Santa Dog Brings Tidings of Joy

Mom’s busy. She is procrastinating. That’s why you haven’t heard from her.

Mom said I could bring you holiday greetings, however. So, like the song about the merry gentlemen resting, I bring you tidings of “Come Fur and Enjoy!” (I’ve recently been brushed.)

I love to wear my Santa suit. Mom made it for me. There was a hat too, but I don’t wear hats. (Tell her, please.) 

We’re wrapping present now, which is a good thing because I don’t smell very many under the tree for Madison. I will smell again later tonight when nobody is looking. Mom doesn’t wait until night-time. She vacuums the presents that say “AMI” under the tree. She tries to see if she can move them around and guess what’s inside or possibly suck part of the paper off. 

Mom is the worst present-wrapper ever. Nothing ever lays flat or matches up. She rips the paper all the time (half the corners are bare and poking out) and she uses lots of tape. I try to help whenever possible by holding things and suggesting places to strategically cover the rips and tears with bows. I wrap for her, but Mom is the only one that likes yellow fur under the tape.

One of our Internet  friends recommended this singing video on You Tube. Mom and I got a big kick out of it, so I hope you watch it.

I hope you find something nice to chew on under your tree this year and may all the squirrels that come into your yard be a little slow so that you can catch them and give them big Christmas kisses.

Mom will write again soon. Meanwhile, tell me what you’d like for Christmas!

Madison T. Dog
(A.K.A.  “Santa Dog”)

28 thoughts on “Santa Dog Brings Tidings of Joy

  1. Madison, my Mom LOVES your Santa suit and says you look very handsome! I hope you haven’t given her any ideas! As the Great Dane Queen of the house, I couldn’t possibly wear one but I would like to see my six-month old Great Dane sister Bella in one. If she could stand still long enough. Kids!! For Christmas I would like a large dog cookie and a dog bone all to myself. Bella would like anything she can put in her mouth – treats, cardboard, pillows. You get the idea. She especially like toilet paper rolls. She is easy to please. Merry Christmas to you and all your family!! Love, Maggie


  2. Except for your quilting talent, I’m sure we’re long-lost sisters. I wish you were my next door neighbor! (hmmmm. . . then maybe you’d help me progress with my quilting and we’d be even more like sisters!! Wow!!) Fritz Puppy Dog wants to assure you that Madison is correct. He said, “Dogs don’t wear hats. Give it up, Madison’s Mom!”


  3. Oh, Madison, what I’d like is for you to come for a a visit. I’m moving in to a new place and I bet you’d be a lot of help!


  4. Madison, you are such a love! If you ever want to go on vacation, I’d love to have you visit for a week or so and my two kitties will keep you entertained.


  5. Thanks for the note Madison – oops! – “Santa dog”!
    Wish your mom a very happy Christmas for me. Thank her too for sharing that video – it was so much fun!


  6. Madison, I know it is the time of year to be kind to everyone..*however* when I buy special food for the squirrels and they *insist* on eating from the bird feeder I have a problem blessing them.


  7. Dear Madison: Tell Mom that I really enjoyed the video…especially since I went to a Christmas Choir Concert, and that was the song the whole audience tried to sing. I have sent the video to the choirmaster…maybe next year???
    And tell Mom I am surprised she still wraps things! She must have enough in her stash to make totes or pillowcases or such to put gifts in! You could still help her…
    Have a Jolly Holiday.


  8. Well, Madison, I just think you look so nice in your Santa suit. And, frankly the hat is over-rated. We don’t wear Christmas costumes here. Mom tried to get us to wear the “hat”, too, but we didn’t like them either.

    Have you done any cookie baking there? It’s way more fun than wrapping presents. The crumbs are just delicious, something is always falling on the floor. And the house just smells delicious.

    We’ve been good dogs so we’re hoping Santa will be dropping by with a treat or two. We hope he visits your house, too.

    Merry Christmas to you Madison and your family,

    Your loyal Black Lab readers from Pine Grove, CA
    Molly and Abby


  9. Thank you Madison for the Christmas cheer. This time of year we need all the help we can get. My mom puts our presents way up high so that we cant get to them. But we know they are there anyway. I know I am getting a big rubber ball and my bud Shadow is getting a plush toy as he likes to carry them around. Cant wait for Christmas
    Your pals Baby and Shadow


  10. Santa Dog,
    We have lots of very fat squirrels around our house because we had a banner year for hedge apples and squirrels apparently love hedge apples. Deer like them also.

    My traveling prevents me from having a dog. It’s always delightful to hear about what you are doing. Here’s a pat from me.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year.


  11. Hobbs and Peaches here. We would check out the packages but mom told us we will have bones , and mom is making smelly mackeral treats which we love. Have a Merry Christmas unwrapping your gifts.


  12. Merry Christmas Madison and to your Mom as well. Tell her to try using an old rotary blade (in a rotary cutter) when she wraps presents. It’s much easier than tearing and/or cutting.
    Annabelle and Shadow (Border Collies), TN.


  13. Santa Doggie, slip some catnip under the tree, for me
    I’ve been an awful good cat
    Santa Doggie, and hurry down the chimney tonight!

    Love you Santa Doggie!! Come see me and my brother Shakespeare!!


  14. Besides enjoying the very precise performance, and the Hallelujah chorus…. it was a delight to hear the laughter of the audience. I’m sure God was enjoying it too.! Thanks, Ami.


  15. No way would my Mom get me in a coat – although, for a dog, you don’t look too bad (ha, ha, ha!) I get to help sew – I bring any dropped straight pins right to my food bowl so Mom can find them and I make sure I leave fur on her projects so she doesn’t forget me. I supervise all her sewing! Well, Madison, hope you and your Mom have a great Christmas – don’t let her put a red nose and antlers on you – even a dog has to draw the line somewhere!
    Jackie O’Lantern, the alpha cat!


  16. Hi Madison,

    This is MIssy, Uncle Bud’s dog, replying. I guess I am not the only dog that can use a computer. There are so many clever pooches our there! We ought to organize.

    I thought your pictures were great. You look so good. I haven’t seen or smelled you for such a long time. I want to wish you and your humans a very happy holiday season. I really appreciate what you do for Ami and also all of us dogs and cats.

    love and woofs from Missy


  17. Belated Merry Christmas to you Madison, and to your humans also. We don’t have such nice coats as you do, but we do have headbans that aren’t to bad for the two minutes they stay on. Our Mama and Papa don’t make us wear them.

    Maybe our Mama will see your handsone Santa coat and make them for us for this coming Christmas.

    Our squirrels eat from the bird feeders, so they don’t get their own feeders. They never let us come close to give them kisses either.

    Mama loved the video.

    See you next month,
    Care Bear and Martha


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