May Newsletter

I’m feeling random today.

I checked online to see if it was National Day of Randomness, and it wasn’t. I think that’s the way it should be. I mean, if we are supposed to be random on a particular day, doesn’t that defeat the purpose?

May 1st is National Lei Day — the flower necklaces from Hawaii. Took me a minute too. When I taught in Hawaii I was given several leis and I have to tell you they are amazing. At some point you have to put cut flowers in a vase on a table somewhere, but you can wear leis wherever you go.

I was also given a lei needle. It is 17.5″ long with a sharp point at one end with a crimp on the other end that reminds me of a crochet hook. It’s been threaded through the flannel that covers my design wall since 2004. It brings back happy memories every time I look at it. (You can click each picture below to see it larger if you are on the blog reading this.)


20130501-152442.jpgIn Honolulu it rained once every day (for about 4 minutes) and the temperature was perfect. It must have been 72 degrees all the time. I could live there. Easy. No, I still haven’t done anything with all the beautiful fabric I bought. It’s curing. I’m fine with that. It’s like money in the bank.

It got up in the 60’s here yesterday. The yard still squishes like a wet sponge so dying is out of the question until it dries out.

20130501-152507.jpgI swept off the deck last night and put up my dying table. I’m ready as soon as the weather cooperates. I have several pair of underpants (from the Yo-Yo Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties) to dye and about 2,000 feet of clothesline prepped and ready to go. Spring is good.


20130501-152528.jpg 20130501-153602.jpgThe deck was a mess, filled with leaves from last year. Sweeping was quite satisfying until I realized I didn’t really want to sweep them onto the grass where they would just blow back onto the deck. I wanted them bagged and gone. That meant picking them up—with my hands.

I wasn’t in the mood for getting dirty, plus there were creepy crawlies in there. How to get the leaves bagged without touching them?

20130501-153702.jpg 20130501-153721.jpg20130501-153627.jpgI duct-taped a hula hoop to the opening of an extra-large plastic bag to keep it open and pushed them in with the broom!

Mission accomplished.




I like containers: bags, tins, baskets, boxes….all of them! Here’s my short list.

20130501-153736.jpg1. There is something special about the Jumbo 2.5 gallon Hefty OneZips that drive me wild. They’re 14″ tall and 16″ tall and I have no idea what you’re supposed to use them for, but I can’t get enough of them. I use them for quilting projects and for hauling around quilt tops when I travel. They’re sturdy and they zip, and the zipper has a slider. Brilliant!

True confession: I’ve never purchased one. I’ve been recycling them from quilters who use them to protect their Priority: Alzheimer’s Quilts during shipping.



2. I have two favorite “pretty-to-look-at” tins: the Arnott’s Biscuits tin from Australia and the 1997 Baltimore Album Quilt Limited Edition tin from Milky Way are on the shelf in my office.x


20130501-153804.jpgI use an old Altoids tin as a sewing kit when I travel. Space in my carry-on is extremely limited and I have to bring something to sew when I travel, even if I never actually have time to sew anything. (Just knowing I could sew is very re-assuring.) Inside are my thimble, needle-puller (pinky finger tip from an old pair of yellow rubber gloves), needle threader, Thread Heaven, folding scissors, pins, needles, two colors of thread (wound on bobbins, wrapped with hair scrunchies), and an LED light for my index finger in case I want to annoy my seatmates on the plane at night as I sew. I’ve never done that, and I’m not even sure the light would work, but it fits in the tin.

3. I love Ikea. The first time I went to an Ikea store I spent four hours wandering around with my mouth hanging open and didn’t buy a single thing.

I’m over that now. I can still spend the better part of a day looking at all the cool stuff (family members have suggested a leash) but now I purchase.

