Scooter Simms

I am named. I like it. I am Scooter!

Thanks for all the name suggestions. As mom explained it to me our home is not a democracy, it is a benevolent dictatorship. And Mom rules the roost. We’re not chickens,that’s just a metaphor. Possibly a metafive. I’m not very good in people-speak yet. Anyway, she picked Scooter.

We read ALL the names and she was closing in on Charlie or Cooper, and then I sealed my fate by be going after a peanutbutter-filled dog toy on my belly. I pushed it with my tongue all over the living room floor crawling commando style behind it. Later I went to sleep positioned  between the bed and the wall and by morning I had scooted almost totally under the bed and couldn’t get out. The next night I flipped around the other way and slept with my head on the carpet and my back legs up against the wall, as in over my head! A canine U-turn. Mom laughed at me out loud. Every time she woke up, my hind quarters were still higher than the rest of me and I had scooted a few feet farther away down the wall. I have no idea what I was doing; I was asleep!  But now I am Scooter.

I am great in the house! No accidents. I have no interest in anything around the house other than my toys, which are very interesting.  I am coming when I am called (sometimes), and I am learning “Go get it” and “Bring it” and “Give.” I have left presents in the yard when Mom asks. Life is good. Life would be better if Mom would just let me yank her around on our walks, but she’s having none of that!

More next time. Until then I hope you miss me.

89 thoughts on “Scooter Simms

  1. This makes me so happy! That is my dog’s name and I was going to suggest it but thought I was being biased!! LOL Welcome to the Scooter dog world, Scooter.


  2. We had a fabulous cat named Scooter who sounds a lot like you! He could leap high walls at a single bound and had a playmate, an orange Manx cat. They played street hockey with field mice. Max would go into the pacasandra and stir up the little critters and Scooter would herd them toward the street where the games took place. Great memories! They were too exhausted when they got back inside the house to be any disturbance. They ate their dinner and curled up together for a nap until their next adventure.


    1. That was so touching and well written. I could almost see it in my mind’s eye. My dog, Missy, is a mix who rides on my travet scooter. When people ask about her breed, I always say that she is a Scooter Dog. It leaves them a little confused. I will send a photo of us on my scooter to Ami.


  3. Hahahahaha!! Ami, I am so very happy for you and Steve!

    Scooter you are a pleasure to us all! I love your long aristocratic nose!


  4. Hi Scooter,
    When I came home I was very small and decided that I wanted my own bedroom under the bed so I could get away from my big sister, Feather. The dust ruffle let me hide if she got snarky. My mom and dad saw that I was getting REAL big fast so they had to buy something that made my bedroom much taller. Tell your mom if you want a taller bedroom and maybe she’ll like it better too like mine.
    Your buddy, Chase


  5. How funny… my brother’s nick name was Scooter until he hit junior high and would have NONE of that! He wouldn’t crawl as a baby. He scooted. Same general concept. Hey, Scooter: be on the lookout for dropped munchies when your mom is hand quilting. She likes to entice herself to sew by rewarding quilting with yummies. She might just drop some your way.


  6. Perfect, Scooter! Nice to meet you! You’ll have a great life now, with your new family.
    Love, Charlie, Lois Lane & Rocky


  7. Welcome Scooter. I had a foster dog named Scooter who was a very very sweet cocker spaniel. He was a very special dog because he had seizures but he found a home with a very nice older couple who had experience with that sort of thing. I think he was named Scooter because he would scoot to be as close to his person as possible. Usually on their feet.


  8. Hey, Scooter, welcome to the world of online blogging. I’m just glad to hear that your getting started on on the right foot as it were. Claiming a spot next to Mom on the floor at night is just the beginning and you aced it. Do you know that some dogs sleep outside in wooden boxes called dog houses? I can only imagine. How are couch priviliges going? That’s a good one to nail from the beginning. My people like me on the couch and if they feel crowded, I just gently place my chin on their lap and give them “the look”. (you know the one, where you roll your eyes and look charming and loveable……..) I also commend you on the commando crawling thing. Was that not good for another treat or what? I could take lessons from you. One of the focus points of our lives is getting treats and you are off to a good start. Try standing by Mom when she’s in the kitchen ( that’s the place with all of the food–you know the big white thing that’s
    cold and where they put the hot dogs, etc.) This is another opportunity for “the look”. I can’t tell you how many delicious morsels have come my way……I gotta’ go for now, time for my nap–got to rest up for dinner.
    Your loyal Black Lab Fan
    Pine Grove, CA


  9. Scooter – you named yourself! You have found a wonderful home and I’m sure your Mom is beside herself with happiness at your arrival. I look forward to hearing about your (and her) exploits in the years to come.


