Alzheimer’s On The Rise

The news is not good in a new report released on Tuesday by the Alzheimer’s Association:

The number of Americans with the disease has grown to 5.3 million. Their care continues to be a huge financial drain on our already fragile healthcare system and on the families who care for loved ones with this disease. Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death across all age groups in the United States. As yet there is not a single Alzheimer’s survivor.

In the next two years, the first baby boomers will reach their 65th birthday. One in 8 persons 65 and older have Alzheimer’s.

Don’t sit on your hands. Use them to fund Alzheimer’s research by purchasing a quilt from, or donating a quilt to, the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative.

Use them to write a check to support Alzheimer’s research.

Use them to email, fax, or call your congressperson to urge more funding for Alzheimer’s research.

We need YOU. Now.  Pass it on…

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5 thoughts on “Alzheimer’s On The Rise

  1. One in EIGHT? I’m speechless at the epidemic proportions of this dreaded disease. Thanks for keeping us informed and keeping Alzheimer’s in the spotlight. You are an amazing crusader!


  2. I just saw the Alzheimer’s quil exhibit while it was visiting the Amherst, Mass. Hands Across the Valley Guild quilt show last weekend. I went on Saturday and got all the ladies from our women’s group to go on Sunday – they all say they can’t quilt but I knew they would not want to miss the exhibit. I bought the book and I am sure many of them did too. It is hard to imagine that anyone could see that exhibit and not be changed by it. What an eye opener. Hopefully we can make a difference working towards the cure.


  3. Maybe the numbers are finally getting large enough to make folks realize what many of us have been trying to tell them all along ~ this disease kills and it wreaks enormous havoc on that terminal journey. . . thanks for being our leader, Ami!!


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