20130501-153817.jpgI started teaching in my @Home Classroom because I could use the collapsible, round, pop-up-things called NOJE as personal thread collectors for each student. Sorry. Everything is named in Swedish at Ikea and most vowels have an umlaut which I can’t reproduce here—two little dots above the vowel.  NOJE are very cool. I bought them knowing that they were cool; I just didn’t know at the time what possible use I had for them. I enjoy buying “on spec.”

NOJE have been replaced by the less cool and somewhat stupid KUSINER  which I don’t like nearly as well even though they are the same shape. (Who needs the number?! Or, if a number were truly needed, why do they only go up to “three?!”)

I buy more GLIS nearly every time I visit Ikea because they could discontinue those some day and I don’t want to run out.

20130501-153832.jpg20130501-153842.jpgI use them to organize my scissor drawer (you will have to look carefully as my organizational skills are questionable at best) and to haul around the extra light bulb for my digital projector. No, I don’t know how to change the light bulb, I just haul it around. There are probably more uses for the boxes (the lids pop off and you can change them around), but I just haven’t thought of them yet.

By far one of the most ingenious Ikea designs is the zippered-bottom cloth organizer. My new personal favorites are the lightweight SKUBB, although there are several models. The kind I like now come in colors (purple, turquoise, and black) but my head almost exploded trying to pick out which was the most attractive color so I just bought white again.

Catch this: they unzip and collapse. I am not sure why, but they do.

If I ever wanted to drown in Swedish red tape I would ask permission to create a pattern so that we could all make these out of quilting fabric. I have laid awake at night constructing them in my semi-sleep.

Click here for the Swedish furniture name generator. Type in your name and see what kind of furniture you are. I can almost guarantee you will not come pre-assembled.

My favorite radio show is NPR’s weekly news quiz “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!” I mention that because I’m going to the cinicast tomorrow.  If I’m understanding correctly, I’ll be watching a live video of the taping of the show from New York City at my local movie theater. Or, rather, at my daughter’s local movie theater. We have attended three or four live tapings (in person) but I rarely listen to the show on the radio. It comes on Saturday morning and I usually forget. I started downloading the podcasts in 2006 and have quite a collection.

I listen to them at night when I go to sleep, unless I am mentally constructing a zipper-bottomed container of some sort. Sometimes I have to listen to the podcast three or four times as I keep falling asleep in the middle, often sooner. I know that sounds like a weak endorsement for my favorite radio show, but I’m sure that I laugh in my sleep.

To finish up my random newsletter for May, I leave you with three little videos.

As Marsha McCloskey and I were driving from Eugene, OR to Poulsbo, WA last week we stumbled upon a lilac festival. I was not well-behaved.


I am the queen of flat tires. I’ve gotten more than my fair share. Marsha and I had a doozey several hours after the lilac festival. Luckily we were a mile and a half from our destination so it was all part of the adventure.


The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative continues to thrive. You’ll soon be reading about our 15th grant award in a future AAQI blog. We can raise this money because the quilting community has been incredibly generous in its support of our efforts. The May online quilt auction offers 27 small format art quilts as we have so many times before. After more than 14,000 quilt donations one might think the magic is waning. Not so, my friends. The quilts this month will knock your socks off! Take the tour  or watch and share the video.


If you’re reading the newsletter as an email, please click the title, “May Newsletter” in blue. That will bring you to my blog. Either click on the blue words right at the top that say “Leave A Comment” or scroll down to the bottom of the blog post and add your comment there. Please don’t hit “reply” to this email. If you’re already here, please post a comment.  I’m curious to know if you liked the blog format.

Have a wonderful May and enjoy Paranormal Day on Friday.

Ami Simms

194 thoughts on “May Newsletter

    1. Glad you liked the blog format. We weren’t thrilled about the flat tire either, but after watching a Pinterest selection of dogs wearing pantyhose, we were in a really good mood as we waited for the tow truck.


      1. I just moved from Omaha, Ne. to Wa. and last weekend found the lilac festival also. What a beautiful garden. Also the tulip festival in the area. A beautiful area.