  10. Hi Scooter, Ms. Daisy and Yvette here..we join all your online firends in saying what a great choice for your name and welcome ! We can’t wait to hear all about your new adventures! Happy Paws to you!


  11. Well, did you have to steal my son’s nickname !! He’s been Scooter since he was 15 days old and he’s going to be 40 this year ! A lot of people in my family don’t even know his real first name !


  12. Sounds like you named yourself Scooter!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be a good boy, do what Mum says, and by the way, you have found yourself one awesome forever family!!!!!!!!! See you have started to blog already, and you didn’t even know you knew how! SMART PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. Welcome home, Scooter! You have a great new name, a wonderful family and many, many new friends who are already in love with you.

    Happy Life!



  14. Hi, Scooter. You just could not have found a better forever home. Your Mom is the coolest woman on the planet and will take you on all kinds of adventures. She will care for you and love you and make sure you are the happiest dog in the world. Welcome home! I look forward to hearing about all your adventures! Lisa T


  15. Hey, Scooter, welcome to our world. I just know you’re going to love being around all these quilters. Be sure to ask Mom to get you a piece of Ultra Cuddle. It’s the best! My mom put it on her sewing table for me and I don’t even feel like unthreading her sewing machine any more. Mom put pieces all over the house in my favorite places to look out the windows, and the best part is that my sister is too fat to climb up on anything so I don’t have to share.

    Tell your Mom she has to put up some pictures of you sleeping! My sister and I don’t usually like doggies that aren’t our own, but you look like a nice doggie, so we would be pleased to have you as a friend, Scooter.

    Love, The Girrrrls (Maine Coon and Orange Tabby)


  16. Welcome Scooter, what a great name you have! We are looking forward to your views on the world from under the desk, or under the sewing machine if that’s the case. You have some BIG paws to fill, Madison was such a fabulous boy and we still miss him. Keep us up to date on what’s happening in the Simm’s household.
    Deb, Patches & Sunny (the Golden Girls)


  17. I have a people named Scooter! I miss him since he is away at Graduate School. But when he comes home we have lots of fun together. Looking forward to reading your blogs!
    Welcome home Scooter.

    Your friend
    Anya, the german shephard


  18. Love the name Scooter! So glad happiness has returned to the Simms household.
    FYI: I was going to name my daughter Ami (34 yrs ago) but thought she wouldn’t appreciate telling people it rhymed with salami, so we named her Jane. ;>)
    Little did I know!


  19. Scooter, sometimes our furry friends provide us with the best names possible and I thnk you did just that. Welcome to our family of furry and people friends!


  20. Yeah Scooter!!! Yeah Ami!!! It takes commitment, time, and lots of love to adopt a new four legged family member.

    Good for both of you.


  21. Welcome Scooter! I’m looking forward to getting to know you! You already sound like you fit right into your new family!


  22. Scooter we can’t wait to read more from you. Bein’ a young pup and all you should have lots of adventures to share.

    Fred Mertz, Jack & Otto


  23. Truthfully I think it was marvelous you used charades to tell your mom what you wanted your name to be. Scooter sounds so fun loving and, let’s face it, you deserve a good home. I don’t think you could have found a better one. I’m just new in my house also, I got bigger than the breeder thought I would and so I’ve relocated to this Mom who really needed a new friend. She’s a little slow in getting on board with who’s in charge, but sometimes concessions must be made.
    Congratulations! Calypso, the White Lab


  24. What a great name!! Sounds like you fit it prefectly! Your a lucky dog, enjoy your life!! There’s many fun things to do with your new family, enjoy them ALL! Happy Paws to u,


  25. Hi Scooter!
    Spencer says to remind you to get your people on a schedule. That way you can keep track of the pack during the day. It is also very important to get your people to remember that feeding must be done at a certain time every day. Also treats are NOT optional!!! They are required.
    If you roll on your back and give them your belly once in a while, they will rub it for you and tell you how good you are too!
    Love from Chris B. and Spencer the newf


  26. In the theater world, I think that’s called “cast to like.” Welcome home, Scooter! I look forward to hearing from and about you for many years to come!


