A special request today! Please copy and paste this  into an email and send it to any quilters or quilt lovers you might know! Help me spread the word. Tell me how you helped in the COMMENT section below.

Ami :)

Four Quilting Heavyweights Face Off To Fight Alzheimer’s

Smackdown Quilts

In honor of National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month four small quilts by world renowned quilters Hollis Chatelain, John Flynn, Becky Goldsmith, and Sue Nickels will be auctioned to benefit the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative(AAQI). The no-holds-barred, knock-down, drag-out, head-to-head, quilt-to-the-death (not really), grudge match will be held November 1-10 in the AAQI “Smackdown Auction Arena.”

The 10-day online silent auction is all about bragging rights—and raising awareness and money to fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Smackdown Artists

Chatelain, Flynn, Goldsmith, and Nickels created miniature masterpieces representative of their quilting style specifically for this head-to-head challenge. The quilts range in size from 16″ x 16″ to 18″ x 18″.

The World Quilt Federation Smackdown quilts will be shown prior to the auction, for the first time anywhere, at the International Quilt Festival (IQF), Booth #4660, in Houston, October 14-18. In a gutsy move Smackdown promoter Ami Simms (a.k.a. Founder and Executive Director of the AAQI) will allow the Smackdown quilts to be purchased at the IQF. Each quilt carries a price tag of $10,000.


“I’m fully expecting all four quilts to be available for the November 1st auction,” said Simms, “but I’m pretty sure the George R. Brown has a defibrillator on site just in case.”

A Viewers’ Choice component to the “Smackdown” will also be offered. Anyone wishing to support the work of the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative can make online donations to the nonprofit in amounts as little as $5 beginning immediately, assigning their donation to one of the four quilts. One dollar equals one vote. The quilt amassing the most votes will win the Viewer’s Choice Award. The Viewer’s Choice Award donations have no bearing on the sale/auction outcome whatsoever.

About the AAQI
The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative ( is a national, grassroots charity whose mission is to raise awareness and fund research. The AAQI auctions and sells donated quilts, and sponsors a nationally touring exhibit of quilts about Alzheimer’s. The AAQI has raised more than $316,000 since January 2006. Ami Simms of Flint, Michigan is the founder and executive director of the AAQI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit operated entirely by volunteers. She is a quilter. Her mother had Alzheimer’s.

*The World Quilt Federation is totally fictitious. Any similarity to professional wrestling is obviously intentional and all in good fun, although the winner will receive this cute belt.

WQF Smackdown Champion Belt made by John Flynn.


Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative
1200 Creekwood Trail
Burton, MI  48509


  1. Hi Ami,
    Can we see the quilts in a closer photo? I don’t know how to do an ‘enlarge’ feature over each quilt, but perhaps your site gurus know.

    Go to the auction page and click on each quilt. Once it opens, click again on the picture for a close-up. (Ami)


  2. I posted this on my Facebook wall, along with pictures of one of the rucksack Nanette and I made for Houston. Hoping AAQI makes TONS of money for research!

    EXCELLENT! (Ami)


  3. I am going to post the link to this blog letter in the forums over at QCA (Quilters Club of America) Those ladies…and gents, sure would like to chatter about a good ol’ quilting smackdown of any kind…especially one for a good cause. Best of Luck!!!

    EXCELLENT! Thank you for posting it to QCA! (Ami)


  4. You continue to come up with inventive ways to raise funds for combating this odious disease. And you create fun for all the participants as well. You are the ultimate Win-Win Lady!


  5. These are some of my very favorite quilters, not sure I can choose between them. This whole thing is vintage Ami. You’re making me laugh while reaching for my wallet, and I can’t wait to come see them later this week at Festival. I’ll write about this smackdown in my e-news this month.

    Hey, I want to see that wallet, girlfriend! Booth #4660. (Ami)


  6. Please give us a way to click on the pictures to enlarge them. I would love to see them in detail. I will put the link to this amazing smackdown in our guilds’ newsletter.

    We’re working on that. Later today you should be able to go to the auction page and see detail shots and super close-ups with each quilt. (Ami)


  7. I forwarded the link to my small group the First Jefferson UU Quilters in Fort Worth. The quilts are all awesome. Congrats to the quilters and good luck with the auction.

    Thanks, Mary! Tell the world. Know any newspaper reporters? (Ami)


  8. I have copy/pasted your announcement in the charities forum of the Jo-Ann community.

    Oh Baby! You’re good! What other online newsgroups to you belong to? Hint, hint….(Ami)


  9. I forwarded this to the quilters in my church quilt group. If only I had an extra $10k!

    Well done! A great way to help! Everybody can email it to their guild newsletter editor, too. And, stand up for Show & TELL at the next meeting! (Ami)


  10. This will be a blog post for me in a day or so … This is SO totally cool and amazing and awesome and specatacular and creative and . . . .oh, where is my thesaurus when I need it!

    WAY TO GO AMI!!!!!

    Blog, email, and tell people on the street! Thank you, Julie! (Ami)


  11. Dear Ami, I am a fan of your and Madisons remarks. Love reading about what is going on in the world of quilters.

    I would appreciate some instructions on the small quilts for Altzheimers. I have promised myself a couple of times that I have no possible reason for not helping out. XOXOX B

    PS – would one or two quilts each for five new great-grandbabies this year convince anyone that I was pretty busy this year? B

    PPS I give each NEW baby two quilts, and secondbabies one.. They already have the first ones- that is if they havn’t been loved to death :-) B

    Might be able to help after Houst. WAY after.


  12. Ami, congratulations on an ingenious way to continue raising funds for Alz. research. My husband passed away from the disease last year. I am participating in the San Diego Memory Walk and set a goal of $500 to be raised. I exceeded that goal and now have raised over $800. We CAN make a difference.

    Well done, Betty! (Ami)


  13. Thanks for the help in getting them enlarged. It does work on the site but not from the blog. Yes…wish I had $10K flat out to buy one. They are all just lovely.


  14. Posted on my Facebook page, and sent to everyone in my address book.
    People need to see these quilts!

    YES! Well done! Let’s see how many others can post to FaceBook! (Ami)


  15. Wow! Such gorgious quilts. I had this sent to all 105 members of my quilt guild. Good luck! You are always thinking of ways to raise money to fight this terrible disease and making people aware at the same time.

    Welll done! Now, if those 105 send to another 105, and they send it to ANOTHER 105….that’s a lot!
    Thank you! (Ami)


  16. I immediately sent out your great announcement to all I think would be interested yesterday. More will find out by word of mouth as I exercise at the pool. Good luck with this endeavor.


    Aquatic delivery….excellent! (Ami)


  17. I have forwarded the entire message to 10 or so of my friends and relatives that I though might be interested (most are sewers or quilters, but not all!), and plan to post the link on my sewing group, for those who might be interested.

    Really glad to see your sense of humor coming back, Ami! I know, it takes a while after you lose a parent. Hugs, Charlotte


  18. Those are all just beautiful – I’m so glad to see such talented teachers in the quilt world participating in this great cause with their wonderful talents. Quilt on, Sue


  19. Did you happen mention that John Flynn’s quilt is TWO sided? Having seen it close up and personal last week, I can testify that it and all the others are absolutely amazing!


  20. Ami–Thank you so much for posting! I look forward to each and every one…but I especially love it when Madison posts. You are a bringht spot in the world and you are appreciated.


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