  1. I like the format, but to be honest, I like everything you write and the format is probably irrelevant to that. Or not…

    p.s. Isn’t the Hulda Klager Lilac Garden awesome? I discovered it by mistake too, a marvelous thing is serendipity.


    1. Awe, shucks, Lenny…you’re making me blush! Yes, the Hulda Klager Lilac Garden was wonderful. Keep in mind that the night before I left for the west coast is SNOWED. I was certainly ready for some springtime.


  2. I could not make the two road trip videos play. Black screen, but wouldn’t respond to the clicks. The first one (ikea zip box) did work. Something wrong with the format?
    Loved the IKEA stuff.
    Also, wasn’t your daughter mentioned on Wait Wait several years ago? She was the one who the celebrity (or someone) was playing for (i.e. on behalf of).


    1. Laura,
      What browser were you using? All the videos were the same format. Try again if you wouldn’t mind so I know if there is a problem with the blog format.

      Yes, you have an EXCELLENT memory, Laura! Jennie and I were in the audience when they selected her to be the recipient of Carl Kassel’s voice on her answering machine, but the celebrity who was playing for her didn’t win. They did get all excited when they discovered she was actually IN the audience.


      1. Yes, I remember because how often do you actually know someone named on national media! When I heard the name I figured there aren’t too many Jennie Simms in Flint, and I was impressed because I thought she was a bit young to be interested in that show. The really odd thing was that the very same show had a phone-in participant who was a co-worker of mine here in Seattle. (He won Carl Kassel’s voice.)

        My browser is Firefox. So now I am trying to play the videos using Internet Explorer but both laptop and PC are having problems with IE. For now, I guess we’ll just have to assume that the problem is at my end. It seems that lots of folks are seeing them. If I learn more tomorrow I’ll let you know.


      2. Laura, I know just enough about computers to be dangerous, but my first remedy is always to restart the dumb thing and see if that works. Thanks for persevering!


    1. Thanks Patty! I was pretty proud of myself. However keep in mind that you only hear about my successes. Half the time my great ideas never pan out.


  3. So sorry I missed you at Kitsap Quilters, I was all set to wear my michigan mink. I heard you were great!


    1. I’m sorry I missed you too. How about you send me a picture of you in your Rag Fur Jacket and I’ll put it on my web site. We’ll pretend that you were there and everything.


  4. Some of your pictures came to my computer–with a blue bar wanting me to check out bargains on e-bay!!!! I only like Ami Simms bargains when I’m on her web-site.
    And, yes, I do use anti-virus protection.
    Good to see Scooter helping again–haven’t heard much from him lately–is he busy welcoming the robins back to his yard?


      1. I got those “bargains on ebay” things on mine, too–just tonight (10:30p.m. PST, 5/2/13). Not sure what is going on. I prefer my bargains to be directly from you, also! ;-)


  5. Totally entertaining! However, you just succeeded in whetting my appetite regarding the Hawaian prints — sooooo wish I was there! Please continue with the laughably deep interest in those “whatszatthingamajig” for??? I love tools — his, mine and those I don’t even know what they’re for! Have a good laugh for all of us, and stay happy — what a joy that is.


    1. I know. When I took the Hawaiian prints out for the photo I did pet them a few times…longingly. What to do with them……hmmmm. Glad we’re both smiling.


      1. I noted a serious lack of purple in your Hawaiian prints, Ami. Guess you will need to make another trip to rectify that lack! ;-)

        I was given a fat quarter of a Hawaiian print once, and made a bag out of it, using black Fairy Frost for the accent, and a bright pink/pink for the lining. Turned out great!!

        Depending on how much you have of each, some of those might make wonderful summery skirts.


  6. I like this format. I have been reading your blog and newsletters for a “few ” years.
    I am going to “Wait Wait” in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Fun!!!