  27. Scooter, it sounds like your name was meant to be! It’s perfect for you! I’m so happy for you and your human family. Looking forward to your blogs!


  28. Hi Scooter. It sounds to us like you are already a yoga dog and doing legs up the wall position. We know how relaxing that must be for you. Our mom gives us doggie massages and stretches almost every day. You have a great mom so one of the first things you should learn is not to play drag mom with her. It will hurt her arm and then she won’t be able to brush you. Welcome and we love you already, Shunka and Bai Guo


  29. Scooter,
    Sounds like you and your Forever Mom are having a good time. I love your name and the story of how it was chosen. Just tell her that I was the quilter in her class that won the Godiva chocolate at the Aburn workshop. In case any of the other quilters are jealous, tell them they sat in your mom’s car in the hot sun.


  30. Welcome Scooter. You are one lucky canine to have found your forever home. But then you deserve the best the world has to offer. Don’t forget to practice “The Look” as often as possible. It usually brings a smile to your people’s faces and maybe a treat or two. Looking forward to your future writings.


  31. That handsome smile on your face… the look like you have a secret. You knew all along that you’d be Scooter, didn’t you? Rascal you! We love you already.


  32. Scooter….
    it fits, wear it with pride, and
    Life will be better for all of you if you only


  33. Welcome to the world of blogging, Scooter! I look forward to reading lots of posts by you. I enjoy hearing the unique perspective of a dog.


  34. Scooter, what a great name for a great looking dog. Mom’s arms won’t stretch by tugging on Mom and your legs won’t get shorter with lots of walks. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine we are having here in Oswego, NY.


  35. Welcome to our world Scooter. Sounds like you and your new family are all winners and so are we as we get to hear from you!


  36. So happy for you, Scooter – I think you’ve found a great new family. I look forward to hearing from you regularly!!


  37. Kudos from Kira!
    As a spoiled rotten girly type red Doberman, I can tell you a thing or three about getting your family to do right by you. Be sure to train them right from the beginning so they won’t go astray….LOL. Treats are daily, massages too if you want. You are a special dog (just look where you landed!) so you need to act special too. Then everyone you meet or write to will see how wonderful you are.
    Scooter, it’s all good from here on…..
    Kira (and Dyanna)


  38. Scooter … now that fits! You did a good job picking your own name. I’ll bet that was the plan all along. ;-) So nice to meet you “Scooter”.


  39. Welcome, Scooter! I’m glad you’re a writer, like Madison was, I’ve really missed his point of view.


  40. was out of the country when madison passed so had to go way back to find out .Happened that way with my dog too but she had bone cancer and we could not let her suffer anymore. Glad you have a rescued dog that needed a forever home and love reading your blog from his perspective…sherrill


  41. Scooter Simms, you are a perfect match for Ami. I’ll enjoy hearing about your antics, I may even laugh out loud, which will be great for my disposition.
    Pets are the best!
    Smokey the Cat, who is never where my Momma thinks I am. I have a cloak of invisibility.


  42. You might remember me and Duffy. We adopted him this Spring, in memory of Madison. He has been a joy and delight to us, as you probably knew he would be. I am trying to send an attachment so you can see that he loves to sleep on his back with his short little legs sticking up, sometimes it looks like he is trying to pray. He also sleeps with his eyes open. Didn’t know that about dogs.

    Love you see your photo of Scooter. Happy days are here again!

    Stephanie and Duffy Givens


  43. Welcome aboard Scooter, My Scooter is a lab pound puppy. He is the best ever and I am sure you will be the best ever also!!! Love you always!!!!!!


  44. WAelcome to the world of quilting and blogging. I think Scooter is a good name and you will use it well. Tell your mom I said hi and to teach you some simple quilting things to do. I hope you are going to start your blogging soon.


  45. Hi Scooter,
    I’m so glad your new mom and dad brought you home. We, my sister and I are also adopted. Our mommy and daddy adopted us two years ago. Mys sister is a Collie/Shepherd mix, her name is Libby, and she is 3 years old now. I am a Beagle, named Bailey (Beagle Bailey, my parents have a sense of humor) and I don’t know how old I am. I have 5 pieces of buckshot, whatever that is, in my right side. Our new family loves us to pieces. Sounds like you got lucky too!!

    Love, Bailey Burke


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