: a squeaker for one of her destroyed toys. She would like it put into a Teflon puzzle ball, please..


    1. My most wonderful daughter: you can bet on it. I’m there whenever you need me, and probably a few times when you don’t! I’m delighted TLCB (The Little Coffey Bean) is excited for quilted everything. Tell Maizie, my grand dog, to be patient a little while longer. Judging from the last few days, I may have to learn how to make puzzle balls out of cast iron.


  82. Ami, just hold that baby as much as you want. They don’t stay little for very long. I may be saying that because all 6 of my grandchildren were and are so far away I only got to see them three times a year – Tops – and their Moms didn’t want me to rock them!!!
    I found I didn’t know how to hold them except to rock in whatever chair I was in – that is until the parents came in the room.
    Being the GrandMother of the Father has it’s disadvantages and it’s advantages in that those precious babies are born and draw you closer than ever. Love to you, your Daughter, Grandbaby and son-in-love. (I meant law.) Margaret Lee


  83. Oliver and S has wonderful layette patterns! And my daughter says the Aden and Anais muslin receiving blankets are the best for day to day use. Congratulations, it’s such a wonderful journey for you all!!


  84. Congratulations, Ami!!! How happy you are. Not being a grandmother myself, I can’t give you any advice except quilts, quilts, quilts.


  85. Congratulations, my first daughter was married 9 years before we had the first joyous news of their tiny patter of feet, but I don’t know what happened must be something in the water as from 2010 through to now we received into our family 5 babies plus 2 on the way. Hubby thinks it must be contagious,lol, but they are all precious bundles of joy. The great part of being a minima (that’s what I’m called instead of Grandma) is you can play,hold,spoil rotten,buy/make fabulous clothes etc & when they need a sleep or are grumpy you can hand them back to their parents, no broken sleep for us!!!! Don’t worry about the unknown picture reading of an ultrasound, it is a mystery only radiographers can decipher, but they look interesting.Be ready to be loved unconditionally, the greetings you receive as you walk through their front door (even if was only 2 days ago) is the tots running down the hall crying”Minima,I missed you” then the kisses & they go back to whatever they were doing unless they want you to do the thing they are,boy the floor is a long way down but the joy is worth the odd twinge or two from your back! Keep up the sewing & you must also bring out the crotchet needles & knitting needles. The mums really appreciate the handmade things. I have made each family an heirloom but with one of the girls I never saw it, the reason being it was too good to get messed with, but the others have used theirs & the comments from other people is usually “Where did you buy that? I’d love one too.”

    Maz BP


  86. Ami, this is the best part of your life. My eight grandchildren, and now one great; are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You will have a ball. And as you have been told, don’t buy or make too much little stuff, cause they grow so fast, you won’t believe it. But they do love the little onesie’s with the drawstring best as they are so easy to do without undressing the poor shivering baby. I am so happy for you.


  87. Congrats! What a happy new stage of life!
    My favorite gift to give new parents is a diaper and wipes clutch or 2. I put a travel pack of wipes in and also gift a bag of diapers (you can never have too many, and most stores will exchange sizes for unopened packages.) The clutches are nice to just grab out of the bag and head to the nearest restroom. I kept one in the car as well for those emergencies when the diaper bag is inexplicably empty of diapers and kept a onesie tucked inside as well. And then one for the pool with swim diapers. There are tons of tutorials out there, but I like the one found here: http://www.sewmamasew.com/2010/10/october-15-sushi-roll-changing-pad-and-diaper-wipes-pouch-tutorial-sew-baby-giveaway/
    It was easy to get diapers and wipes in and out. Lots of the tutes have the openings on the short side. Those did not work as well for me.
    The accompanying changing mat is nice for those floor changes. I didn’t use mine very long though. Baby outgrew it quickly. I used the clutches for 4 years though!

    I am sure I don’t need to say have fun with the gift planning! :)


  88. Being a grandparent is so special. Just remember that they grow sooooo fast that they will need 6mo and 9mo sizes before they have worn all the small sizes. I still have quilt fabric for baby quilts. Need to use it for future great grandchildren.


  89. Congratulations!!!! What a lucky child to have you for a grandmother! If it’s a boy, make Peepee Teepees-lots of them in cute flannel prints. They are guaranteed to be a hit at the baby shower!


