Clothesline, Baskets, and a Scooter Video

Backyard 1-2

I’ve been dyeing clothesline again and totally having a blast. While I’m working to accumulate enough of a selection of “line” for my June 24 Fabric BOWLing workshop with the Lighthouse Quilters in Racine, WI, I do have some extras if you’re interested in stitching up some fabric bowls yourself.  Supplies are limited, so don’t wait to order.

New Clothesline!

Using my hand-dyed clothesline to make “fabric” bowls means you won’t be using any fabric, which I know sounds a little strange. I don’t have a good answer for that. Oh wait! I DO! Wrap some clothesline using my PowerWrapper, the only quilting tool you’re supposed to sit on.

ScooterPawsYes, you can see Scooter’s portable kennel in the yard up in the top picture. When he was in there, he was under the shade of the “underpants” tree. (I dyed some panties too.) Then I let him out so he could help. Oh, what a big help he was.

Since so many of you commented that you miss Scooter, here’s a video of what goes on here most days.

Last time I mentioned my love of containers. I am a huge fan of those aluminum frame baskets. I have a growing collection, but I’m looking for a smaller model that I can bring with me on short car trips. There is absolutely no room in the car to put things, at least things I can reach from the front passenger seat without pretending to be a contortionist. I think I’ve found something that will work! I just have to pick which fabric I like best.

Red? Purple? Red? Purple? (Why is this so hard!) Click on the one you like best and get one for yourself.

I gave a lecture in Sarnia, Ontario last week and had a wonderful time.  The guild president was commenting on how nice it was to see so many people come to the meeting. I was impressed too, so I attempted to take their picture. There was no way I could fit them all in, even after they all leaned to the center, so I did the next best thing.  You may want to pop a Dramamine before you press play, or just hold onto your chair. Not to worry; it’s over quickly.

SherryNagelBefore Sarnia I spent two days with the Sunbonnet Sue Quilting Club in Sequim, WA. Sherry Nagel, one of my “Freedom to Feather” students went all out and took one of the many designs she whipped up in class and then painted it with Liquitex’s Dynaflo paints then she quilted it!  What a great job!

This is SO COOL!  Seriously, in class we just draw feathers until our fingers fall off. I rarely get to see what students do with what they learned.

Finally, for people who lack friends or enemies, but like to cook and want virtual interaction, there is a web page you won’t want to miss. You can sign up for virtual compliments or insults, and very odd recipes emailed daily or weekly. I already get enough email, but it was fun to click and sample insults, compliments, and recipes. My sample insult was, “You’re nothing but a laughable wagonload of road kill!” (This is so true, and I’m just sick about it). My pretend compliment was, “You are a stellar instance of perfection!” (I feel much better already.) Thank goodness the recipe was just as phony. Who wants to make Pan-Fried Buttermilk?! Go have a look at:


See you next time!

Ami :)

52 thoughts on “Clothesline, Baskets, and a Scooter Video

  1. I love these baskets! I have 4 of them in different patterns and use
    them all of the time….so get both of the colors! You won’t be sorry….they will be cheaper if you buy one now and one tonight.
    See, I did learn something from you!


  2. What a great video! Obviously he’s been feeling that your other job is getting too much of your attention, so he had to show you what your priority is! Thanks for sharing. Hug him and tell him we all love him to bits.


    1. Yes. Been there done that. Have they got any new ones at JoAnn’s? I like the kind where the handles go up and down—without collapsing the whole basket.


  3. Scooter is well bonded with his “mommy”. Have you nick named him Velcro yet? Love the videos. Keep ’em commin’.


    1. Penny, glad you liked Scooter’s video. When I played it back for him he said I made his butt look too big. I don’t think he has posted it to his FB friends yet.


  4. Awww, Scooter loves his Mommy Ami!! :-D I am so amazed at how far Scooter has come since you first got him! He’s a changed man, er, dog! Many people would have given up on his “exuberance” but you hung in there, and with your sewing skills, you’ve disguised your “longer” arm quite well!! LOL All kidding aside, you’ve done a wonderful job with him, and I love how he thinks he’s a lap dog! Love the clotheslines too, very pretty!


    1. Thanks Darlene! He’s still a work in progress, but then again aren’t we all? We’re still working on the “barking at everything” behavior, but he’s doing better. Thanks for your kind words.


  5. I’ve been looking at these baskets at Christmas Tree Shop. My daughter says I don’t need another bag. What is about big dogs being lapdogs? My malamute hybrid was of the same mindset; at 120 pounds though it was a bit of a scrunch.


  6. Hi Ami! I think I’ll pass on the buttermilk recipe (and the insults – I can already make myself feel bad enough without them : ? However, I’ll never pass on getting e-mails from you and/or Scooter. You are a hoot and thank you once more for a laugh and a little glimpse into the life of a stellar instance of perfection (don’t ever doubt it – you really are)!


  7. Scooter has come such a long way in his “forever home”. He obviously knows how loved he is and how much we all love him too! What a beautiful boy! Good Job, Ami and Scooter!!


    1. Nancy, does one really have to have a reason? If so, I suppose you could say fabric, fabric picked out for specific projects, things to do at the beauty parlor, things to take on road trips, things I can’t think of where else to put, incomplete projects, almost done projects, just-started projects….(stop me, PLEASE!)


