Happy Valentine’s Day

No “PhotoShopping” here. My friend Claudia Comay took this picture on a farm about two hours north of Auckland, New Zealand in 2011. She’s the main driver and photographer in the family, often making U-turns, she says, “to capture gems much to the groans of other passengers in the car. ”

Claudia says, “I’ve gotten quite good and fast at these U-turns and my family now shouts ‘Where, where’ when I announce U-turn!!”

In life we sometimes think of U-turns as punishment for making a mistake, like making a wrong turn. (In quilting the equivalent is “un-sewing.”) It slows us down, and that’s bad.

Wouldn’t it be better to think of them as “do-overs?” Aren’t U-turns opportunities once lost and now found?

On this Valentine’s Day (or any day) slow down and purposely take a U-turn. Explore a missed opportunity. Life shouldn’t be a straight shot. Occasionally it’s a good thing to meander (hey another quilting term!) and backtrack a bit. See what you missed, and then move forward again.

18 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day

  1. Thanks for letting God use you to keep telling me that where I am in my life if not a bad thing…but, itstead a part of the meandering path called “life”. Blessings…and Happy Quilting ;-)….Barbara


  2. I love the idea of a do over. That is what my life is right now. Lost my husband of almost 39 years suddenly New Year’s Eve.
    If I could just make a U-turn before he died, I’d make a few important changes and over ride the ER Doctor and have been more forceful about his care.

    Love the cow!


  3. Love your outlook on life, Ami. My life has been filled with “explorations”, i.e., getting lost and then getting found again, and it sometimes takes some — many! — u-turns to get where I need to be…thanks to maps, GPS and a number of good friends. Hugs!


  4. Couldn’t help but notice that this was posted at 2:45 AM. Ami, for doing so much for Alzheimer’s research and for making quilting, not only fun, but funny and even laughable, you deserve a peaceful night’s sleep with no doubts.


  5. Happy Valentine’s Day,
    Claudia is my kind of woman. There are times I wished the hubby would make those U-turns. Missed many of them but survived. God uses those mistakes to strengthen us.


  6. I’m also a u turn lover. My mother inlaw finds this a bit dismaying, but we’ve found some marvelous sights from WA State to Texas. Fond memories!


  7. What a philosopher you have become!! Thanks for sharing your above thought with all of us and hope your Valentines Day was a good one!! Nan


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