  90. Congratulations Ami!!! I think that is fantastic and it couldn’t happen to a more wonderful lady. Please (gently) hug the new mom to be and give her my best. Now as for clothes, you could make some onesies that are non-gender specific. Try looking in some of the department stores like Target, Kohl’s, etc. they should have something that’s non-gender specific. You could buy white outfits and dye them lovely colors that could be used by both. I mean you dye panties, why not little socks, shirts and such.

    Can’t wait to see what your future grandchild turns out to be and sending prayers that he/she is healthy and happy and that the pregnancy is not a difficult one. Who knows, perhaps she’ll have twins! Knowing you, I’m betting that grandchild will be just smothered in love and spoiled to no end.

    All the best,

    Terri at the Drake’s Nest now in Palm Bay, FL


  91. Congrats! I’m not a Mommy but I am the favorite Auntie! I always give a basket/cloth storage bin of goodies for the shower. I include a couple of homemade hooded towels, sunglasses, a couple of outfits in larger sizes, a roll of dirty diaper bags (like dog poop bags), and the book the Polar Express.

    I also always have a car seat of my own, change of clothes, diapers and one of those small containers of wipes (both in the car and at home). My nieces and nephews are all out of diapers but I still carry the wipes in my purse! Those things are handy for everything!


  92. Great news! Best wishes to all!
    I saw your post when I went to your site to pre-order the puzzle ball pattern because I am also awaiting my first grandbaby in July.
    Fear not the serger. It’s the perfect tool for stuff that will go through the laundry a lot.
    I gathered up a stack of fabric and projects and then stepped on some black ice Feb. 20 and broke my right ankle and haven’t yet been able to use my machine foot pedal. Guess it’s time to learn to use my left foot!


    1. Ouch! So sorry to hear about your ankle. I guess if you can sew with the “other” foot, I can try the dreaded serger. When are you coming over to help me thread it?


  93. Such great news! I was over the moon with happiness for all three of my grand babies, and with the third one, I was there for her home birth. Note, I said “her”! After two adorable blonde and blue-eyed boys, we have a blue-eyed brunette who just turned one last week.

    You have many great ideas here from your followers. Maybe you can sew some maternity clothes for your mama-in-waiting. Pattern books have only a few patterns but you’re clever and will adapt and create fun styles. Ditto for baby clothes. I am happy with clothing pattern books (Cute Clothes for Kids, 0-5 years old) and others.

    If you can’t decide what to buy, take a stroll down the lines at MoMA Museum Store. Better, save your change and start a college fund (I don’t spend quarters for any reason, rolling those to present as college fund deposits. Maybe you can even think of a big item that’ll be needed, like a crib that converts to a youth bed (IKEA is a good place to start) or a co-sleeper crib for night/day nursing.

    Think about starting a journal of how you feel knowing you’re now granny-in-waiting. Paste in the sonograms, etc. Plans, hopes, dreams.

    Lots of love to all of you–and thanks for sharing the good news.


  94. I am thrilled for you, Steve, Jennie and Craig! As for the hats, my sweet little great niece wore hats all the time (even in Arizona!), because her hair took awhile to grow in to her mom’s satisfaction. Hats are adorable on little sprouts! God bless!


  95. What fun for you Ami, and blessing to new parents to be.
    Your grand babe will be the most colorful dressed ever and just enjoy as the best is yet to come! Like the ideas about extra clothing and bags, can never have enough supplies, and can see you already making “quilted” diaper covers.


  96. Congratulations!!! I am SO with you about the non-gender baby clothes. I became a grandma in Oct 2012 and again in March 2013. First one a girl, second one a boy. Loved shopping but wanted to get some generic items when we had the baby showers earlier than we knew what was coming. Maybe we need to start our own baby clothes line!!!


  97. Congratulations. Being a Grandma is the best. I should know I have 6 granddaughters Only problem is they grow up so fast. It’s also really fun watching your daughter deal with all the things you dealt with and having her ask for advice. Suddenly you’re very wise.


  98. Congratulations! My only grandchild is now 3 years old and so much fun. Try looking at sew baby.com. They have fabric, patterns ,snaps etc. Have fun!


