Russian Cream

I don’t cook, but I look at this recipe for Russian Cream nearly every day.

My mother framed it and gave it to me.  It was written by her mother, my Gramma Jennie.  Some day it will belong to my daughter, her namesake.

On the back of the frame it says “circa 1945 shower gift card”  in my mom’s handwriting.

Along the left hand side is the recipe. It was written in pencil. The paper has darkened with age and the pencil lines have faded, making it very hard to read. I can’t quite make out the very last part.

On the right side, opposite the ingredients and instructions my grandmother wrote “annotations” in ink. Rather than transcribe them, I’ll let you read them as she wrote them. (Click on the pictures to make them larger.)

Heat in double boiler
1 pt sweet cream
3/4 cup sugar

3 tbsp gelatine (Knox flavorless) dissolved in 1 cup cold water

Cook in double boiler 15 minutes stirring occasionally.

Fold in 1 pt sour cream. Add 1 tsp vanilla, serve with preserved fruit.

My grandmother signed the recipe card this way: “Live life fully and enjoy your many blessings.”

I totally agree!

Happy Mother’s Day!
Ami Simms

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34 thoughts on “Russian Cream

  1. What a lovely remembrance. I few years ago I did family recipe books for my kids and they all say the part they love the best is all the recipes are in my handwriting with a little note about who it came from. And I have a single recipe in my Grandmother’s handwriting too, I never thought to frame it! Thanks Ami, have a wonderful day!


  2. What good advise. Fifty years ago I was given a pretty nightgown and negligee for a shower gift. Soon after the wedding we got a kitten. Not wanting them to be snagged I saved them, but when I eventually took them out again they were too small. Enjoy your nice things.


  3. First of all, I love your grandmother and the sentiments she wrote, which made me teary. The little note, which I’m sure she thought would be read and discarded has been saved all these years and read and re-read. Thank you for sharing such a lovely note with us. I will also share it with my famlily and friends.
    God Bless you and have a Lovely Mother’s Day.

    p.s. There may be a better way to preserve this special note, have you checked to see?


  4. What a wonderful treasure! A mighty smart lady gave us all some advice to use daily! Thank you so very much for sharing.

    Have a beautiful and Happy Mother’s Day!


  5. Yes it is wonderful, I shall save it also and put with some of my handwritten recipes and shared cookbooks.


  6. I spent today- doing just that—pulling out some of those special things out in Studio Be-and those not so special—are on thier way to Goodwill- because after moving them for the 47 gazillionith time- they never found thier “own ” places- guess they wasnt as special as I thought they were….. :)
    —Thanks for sharing this- very timely- my friend….
    and to have “known” thats how your mom lived….priceless….


  7. Ami, this explains a lot : about your mother, about you and the line of creative and wise women to which you belong. I am grateful that the universe saw fit to place me in her path.
    Happy Mothers’ Day.


  8. What a treasure! I love her descriptive language. I have a little recipe card signed by my husband’s grandmother Vivienne, from South Africa:
    “I champion the right to be myself, dare to be different and set my own pattern. Live my life and follow my own star.”


  9. How lucky you are to have this.. wonderful

    I have a little note my great aunt sent me with a letter when she was in her 70’s Life is short eat dessert first I treasure that she thought to tell me that.


  10. Ami, How wonderful you have that in your family history. Have you thought about printing this to fabric? Think of all the possibilities of design and preservation! I bet you have other treasures that you could use in conjunction and make a fabulous heirloom collage, framed under UV protected glass.
    You’ve opened up a “can of worms” of what to do with my own family treasures. My daughter is researching our genealogy, and has found wonderful documents that could be reproduced on fabric, as well as old photos, This is exciting!


  11. Wow. It is easy to see that heartfelt writing runs in your family. And what a precious memento you have in your grandmother’s writing.

    I’ll definitely be checking out the next 50% off framing sale at Hobby Lobby to follow your example.


  12. I have my mother’s recipes and the feast is really in the reading not in the cooking for me. I love to look at her handwriting and remember watching her bake in our small kitchen. If you haven’t done so already, get the recipe reframed so it can be sealed and UV protected. Thank you for sharing this treasure.


  13. Ami that is so wonderful…such a treasure to cheris for years to come. Hope you have it under archival glass…there is some kind that is UV resistent that reduces fading. Thanks for sharing it with us this Mother’s Day!
    PS, I miss Madison T. Dog!


  14. Ami,
    Thank you for sharing, and Happy Mother’s Day!
    What a lovely keepsake to pass down to future generations. So full of wisdom, and so true. Too many of us are looking to the future and to the past without savoring the wonders of today.


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