      1. Yes, I have done a few cinicasts. We go to the Drum Corps International (DCI) 1/4 finals. Live at the Theater. It’s just like watching the live show from the football stadium, EXCEPT No rain, no HEAT. The shows are in August and those kids are marching and dancing and blowing lots of air through great big instruments. And I sit in the air conditioned theater to cheer them on. Since you have been to a taping before it will probably be like watching it live except on a HUGE TV screen.


  7. Love the new format. Next time you’re in Washington during lilac time, venture over to Spokane on the east side of the state. They have a wonderful Lilac Festval that kicks off this weekend with the Bloomsday Fun Run (all 7 plus miles of it complete with Doomsday Hill) and concluding in two weeks with the Lilac Festival Armed Forces Day parade.


  8. So is it just me or has anyone else noticed Ami’s fascinatiion with duct tape?First the downspout, now this leaf containment system… what’s next?


  9. Hi Ami. I was giggling so much reading your blog that my husband wondered what I was up to! You are a hoot. I can relate to the way you think – we could almost be related! Thank you for sliding on into my e-mail every month or so. I really needed the chuckle. Sure hope I get time to donate a quilt to AAQI soon. My Mom was just diagnosed with Dementia, and I had been visiting her in hospital every day for a couple of months. She’s in a long term care facility now, and is really doing well, so maybe I’ll get some time to get back to my quilting soon. Take care, Ami, and thanks again for all that you do. You really are a shining star!!!


    1. Marlene, I sure like having you around. Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m glad I could give you a giggle or two. Personally, I think I’m related to a lot of people. (Doesn’t everybody think like we do?!) I’m so sorry about your mom, but I’m glad she’s doing well in the long term care facility. By all means, head on over to and see if there is a quilt you might need. Many of the lower-numbered (older) quilts are reduced in price. You’ll get a bargain while you help a great cause.


  10. I love the new format. It also gives me a chance to catch up with a few blog entries that I haven’t read yet. LOL.


    1. Excellent, Barb! For some unknown reason I got 398 hits on a story I wrote a year ago about a hotel sink that I couldn’t brush my teeth over without hitting the faucet. Was that you?


  11. Love the new format! It was 80 degrees here in north Texas today… we have freeze warnings for tomorrow night with the high temp on Friday in the 40’s. Weird weather!


  12. Ami, you have no idea how much joy your newsletter brings to me & I’m sure everyone else. You are soooo funny!!!! I just love your sense of humor. Will you still send us newsletters after AAQI? It would be great if you did.Thanks for all you have done & God bless!!!! DonnaKay


    1. DonnaKay, of course I’ll continue to send newsletters after the AAQI ends. I’ve been writing them since 1999, long before I started the AAQI. I might change the format, like I did this month. Maybe even write them more often.


  13. Turns out I’m a bed. It looks like a double, with two pillows. Suits me fine – I’m a sleeper.

    My fabric is curing, too. Is there anything we can do to make it cure faster? I’d like it to become all the things I imagine when I’m not going to sleep at night.


    1. Kathleen, you’re a Swedish bed? I was a chair. Hard wood, no fluff. As for curing fabric, there was a commercial many years ago: “We will sell no ______ before it’s time.” Something like that. You’ll notice I can’t remember the product and probably the tag line is wrong, but the idea is you’ll be ready to move on your curing fabric when the time is right. It will come. And if it doesn’t it wasn’t meant to be.


  14. Ami, I love reading everything you write, so the blog format was great for me. How about two newsletters per month?


  15. LOVE this format. Kind of felt like you were here with me, laughing. I’ll be in the Detroit area week after next and I MUST get to Ikea in Canton…you should be their SPÖKKESPPERSJÖNYN.