  99. Congratulations! And welcome to the best “guild” or club to exist! I have 9 and was thrilled every time I heard the news. This grandchild will bring you more joy than you can imagine. Your heart will be full.


  100. Congratulations on soon becoming a grandma – it’s lots of fun. I hope those stores straighten up and start stocking “either gender” stuff !


  101. How wonderful! Hearty congratulations to the whole family including Scooter. All of these ladies have offered you a wealth of ideas.

    I am not a birth mother (“I don’t know nothin’ bout birthin’ babies”) but raised my husband’s daughter from ages 11-18 (the horror years). She now has a daughter who is 6 (stay off the roads). So glad you get a grandchild right from the start! As to colors, what ever happened to soft yellows and greens? They seem to be co-sexual!! Just do what feels right without going too crazy. Jenny might even line up some swap-moms from an upcoming mom-to-be class!


    1. Mari, I’m in the same boat as you, so I am learning lots on my What To Expect app about the biology of birth. Love your term co-sexual and your great idea about swap-moms. Thank you!!!


  102. MAZEL TOV! You will be a super grandma! I’m sure Steve will be a super grandpa as you picked him and he has done a good job with Jennie. I hope she has an easy pregnancy and a good & quick birthing experience…love & hugs & kisses, peggy & bill & farfel
    Oh yeah – Scooter will be an UNCLE!!!!


  103. Congratulations Ami! A word of caution on the 0 to 3 mos. sizes. I too had to wait until the baby arrived to find out we had (okay, they had) a little girl. However my thin, 5’3″ daughter managed to bring into the world a little porker almost 9 lbs. I think this was probably due to her 6’4″ husband, but I digress. Those 0 – 3 month little thingies either never fit or were put on once for a quick photo before the little darling outgrew them 5 minutes later!!


  104. Congratulations! My first grandson is almost 10 months old, and I have loved every minute of being a Grandma.
    I found patterns on Pinterest for crib sheets, and then bought fun, boy-themed fabrics…some flannel for the winter weather..and made about 4. I also knit and crochet, so made sweaters, matching hats, and blue “baby uggs” to match one of the sets.
    Jenny Doan’s video on YouTube is an easy one for a flannel blanket with self-binding. I used the leftover pieces for burp cloths…better with terry cloth on one side…he never had a dry burp!
    I also made an animal-themed baby quilt which fit in with the nursery theme my daughter decided on. Martingale has just published a really cute book by Cheri Leffler, “Animal Parade”, which has some adorable quilts in it.
    Enjoy the “getting ready” time’


  105. I like to make buntings out of fleece for new babies. There are a zillion different patterns and colors of fleece, and the bunting is a nice mid-weight layer for Spring and Fall. I don’t see the pattern I have any more, but Simplicity has a pattern for them, so I imagine others will, too. Congratulations and enjoy!


  106. Yo yo animals are cute and easy to do. Also sock monkey are making a come back and are great for either gender. Congratulations to everyone, being a grandma is great!!


  107. I am absolutely thrilled for you ALL! These are exciting times! There is nothing like being grandparents…completely different from being parents! Spoil them all you want..it doesn’t hurt. Just keep those kisses & hugs coming. Children are truly a gift from God! Enjoy the wonderful times that await you, Grandma. I am blessed with 11 grandchildren!


  108. Congratulations! You’ll love being a Grandma! My youngest son & wife with the youngest G’baby were specific that all baby clothes be non-gender specific. They found they were having a girl, but still wanted non-gender clothing. Now that Maya is 19 months, she is adorable in pink, wears a lot of it!


  109. Ami – how wonderful- it will change your life in many positive ways. Just a little note – most folks get tired hearing too many details of what is happening. Some things are exciting and some details are just tolerable! Plus some folks might not ever be a grandmother like you. So try not to over do it. I am just saying.

    Also blanket sleepers have gone by the wayside. SLEEP SACKS are the new thing and the zipper is put in upside down so it won’t rub the babies chin!
    No blankets are allowed in the crib for young babies because they might pull the blanket over their head and suffocate.

    No bumper pads either. Go to a good baby store and ask what young people use these days.

    Be careful what you buy second hand as some things are no longer valid. Car seats and strollers soon go out of vogue or can have something wrong and are recalled.

    I am excited for you!


