I Live In A Padded House

Quilted Shower CurtainI’m probably the only one on my block with a quilted shower curtain, and I could probably say the same about my quilted clothes chute.  (Both are described at lenth in my ugly green book, How NOT To Make A Prize-Winning Quilt.)

I am NOT, however, the only one living in a padded house. If you’ve been a quilter for any significant length of time, you too have probably accumulated more quilts than beds.  Where else are you going to put them?!

After just a quick survey, I found 6 quilts in my office (OK some are really small),  9 in the hallway, 2 in the other hallway, 3 in the living room, 1 in the dining room, 2 in the sewing room, 1 in the kitchen (with matching bar stool covers), 5 in the upstairs landing, 2 in Jen’s room, and 2 in our bedroom (neither on the bed)! What does that make, 33?!  I should be able to bounce off the walls with nary a black-and-blue mark!

But wait, oh smirking reader. Let’s see how many quilts YOU have hanging around YOUR house! There’s a link to a little survey below. Before you jump right in you’ll want to snag a scrap of paper and a pencil. Maybe a calculator. Answer these questions as you tour your home counting YOUR quilts:

How many quilts…?

On beds: ______
Draped over railing, furniture: ____
Hanging on walls: ____
In storage (not displayed): ____
On floor (for pets): ____
In other places: ____

Got it? OK, great! Take the SURVEY and then report back with a comment to this blog below telling me the TOTAL number of quilts in your home. (I kind of forgot that in the survey.) Hey, I’m NEW at this!

On your mark. Get set.  GO!

Forward this blog post to your buddies and have them take the survey too!

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44 thoughts on “I Live In A Padded House

  1. Ummm – I have three on the bed, six in the living room, eight in the guest room (some are baby quilts in the closet for visiting grandest people)…and too many unfinished in my sewing area of the bedroom… This house is a bit small so there is no room in the kitchen. I used to have one in the car for the beach but it is in the wash – guess that means there is a quilt in the garage… Oh no – what have we started!


  2. I’m still a beginner, let’s see
    walls 4
    pets 1
    shelf 1 (waiting to hang)
    daughter’s dorm 3
    that’s 9 total

    I’ve got to get going!


  3. How many quilts…?

    On beds: 4 on 2 beds to sleep under, 30 plus on 2 beds “for safekeeping”
    Draped over railing, furniture: 17 including 1 unquilted top
    Hanging on walls: 3
    In storage (not displayed): don’t ask
    On floor (for pets): one
    In other places: we have another house with 8 more quilts in various places and there are 3 mostly-quilted ones currently next to my sewing machine, one of which I will take to Lancaster this weekend for “downtime” (and I forgot the 3 pieced tops for Ronald McDonald house and 2 for Camp Erin and 4 waiting for an inspiration as to quilting pattern)

    I am a Quilt Ho. BTW, one of the twin “quilt beds” has my quilts, the other has vintage ones I’ve collected over the years!


  4. Ok, this is quite the survey – I’ve never actually counted before.
    On Beds 5
    Draped over furnature 13
    Hanging on walls 18
    In Storage 40
    On the floor 0
    In other places 22
    Total 102


  5. Believe it or not, I have two store bought quilts on the beds in my house….5 lap quilts, 2 quilted placemats, and four unquilted tops. All the rest of the quilts I have made have been given to others, or were for customers! Having just moved and retired, it is ME time!! I have purchased fabric for a new quilt for just ME!! Boy, do I have some catching up to do!

    Ami, I would really like to know the pattern for your shower curtain…if you would please???

    It’s from a book of mine currently out of print. If anybody asks I might bring it out as a pattern on it’s own. But I’ll warn you, I used APPLIQUE! ~~Ami :)


  6. Quilts?? As in finished??!!?? I stopped lying to the friendly ladies at the quilt shop years ago – when they ask what I plan to do with the fabric, I say I’m taking it home to store it. My excuse has always been that I live alone — I’m trying to have enough fabric in the house so that when I get to broken-hip age, no matter where I fall, I’ll land on a pile of fabric. (Thus saving me the price of a MedicAlert necklace….. so, I’m really saving money in the long run……)


  7. 4 on beds (and only 3 beds, so go figure), 2 on walls, 2 hanging elsewhere, 2 in storage, and 2 that are pin basted but technically not “quilts” yet. Plus 3 quilted jackets, and a quilted cargo cover in my Vibe. I am not even going to start counting the number of quilts-in-progress – not enough fingers and toes in the household.


  8. Ami,
    Is there some equivalent measure for UFO’s to finished quilts?

    I don’t really want to admit that total, but since they do add a material amount (pun intended ) to the padded effect in this household…


  9. I refuse to answer because I will not acknowledge I have a problem. When my daugther was about 10 I heard her telling one of her friends we lived in a padded house because there were quilts everywhere. I say it makes the family feel safe!