  16. Ami, I
    think you might be related to my grand boy! Ikea is his favorite place too! He loves the meatballs and fries for lunch, a long play in the kids section – they usually have a tent up and he gets to pick something to buy – and then the $1- frosty ice cream cone… He never gets tired of the routine and it’s makes for a nice outing when I visit – only five minutes from my daighter’s house.. Loved your blog! Laugh out loud good! Take care Yvette in SCa


    1. Oh my goodness! The food at Ikea is like visiting a foreign country! And you can’t beat the prices. What a great outing for a kid! And what a great grandmother you are for taking him to cool places with play and treats. (You know they also have fabric, right? And don’t forget the bump and dent stuff on sale.)


  17. Hey, you! Really, really like the new format. I was thinkin about you tonite and now here you are. Gonna use the hula hoop idea tomorrow when I clean up gardens cuz it’s gonna be another beautiful day here in Fleent. Sleep well, my friend


  18. Ami, I also like the format, easy to read and funny – hurry back to Kernersville NC for some BBQ and Cheerwine !!! You are a hOOt!


  19. LOVE ~ LOVE ~ LOVE the blog! Keep it up!!! You drove right past us on your way to Poulsbo…. and a flat tire to boot…I’m sorry. Glad you found the lilacs! We have Ikea here in Portland… love that store with so many fun and wonderful unpronounceable things to buy.

    I love your dye table, I’m glad I’m not the only one with that. AND I have a little stash of Hawaiian Fabric that I’m actually cutting up and making a quilt for my husband and ME!!!!! We used to live there…. Fabric Mart is actually online. I made a quilt for our niece when she graduated from college. I cut up enough blocks to make three little keiki quilts (children) or other members of our family who are little. Hope they like them.

    You are such an inspiration and joy. Thanks for sharing your life with us and love the AAQI. We hade that in our family…what an adventure. hugs to you Ami!


    1. Su, I saw you when we drove by Portland. Did you see me wave? Next trip I’d love to explore Portland. You got a guild that needs a teacher? Or, I could be persuaded to go back to Hawaii. Thanks for your kind words!


      1. You would love Portland, Ami–lots of great fabric stores, plus Powell Books. We go as often as we can. (Live just north of Seattle.)


  20. Great fun!!! I wish we could afford to have you come speak at our National Quilt Day gathering, but our guild has very limited funds. We have a great time, which would be even greater if you were there. I still smile when I think of the class you taught. Loved your phone “bark”. Do you still use that? Anyway, love your new format.


    1. Sandy, I’d love to come to your guild. Cut the costs and share me with a nearby group. Of course my phone still barks. How else would I know it’s mine?


  21. When you travel put an outfit in a 2.5 gal. zip lock. Just before it is totally zipped up, insert a drinking straw and suck the air out. Your clothes take up much less space ( more room for fabric ) and you just have to pull out a bag and have everything you need to wear the next day. It saves both time and space. I love your newsletter and always looks forward to it.


    1. Linda, I guess that means I have to go out and actually BUY the bags so they don’t have any holes for this to work. How can you make all the stuff I bring less heavy?


  22. I like the blog format. It doesn’t have any updates from Scooter but maybe next month … I love Ikea as well; with all my thread, string, & fabric hobbies it is nice to have places to store them (so that you can find things).


    1. Andee, I swear, that dog is so lazy. He did sneak his way into two pictures, but I can’t get him to actually write anything. I’ll work on it.


  23. I really like your new format. When I took a cruise around Hawaii we made leas out of flowers, nuts, and ribbon. It was taught by a Hawaiian and there were about 500-1000 in each session. It was amazing how well things went. On the ribbon lea she asked for volunteer to help and I volunteered. So I was able to make my lea early and help others that needed help.


  24. The blog format is very cool. Slick and professional! You are one clever, techie lady ( or is Scooter supplying the technical know-how… No, I didn’t think so but he IS mighty supportive, right?).


    1. Rowena, glad you like the blog format. Its easier in some ways and harder in other ways, but judging by everyone’s comments, I think I’ll stick with it.


  25. What is it with quilters and boxes, tubs and bags? My sewing room is filled with tubs that used to hold wild bird food. They’re still empty, cos I can’t think what to put in them, but that’s just a failure of my imagination. Love the new format.