  110. Congratulations, Ami! I’ve been a Grandma for 11.5 months now and I am still amazed at how cool it is. Of course, my little Oskar is just the coolest and cutest little guy, so it is easy to love him. ;)
    Advice? go buy a bunch of that coytton flannel that says ‘I <3 Grandma' and maybe some bibs that say 'Grandma loves me' you get the idea. Make up a bunch of receiving blankets with that flannel, and a few burp cloths too. Mostly, have fun!
    PS a few years ago I met you in Hampton, VA at an Alzheimer's Art Quilt exhibit, MAQF. We talked about Jennie's baby quilt because I recalled an article about that. Wow, now you are making one for her baby. Time doesn't fly, it zooms.


  111. Nothing I know makes me happier than a new life. Congrats from a grandmother of 5 and waiting to be a great grandma. Somehow the cycle of life takes the sting out of the road bumps along the way.


  112. One of my favorite baby gifts was a blanket that was large enough to cover my daughter and most of mommy while she was nursing. It was warm when up in the wee hours of the morning. Congrats on the great news! Lot the baby lots cuz they grow up very fast.


  113. Congratulations! A suggestion that does not involve sewing… Gift your grandchild with a Mother Goose book, my kids loved Richard Scarry’s Best Mother Goose Ever. Then every year on the baby’s birthday trace his/her hand inside the front cover and date the outline. The book becomes a wonderful record of how the baby grows!


  114. Congratulations to the new parents and Grandparents. I have one 6 year old Grandson and being Grandma is THE BEST! You’ll love it and oh how many fun things you can make for that special baby. I made several boppies – C-shaped pillows with cotton or flannel slip covers used for propping the baby and resting your arm while nursing and also to sit baby in. My grandson still uses his as a play pillow. I made several different covers in various colors and materials. You can either make the pillow yourself or buy one at a fabric or craft store and then just make the covers – where the creativity comes in anyway. I made about 20 of these over the years as gifts and embroidered the a design and the baby’s name on it. The purchased Boppie/Nursing pillow comes with a template to cut the fabric out and then apply a long zipper for easy on and off for washing. Also, made an embroidered T-shirt for every holiday and occasion for the first 4 years of his life. It was fun to see how creative I could get. Before you know it, the little tyke will wanting to sew along with you – believe me, I know – my Grandson sewed his first pillowcase, one of 4 he’s done so far, at age 4 and a dresser scarf for his room and now working on a Scottie dog toy. He loves going into my sewing room to pick out fabric. As I tell all new Moms, don’t blink, Grandma, or baby will be a toddler before you know it. Enjoy that Baby, every day.


  115. Congratulations! Grandchildren are simply THE BEST! My favorite thing to make for babies is crib sheets. They are quick and easy to make and you can make them from seasonal prints for fun! I use 70 inches of cute fabric, cut and 8″ square from each corner….sew corner together…I use a french seam. Run 27″ of 1/4 inch elastic around each end of the sheet starting 9″ from the corner…around the end and 9 inches past the 2nd corner. Repeat for the other end of the sheet. If this is hard to understand I will email you better directions.


  116. Ami, several of the pattern companies have cute patterns for “quiet books”. The baby won’t need that for a while but (depending on how many pages you make) they can take a while. Very cute. . .


  117. I’m so happy for you and your family! Babies are the best gift in the world! Jenni will need lots of help Grandma, especially at first. You might want to just clear your calendar and move in with her for the 1st couple weeks (or months!) Thanks for sharing your joy with all of us!


  118. Congratulations!! Grandkids are wonderful…the best part is spoiling and then giving them back! But you won’t do that will you! LOL


  119. Congratulations to your daughter and husband and of course you Ami ! You are gonna love being a Grandmom! What will you be called, Nana, Gram, GMom ?


  120. Smiling at your good news! You are SO going to enjoy being a grandma. And I’m thinking that in a few years, you’ll have a new pattern collection of all the things new grandmas need to make!