  10. Ami – your survey wouldn’t let me enter 0, apparently. Wants a “positive number”. But I do not have any quilts on the floor for pets!

    For ZERO, leave it blank. :) ~~Ami


  11. I thought I had a lot at a total of 43, not counting UFO’s, but I see HelenMarie is far ahead of me, especially on the bed sized. WOW! But I may have the most in the kitchen. 19 hanging in the kitchen. 18 of those are up on the extra high soffit and are pot holder to placemat sized. They have been there 13 years, and it’s about time I did something different.


  12. I forgot to mention, I’m considering making some quilted bathmats. Would that be totally strange? i figure pieced top, double cotton batting, and maybe a heavier fabric back (cotton duck/canvas). then machine quilt.

    Brilliant! I want one! ~~ Ami :)


  13. I”m not getting into this cat fight! I have given away so many quilts I probably don’t have many here in the house–relatively speaking that is.
    However, I do want to tell you, Ami, I wore my newly finished rag fur jacket to Starbucks yesterday and ended up passing out 4 of my cards with your web address on it to people who asked me to make one for them! If you have a flurry of pattern orders from the Orlando area it’s courtesy of my Starbucks addiction! I told them I would be happy to make jackets for them but since I don’t own the pattern rights I really couldn’t do that! Let me know if you hear from the Florida cotingent.
    deb sims


  14. P.S. I quickly counted quilts in my head and without actually going around room to room I came up with 13–I’m sure I left some out!


  15. How many quilts…well over 200 quilts and quilted projects of all sizes.. someday I should count them!

    On beds: 1, only 1 bed in the house!
    Draped over railing, furniture: 3
    Hanging on walls: 21
    In storage (not displayed): about 200
    On floor (for pets): 0 (but I do have hooked rugs on the floor!)


  16. Oh boy….gotta go count! There’s 31 not including WIP’s on the design wall. Of course, there are some in my home in Nova Scotia but I can’t include those right now because I am not sure how many there are. Oh, and I have 2 more going to NS and am waiting for Rayna’s piece I bought in the Fiber Art for A Cause Reverse Auction. Not sure where I’m going to hang that one yet….It may have to travel back and forth between houses. Of the 31 here only one is a bed quilt.



  17. I seem to have 13 finished ones in the house, and several works-in-progress in various stages. Most of my quilts have gone to live with friends and family.


  18. On beds: ___11___
    Draped over railing, furniture: __8__
    Hanging on walls: __3__
    In storage (not displayed): __7__
    On floor (for pets): __0__
    In other places: _5___

    I don’t even want to count the ones that are just tops and still need to be quilted, or the WIPs. No wonder my dh keeps asking why do I ‘need’ to make more quilts. ;)


  19. I did have a quilted “toidy” cover, but when we redecorated it was removed. I still have the pattern and may make another ;-)


  20. Once I started thinking about it, I have more than I realized!

    On beds – 5, if you count the one that’s just folded and plopped there for lack of other space.

    On walls – 4, a 5th is waiting until I rearrange the furniture after the room got painted.

    In storage – 2

    I know it’s not many quilts, but I can say that I actually was saved by quilting when I fell coming in from the garage. I stepped on the hem of my jumper as I was at the door. I fell forward, narrowly missed the corner of the counter with my head, and landed face down on the floor in the kitchen. I was holding a huge bag of fabric and batting at the time, so I just rolled over and got up. Ta-DA!


  21. Hi friends –
    I took the official survey, but it wouldn’t let me include comments with my numbers. :-)

    On beds ZERO! What is wrong with THAT picture!?
    Draped over furniture – 3, living room
    Hanging – 3, all small
    In storage – probably … maybe… 75?
    On floor – NONE! although Kitty takes over any piece of fabric which is on a flat surface, and Shadow the dog will lay on fabric which is being ironed and is hanging on the floor
    Other places – 15 or so stacked on a high shelf in the sewing room, and maybe 8 in the hall closet.
    And I’m proud of them all, too! Bring on the detractors – and as for Kaye’s husband who doesn’t know why she ‘needs’ to make more – ask him how many different kinds of screwdrivers, or car parts, or computers (or whatever HE does) he needs! HA.


  22. How many quilts…?

    On beds: ____2__
    Draped over railing, furniture: _1___
    Hanging on walls: ___1_
    In storage (not displayed): __15__
    On floor (for pets): ___0_
    In other places: _11___

    I gave most of my quilts away. Love your shower curtain and the colors in your bathroom!