  8. Hi Ami, It was so great to have such a long visit with Scooter! His teeth look so white, does he brush them. Do YOU brush them? I hope his breath is just as sweet since he gave you so many wonderful kisses!

    Sent from Rowena’s iPad


    1. Rowena, Scooter chews on elk antlers. They’re nutritional, keep his teeth clean, and hurt like the dickens when he drops them on my bare feet. His breath ranges from “not bad” to “strops clocks.”


  9. Love the video! Having a Golden, I know they rule the world. Really enjoy your newsletters, videos, classes, and lectures. You are so down to earth and a wonderful teacher. Thanks for sharing your life and Scooter’s with us. As time goes on Scooter will mellow and just be wherever you are. After all he needs to “protect” you. LOL


  10. Scooter, you’re SO good-looking! I’m glad you get to sit in Mom’s lap! Our doggies do too! Except….the Great Pyrenees doesn’t get to anymore…She’s waaaaay too heavy!


  11. Scooter reminds me of an incident that happened while I was working as a visiting nurse. I approached the doorway of a home where the occupant had just had knee replacement surgery, with a bag in each hand. As the resident opened the door, the beautiful golden came forward and put a paw on each of my shoulders. The owner could not grab the dog, post surgery as she was, so I was on my own. I got great hugs, but the excited dog almost took me down. He just wanted to pass on a little love. Stayed by my side for the whole visit. Goldens are such beautiful dogs.
    Thanks for the video and the picture of your booby trapped backyard. Who knew died clothes line could be so useful. LOL


    1. Claudia, sounds like you got way too much love. A big dog can knock someone over so easily. Scooter had a horrible time being “nice” to people coming to the door. We continue to work on that. Should you ever have a dog jump on you shout OFF! and step towards the dog briskly. Sounds unfriendly on your part but it’s for your own safety.


  12. I too always look forward to your newsletter…always full of such great news and ideas. And I often share them with people….they need to know this stuff!!! LOL Scooter is always so happy looking and I love seeing him! I know 2 little girls at my house (w/4 paws) that would love to play with him! One final note….I would use the baskets in the car to hold all the things I need for my errands ie: mail for the post office, items to return to the store, etc…when the basket is empty I can go home…or to the fabric store for a treat! Thanks Ami


  13. Finnegan is a 75 pound, 1 year old who is a lap dog. I agree – it is the only thing that stops the perpetual fetching. Can’t imagine life without them!


  14. Ami, I think Scooter is just the right size – a lapful of love! I once had a lap dog – a thirty-five pound Border collie mix. (That was thirty years ago, and I still miss her!) Today, I have a lap cat – a twenty-pound Maine Coon, who came to us as a ten-pound, half-starved, very frightened boy. (He had run away from his first home after his house burned, and had lived in the fields behind our house for almost a year before coming to us. Needless to say, he was in woeful need of a home and lots of love!)

    My husband and I both enjoyed the video of Scooter. Bud (our cat) is about the same color as your Scooter, and my husband said that they look quite similar from behind. (Don’t tell Scooter – he might be offended to be compared to a cat! Bud was certainly offended to be compared to a Golden! But if they ever got to know each other, I’m sure they could be friends!) There’s nothing like a hefty weight in our laps to make us slow down and enjoy the moment!


  15. Love the Janet baskets–have about 4 of them, and then I have a few others as well. My problem is that they get filled with quilting things, then I don’t have them available to take to the farmer’s market, then I have to buy another basket, and on and on it goes


  16. Ami and Scooter,
    I expect that Scooter has inspected the dyed results. And of course Mommy did and excellent job.
    Enjoy the newsletters and videos. Keep up the good work!


  17. Love Scooter! I thought my sixty pound lap dog was the worlds most spoiled dog, now I am not so sure. I was laughing so hard when he got up on your lap that Tag, my dog, came in to see what was going on. Love your blog, thank you for the entertainment.


    1. Emma, I was just going for a quick 15 second video of Scooter’s face. I should have known he would ham it up. He usually waits patiently to be invited into my lap, but the camera was rolling, so instead of a little reprimand he’s now a star.


  18. Thank you for the sweet video of Scooter loving on his mom. It made me smile. Animals are just the best!
    Lacey’s mom.


  19. Ami, I long ago learned that all Golden Retrievers are actually lapdogs, and they are quite shocked that smaller posers actually claim the position themselves. Even better than laps are beds–the big ones that the two-leggers sleep in. Middle is best. Another advantage to Goldens is all that money saved on makeup removers. I haven’t had to buy any in ages.
    Good boy, Scooter!


    1. Ha, ha! He is a BIG LICKER! We have to tell him “ENOUGH!” or else he’d never stop. And he does like the bed for cuddles, although he prefers to sleep on the floor or in his kennel. He is invited up every morning. He rolls over on his back, curls his paws up so as not to bump anyone, twists his head around in a 180, and then he SNEEZES!


  20. I love the videos of Scooter (and you, too). Maybe he should meet my lap dog Golden, Ben. He needs no encouragement at all to climb into my lap – regardless of what I’m doing! I wouldn’t change him.
    Those baskets are great. It’s what I use now to take what I need to classes.
    Ami…thanks for all the fun!


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