  121. Ami: Congratulations. I had my first grandchild when I was 51, it was a girl and I was over the moon. I have one son who has now made me a grandmother 4 times. 3 girls, 1 boy. God bless.
    Linda from Pennsylvania


  122. Congratulations! Hug them every chance you get. They will too soon be all grown up as mine are. Give them memories, like how to quilt


  123. Congratulations Ami to you, grandpa to be as well as your daughter and her darling husband! I found at Joann’s thin knit fabric 54″ or 60″ width that I cut about 2 40″ square and sew together and turn over and top stitch the opening together with a zigzag stitch or any other decorative stitch. My daughter loves them and she uses them sometimes as a light blanket instead of the flannel receiving blanket as well as covering the changing pad which sometimes may get wet from accidents. I have also made minky blankets as well as fleece blankets that are used all the time. Enjoy being a grandami and just keep smelling that baby smell!! You can get high on it. Their first smile, their first teeth-just enjoy and take it all in maybe keeping a journal to be shared later when they are a little older and can appreciate the bond the two of you share!!!


  124. Congratulations. It’s so much fun to spoil your grandchildren. I have a friend who made a diaper bag for her first grandchild.


  125. I feel your frustration looking for gender neutral clothes. Went through the same with my first grandchild (now a boy). Aren’t there layette patterns anymore? seems to me I might have sewed something gender neutral. Well, anyway CONGRATS! Huge thrill! I know you have the quilts covered, but a flannel patchwork receiving blanket is neat to make too!. No batting involved, just patch the top and back it in flannel. I tie my with yarn/ribbon in a few spots. Soft and warm ! Be Blessed and Have fun!!!!!!


  126. congrats to all. Burp cloths made from cloth diapers (walmart or target) cute fabric added down the center or bubble paint used to write “Spit Happens” make cute practical gifts.


  127. I made lots of sleepers in my time, but these days Mom’s are preferring “onesies” and I admit they are great. There are all kinds of long sleeved onesies that snap in the crotch. And I bet they’d be fun to make too. CONGRATULATIONS from us up in Oscoda.! See you this summer.


  128. Congratulations, Ami! I’m the grandmother of sixteen grandchildren, to date! Only three of our children are married and these sixteen miracles have all been born in the span of seventeen years – I’m tired! :-) I made a baby quilt for the first grandchild, never dreaming I would almost go into mass production! I just finished the 15th quilt and am starting on the 16th. I back all the baby quilts in flannel as that is something soft touching the baby.

    The other tradition I started was writing each grandchild a letter telling him or her what was going on the day they were born. Sometimes I had humorous things to share, wrote about the relatives who had the same name they now have, what the weather was like, how excited we were, how their siblings couldn’t wait to hold them, perhaps some family history, such as their two great grandfathers were in WWII and where they were. I also include how their parents worked together during labor and birth as that is very beautiful. I include how much they weighed, their length, if they had hair on their head, etc. The list can be endless.

    I always end the letter with something about the importance of faith and family. I tell them how blessed they are to be born into their family, how much they are loved and we really looked forward to their arrival. I also stress this is their time in life and they are here for a reason.

    I also include with the quilt and letter a decorate box for the child’s drawings, cards, etc.,.. small treasures to be savored later on.

    I work with a lot of troubled families, to many are fatherless. I cannot stress enough the importance of the love of grandparents to their grandchildren and how much our grandchildren’s love means to us. We don’t have to shower them with a lot of toys and games, there is ever so much more to give them in time and attention.

    Though I have a head full of white hair (I’m still taking two ballet classed a week, though!) I carry with me very fond memories of my grandparents.

    All the best…


  129. Welcome to the club! You are right the “waiting” to find out the sex is lacking a all areas of baby clothing. We are all expected to find out.
    I have been working on that problem (tell me if you solve sooner than I).


  130. If someone hasn’t suggested it yet – i didn’t read all the comments-
    please consider the self facing flannel blanket at Missouri Quilt Co.Jenny’s video’s are the best and you can make one in 30 minutes. With only a 30″square and a 40″square, you can use all those cute flannel prints.


  131. I’m coming to this party late as for some reason I haven’t checked in on your blog for a while. I am the grandmother of 4 and the fav thing I did for the babies is 40″ square receiving blankets. The ones they sell now are tiny and are useless. I make them from 1 1/4 yd of flannel and just hem the edges. The flannel sticks to itself well for swaddling.They have mopped up various bodily fluids and are washable to infinity and back. I suggest 4 or 5 of them . I am from the Racine Lighthouse guild and took your class. SQUIRREL!


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