  23. I just did a quick count and found at least 30 quilts hanging, displayed, and a few baby quilts tucked away for future great grandbabies. I have one at the machine quilter and two waiting for the binding fairy to come and do her stuff. I also have four PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) waiting to be completed. I was pretty busy last year sewing on my rag fur jacket. I was at the grocery store last week and one of the tellers at their bank was making wild gestures at me. I thought maybe I was naked from the waist down or something so went to see what she wanted. She just said she LOVED my jacket. I told her where to get the pattern.


  24. Michelle…your bath mat idea sounds nice a squooshy and cozy but how ever will you DRY the thing/s? I am picturing 70 kinds of mold some of which may provide a cure for something, if only one can discover WHAT!



  25. I have 22 quilts on display, plus 44 tucked away. Yikes – 66 total quilts in my house. Some of them are really small. The numbers go higher if I include quilted postcards. Oh, and I forgot my holiday quilts, which I keep with my Christmas stuff. Better make the total more like 85. What a reality check!

    You didn’t ask, but I also have 6 quilts out circulating, including the one in your “Alzheimer’s: Forgetting Piece by Piece” exhibit.


  26. Well I am not much of a quilter. But you did not ask how many there are still in the sacks waiting for me to get started and the 2 or more in progress. There are probably 4 or more in that catagory. I have all of these wonderfl ideas when at Quilt Market with daughter Vickie. She really is the quilter of our family.

    On beds: ___1___
    Draped over railing, furniture: __2__
    Hanging on walls: __6__
    In storage (not displayed): ___2_
    On floor (for pets): ___0_
    In other places: ___5_


  27. I have 41 if you count the 8 placemats that are here. Plus there are several in progress and additional ones I have given away.



  28. I can’t count them because I would have to use quilting time to make the count. I keep giving them away, but they seem to stack up in the to-d- pile faster than I can finish them.

    Loving the process!


  29. I just counted 48 quilts currently in my house. After counting, I took the survey, returned to your blog and read these comments. Now I realize I forgot to count the placemats I’ve made, the quilted pillows, and the Christmas tree skirt up in the attic. In that case, my 48 is probably more like 73. I would never have believed it if someone told me there were 73 quilts in my house! I also realized there are no quilts in my dining room, so I need to get busy!


  30. I was surprised to count 20 hanging on my walls – at least people have no doubt about what I do in my spare time! (Bonus – they are so busy admiring the quilts they don’t see the dust bunnies!) I liked the question about how many more I could hang – I suppose that depends on how big I make them!


  31. I am glad I found your blog. Do unquilted quilts count. I am learning to free motion quilt. Taking the plung after years of wishing to be able to pay for long arm quilting. After too many annoying remarks from family about unfinished quilts. That is their opion. In my opinion a lovely to finished is finished. Wouldn’t you agree? Maybe you should ask how many wip’s everyone has. But maybe not that might be too embarring! Thanks for sharing…looking forward to reading more.
    Happy Quilting,


  32. I can’t possibly tell you the count of how many quilts I have as I don’t have that many fingers and toes, but I will tell you that I have had a quilt shower curtain for over 20 years! I skipped the batting but tied it for a quick finish and put a casing with button holes on the top. Works great, washes well, and I love it!


  33. Ami,

    Any that you do not want I will be glad to take off your hands. I give most of mine away & the ones that are for me are still in various works of progress stages.


  34. Well, not counting the one in process of machine quilting, the two in process of hand quilting, the top I am embellishing, the three “in progress”, thew ones made for others and given away, the two tops waiting to be layered and quilted and the three pizza boxes of blocks and pieces waiting for inspiration I came up with:

    On beds: 2
    Draped over railing, furniture: 7 Mine & Vintage
    Hanging on walls: 4 Home / 1 Office
    In storage (not displayed): 22 Vintage / 2 Vintage tops / 25 Mine / 4 Christmas
    On floor (for pets): none – the cats use what they can find and want to use :-)
    In other places: 2 Shower curtains (Fall/winter & Spring/Summer)


  35. took the survey on line, then read the comments, totally forgot about the 20 quilted placemats brings my total to about 50, Now if we are counting in process…that’s a way higher number!


  36. took the survey. Total of 72 Quilts. That includes one shower curtain and three bath mats. One of my old quilts was made by my father from the Enro Shirt Company in Louisville. I had a lot of fun counting and cataloging.


  37. Slow to reply but here’s my unofficial tally

    2 on beds (guest and master) – only beds in the house now
    28 draped over furniture or quilt racks or antique metal crib
    3 in the kitchen
    1 on the couch
    9 more in the living room
    4 hanging in the foyer + 5 others around the house
    1 on the floor for Miss Angel
    3 at my office
    2 in younger son’s apt
    1 in older son’s house
    3 in MIL’s house
    2 unfinished on design walls
    Total of 58 as of today which does not count the ones that have been gifted (15 or more) or the ones still under construction in my studio

    YEAH for padded houses!


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