    1. Amanda, I didn’t even get to the tubs, totes, laundry baskets, and official storage boxes. Do you think it’s because what we have to store is oddly shaped, always changing, and we have so dang much of it that we are all love storage stuff? Or, maybe we’re just searching for the perfect container… Not sure what to do with empty bird food containers. How big are they?


      1. About ten inches high, eight across, round like a bucket with a handle and a lid. I thought, when I get organised(!) I could keep colour-sorted scraps in them.


      2. Amanda, your comment just sent me into gales of laughter. On my end of the blog I get the comments in order of when they were written, not nested below previous comments as they appear on the blog when you see them. So, I’m reading “About ten inches high, eight across, round like a bucket with a handle and a lid.” and wondering what in the world you are sharing this for. Then I remembered the bird seed containers (I get 2 points for remembering) and NOW I totally get it. They sound like the perfect size for….SOMETHING! If they are see-through, I’m thinking scraps would be good.


  26. Love the blog format but I tend not to read too many blogs unless reminded there is something new via email. Life gets in the way and time passes.


    1. Penny, happy you’re pleased with the blog format for the newsletter. My plan is so send you an email every time I send out a newsletter, just like I did this time. :)


  27. Really like blog format, but I would read the newsletter however which way it comes ! Will it save you time to do it this way ? Then you’ll have more time for fabric…or tools…or dye…


    1. Sue, I’ve been writing two versions for years: one for the web site and one for those who wanted to read it as email. Pictures were always an issue because I had to upload and then link to them–all HTML code—so I didn’t do it that often. Blogging makes pictures way easier. So yes, I think it would save me time, I think.


  28. Yep…I like the blog format. I’m jealous of your Ikea visits, as I have NEVER been to one – there are none anywhere near me. But…I did win a little, Ikea clamp on light from a blog and can’t wait for it to get here! Hope Scooter is doing well. Such a beautiful pooch!


    1. Julie, some day when you least expect it, you’ll find an Ikea to visit. But until then winning a clamp-on light will have to be good enough. Lucky you!


  29. Another great newsletter. I’m reading on my iPhone so I don’t really see the new format. At least, I don’t think I do. LOL I’ll check it out on my computer later. Right now, I’m enjoying my coffee in bed and watching my beagle boy, Tucker, take his after breakfast nap.
    The hula hoop trick for the leaf bag is genius. And Scooter looks awfully proud laying in front of the bagged leaves. Did he help?
    Have a wonderful day. Thanks for the smiles.


    1. Terri, if you were used to reading the newsletter on my web page, you won’t notice much difference. Glad you liked the hula hoop trick. Yeah, Scooter helped. Not so much.


  30. Ok, Ami, I knew we were very much alike but now I am thinking somehow we may have been sisters in another life. The hula hoop and the duct tape did it!! Love the new format of the Newsletter! Fits your style! Thanks as always for being you and continuing to inspire us!!! Oh, I am also pretending you are the big sister so I can be the young one! lol That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it! Lisa T of Two Star


  31. Love the blog format! You bring a smile, a laugh and much joy to my day no matter the delivery system, but I do like this way. Thanks.


  32. The photos and links to the you tube videos were not visible in my email version of your blog. If you continue this format, could you remind us at the top to click on the title to read on line rather than in e-mail? All the links show there.


    1. Peggi, you must get my blog feed which actually just takes a picture of the blog. I don’t think any of the links and none of the videos are clickable. In the future, I may not have that option available and just email you whenever a newsletter is published. Click the link in the email and BOOM, you’re there!


