Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival

What a wonderful week it has been!

I came a day early to hang the Alzheimer’s exhibit, “Alzheimer’s Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope” with Sherry Whitford. We were assisted by Judy Simmons who also taught at the show.

Their arms got longer handing each of the 236 quilts to me one at a time. My legs got a workout going up and down the ladder.

On Thursday I taught Dancing Spools, and I hope one of my students would be kind enough to send a photo of their quilt as I seemed to have forgotten that I had a camera with me that day!

Friday was Twisted Sisters and lots of blocks were stitched. I always marvel at the fabric combinations students come up with. They are truly inspired.

Below is a slide show of some of the blocks, along with the other images on this post.


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Saturday I got my upper body workout ironing strips for students during my String Quilting workshop.

Each of the 24 students sewed at least three string sets. With five seams in each to iron, I swiped that iron more than 350 times in about two and a half hours!

Somewhere in there was a lecture called “Living With Quilts: A Survival Guide.” (I think that was Friday night. And Show & Tell on Saturday night.) It was a full week.

Sunday the exhibit quilts came down with Sherry, Denise, and Paula getting most of the exercise. (Huge thanks, ladies!)

Thanks to everyone who signed up for my workshops and lecture. I know you have choices when you attend a quilting conference and I am grateful that you picked me!

Ami Simms

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7 thoughts on “Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival

  1. Thank you, Ami, for being my personal presser in the String Quilting class. I could learn to LOVE that kind of service, I will snail mail you my home address for future sewing marathons and will even provide the iron! ;)

    In all seriousness, thank you for making my Mid-Atlantic experiences SEW special this year.

    –You are very welcome! It was great fun to have you in class!


  2. Your workshops are always fun and informative. Wish I could have fit Twisted Sisters into my schedule. As it is I am heavily into Tammie Bowser’s ‘painting by number with fabric’ and I still am not seeing my terrier, whose portrait this is s’posed to be. Still hoping…..lol

    Thanks for your kind words. Coming home was not easy. Mom is difficult, dad is still hopeful and prayerful but wearing out. I’m thankful for great friends and a loving family and understanding hubby!



  3. So, THIS is your secret to staying so slim and trim! Awesome way to work out and do all that you do at the same time! Lovely that the exhibit seems to be super well received once again!!


  4. Loved the Dancing spools class. Sorry I can’t get a photo of all my classmates, but you can show my quilt if you want. I may even finish it soon!


  5. Good story Ami on helping families at risk – a friend of mine in South Bend, IN has opened a facility thru the help of many folks. Its goal is to help women at risk to learn many tasks, including sewing, quilting, etc. SEW glad to read about folks helping others, especially in this great time of need.


  6. Hello Ami

    This is my first visit to your site and i really enjoyed the tour…I would like to thank you for what you are doing..Not only with the work you do for the quilting community..but the awesome work in helping others in time of need..very special person you are..thank you and God bless you…

    Thanks again



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