  33. FYI Noje means pleasure, delight, diversion, just for fun, pastime.
    Making quilts can be thought of as noje. ( and yes, the dots over the o are missing on my computer keyboard too)


  34. I’m glad to hear from somebody else who loves containers. I have a sewing kit that fits into an Altoid tin, too. And I love to make bags and containers and have collected more patterns than humanly possible to make. It almost seems like I need a new container of some sort for every new project. Perhaps that’s why I have so many UFOs – If I finished something I would feel like I have to reuse a container rather than make or find a new one. And, yes, Ikea is a wonderful place!
    OK, that’s my true confession for the day.


  35. Love the new format! I am also addicted to containers! I feel like if I just accumulate enough containers, I will magically become organized! So far it’s not working… I also enjoy NPR shows and listen all day Saturday when I sew.


    1. I like the logic (if you can accumulate enough containers, you’ll be organized). It’s not working for me either, but I’m enjoying the attempt. I’ll think of you listening to NPR on Saturday. Maybe I’ll remember to.


  36. The blog format is great. Getting an email reminder with the blog link is even better, otherwise I spend too much time clicking here, going there,.yada yada yada!!.I think that is why we have so many projects left sitting in the sewing room (s)? to be done. How did we ever sew without computer entertainment? Would I ever go without mine? Hah!… no 12 step recovery for me.
    Fun blog this month. Thanks


  37. I like the new format. I also like the Ikea product reviews, but I think you may get me into trouble. We may actually get to Ikea next week (our closest one is 3 hours away); thanks to you, I have already started my list…


    1. Lori, let me know if you find any other cool stuff. Last trip was so fast I hardly got to explore. Oh, beware of the cinnamon buns. The aroma may make you do strange things. And bring bags to carry your stuff home in. They don’t have bags at the check-out. (Unless you buy them.) Stay out of the sheet department, there is some kind of magnetic force thing going on. Pulls you right in and won’t let you leave. Oh…! And you can bring light bulbs and batteries to recycle.


      1. I can sort of resist cinnamon buns (unless they have added crushed cardamom to the dough, the Real [Swedish] way to make them!), but the pickled herring, meatballs and (when they still had it) red cabbage were always my downfalls. Especially the pickled herring. Yah, shoore, I’m Svedish!! 100%, but 3rd generation American born!!


  38. Just went to IKEA for the first time while in Denver for the quilt show. WOW! Bought only one small thing and can hardly wait to go back. Love the Art Quils and I finally finished my Twisted Sisters Sock Monkey quilt that I started when you taught in Lincoln NE a few years ago. My 50 year old daughter loves it. It is hers. Thank you


  39. Everyone else has said it much better than I could, but your newsletter looks great. Thank you for brightening my morning.


  40. One of my fondest quilting memories is attending your class in Honolulu with my friends, Julie and Lauren. I refer to your applique book quite often. I still get the giggles when thinking about the quilts that haven’t won awards…several of my quilts resemble some of those!


  41. Hi Ami Not only did I walk around in a daze at Ikea for hours but i was grateful for the food court to get refreshed. Love the new format and your newsletters


    1. Ann, they are amazing stores. I think the one in Chicago has an escalator for your shopping cart. I was transfixed. Glad you like the new format.


  42. I like the new format! Loved the Alzheimer’s quilts—with the music. But I would LOVE to see video of Scooter in each newsletter.


  43. Enjoyed your blog format very much – never knew there was so much fun stuff at Ikea – wish we had one near here.

    Sorry about your flat tire – glad you were with a friend and got home safely.

    Thank you for all you do for Alzheimers – I’m sure your Mom was very proud of you.


  44. I like this , except for flat we should get together happens to me every time the trunk is full.


  45. We are so upset that we didn’t know you were going to be in PNW! Would have loved to see you. Maybe next time!


  46. I have to confess, I also have a thing for those zip-loc baggies, My husband saw them when they came out and bought a package knowing I would love them, but like you I have added many to my collection from other sources.


  47. I’m new to the blog and find you funny and informative! And a soul-sister where Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me is concerned — There’s nothing like a downloaded podcast to make you laugh while you’re falling asleep! Thanks, Ami, for all you do.


    1. Thanks, Chris. Not that this is any big secret, but the guest for Not My Job was Steve Martin. There were some great moments. Of course I can’t think of any of them right now…… (Figures!)


  48. I am very fond of your new format, I learned of another way to use the 2.5 gallon ziplock bags. When traveling put 3 or 4 shirts ,shorts or capris folded neatly-put the bag on a hard chair and sit on to let the air out. Some will leak out but your clothes stay nice and neat when you are rifling through your luggage to find a particular shirt. I used 10 of those bags on our trip to New Zealand in March. They have me hooked!


  49. I don’t know much about computers and various formats, but I always enjoy your Newsletters. I’m happy as long as I keep getting all your wonderful info without having to do a gig. I do have one objection: to the ad. I found it objectionable. Your humor has always been in good taste, so please keep in mind that you have an audience of all ages. Loved the view of the AAQI quilts.


    1. Thanks for the kind words.

      The ad. I’m working on getting rid of the adds. Yahoo Groups (the way i emailed you to click the link to the newsletter is free and they can do that because they stick in ads at the end. (I’ve got a plan. )

      WordPress is free, unless I move it or pay for ads to be removed. (Got a plan for that too.)

      Looks like YouTube is getting into the act too. (Working on that too.)

      Trouble is, each of these inserts different ads for different people. Sometimes the selection is random. Sometimes they try to predict what we want to buy.

      But, I’m with you. I don’t want any advertisements unless I am personally recommending something.

      So please hang in there until I can sort this all out!


  50. Ami, Your sense of humor puts you at the top of my blog list. I have a LOT of recycled kitchen and carry out plastic containers waiting for their new items. I was at a Bonnie Hunter talk and am – slowly – beginning to cut up scraps. I can put a different size in each container! Then when I get enough, I can sort by color! I also stack them with pieces and patches as I assemble a quilt. Maizy (my smaller crazier version of Scooter) would send greetings, but she is fast asleep.


  51. Thank you for making my day :) From a fellow Ikea and “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me” fan (and Michigander!).


  52. Ami, It doesn’t matter to me how you format your blog! I agree with not putting Scooter into pantihose. After all he is a guy (Joe the football player aside).
    Believe it or not I am still unpacking from the Pigeon Forge Mountain Quiltfest. I found my basket this morning.
    I haven’t forgotten Scooter’s present. Unfortunately Max, Sara and Johann ate the first box so I have to go get another. Scooter, “I haven’t forgotten about you”.
    Did I get the idea of an Altoids(R) contain to use for traveling sewing from you? Or, did we both have the same idea at the same time?
    I love the videos embedded in your blog! Also the IKEA items. Looks like I have another stop during my Saturday shopping.
    See you soon, I hope. Karen W in S.W. Ohio


  53. Amy,
    You blog is great and I look forward to receiving it. Your humor has at a recent time, had me laughing so hard the tears come down.
    I too have some curing Hawaiian prints that I “loathe” to cut.. oh well.
    Thanks for all that you do in this world!


  54. LOL, you solved MY patio leave issue with that hula-hoop idea. I ADORE the big zip bags – never used them for food, only for quilting stuff. I buy them whenever I see them (or whenever Peapod has them on sale). Why yes, my stash of bags will live long, long after I’m gone.


  55. First of all I freaked out when I saw you responding to a Willa, I was like I have had many trips to Ikea and I never made a Sock Monkey Quilt I thought i was in an alternate universe. But I do know of at least two Willa Quilters in the world. I was going to comment on your carrying a sewing kit with you everywhere as if you were going to get a chance to sew. Hope springs eternal, I do the same thing. SOmetimes it is even a sewing gathering.. often the process of getting everything laid out and prepared is about as far as I get!!! Wacko me!
    IKEA has fun fabric… perfect for some awesome totebags. I have a stash. One day I really will make the totebags for my guild boutique.


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