Scooter is BACK!

Mom’s gone teaching.  So I’m back on the blog.  Shhh….don’t tell her.

I thought I’d start by inserting 27 pictures of me that you may have missed. I am very good looking.

If you hover your mouse over each one before you click, you can read clever things I wrote about each picture.

Now I’ll show you a video in which I look very good. Those are the best kind. All me. A little bit of Mom, but she is only a supporting character in this production and can be ignored.

My training is progressing in the forward direction. As is Mom’s physical therapy.  Mom has one arm that is now way longer than the other. She’s so funny.

I have been diagnosed as an “obnoxious adolescent” with regards to my lunging and barking behavior towards other dogs. (I want to play with them NOW!!!) At home I am nearly perfect. I am training up a storm.

Somebody’s coming. I have to go.

Very big happy licks and tail wags to you.

Your friend, Scooter.

PS: I would enjoy your comments if you would like to leave some for me. They’re almost as good as ear scratches.

66 thoughts on “Scooter is BACK!

  1. You are a very well trained doggie! I was almost expecting your mom to make you say the blessing before eating. She is such a tease to put the food down in front of you and not let you even get a taste. Your manners are better than some kids that I know!


  2. Training up a storm INDEED! You are such a good boy…(on the video anyway!)
    It must be so hard to wait for that all important OK!
    And not to give you a swollen head but you have grown into such a handsome fellow.


  3. your pics are cute. but if you have to preface what you are going to say with, ‘shhh, don’t tell…’ you probably shouldn’t be doing it.
    I’m just sayin’. Don’t want you to get in trouble.


  4. I called Charles into see YOUR video- he says you are very handsome….and thought you mind wonderfully – I didnt say anything about the adolescent obnoxious behavior….wink wink….
    Very proud of your progress…


  5. You, young fellow, are adorable. And so well behaved when it’s sooo very hard. I mean the food is RIGHT THERE!!!

    Mommy, I think you’ll agree, is a bit of a tease. : )


  6. thanks for the adorable pictures! we don’t have a dog anymore, so i really enjoy seeing and hearing about you.

    (i wanted another dog, but i got another granddaughter instead. much much better, but i still miss our dog.)

    : )


  7. Scooter, you are such a smart fella!!! I love all of your pics. I’ve seen most of them before but there were a few that I hadn’t seen yet. My favorite is the one with the shower curtain….or the toilet one….or the one falling asleep in the shower….well, I’m having a hard time picking one….haha.

    I’m really impressed with your manners at mealtime!! Your “waiting” skills are awesome!!

    Seeing your gorgeous face in the pictures makes me want to get a golden retriever….oh, wait….I already have 4 of them..haha! Too bad you don’t live closer….then you could come play at my house. There is a cute little golden, named Sasha, that lives here and I think it would be love at first sight!!


  8. Pumpkin here. Scooter, you are wonderful to wait so long for your tasty kibble. Mom just read a book by a man who has 27 golden retrievers that he rescued! That’s a lot, isn’t it?


  9. Scooter–what a beautiful boy you are! And such a Good House Dog! Please don’t let so much time go by before you blog, again! I miss getting to see you and hear about you!


  10. Hi Scooter Ms Daisy here… You are so good looking… If I was only a younger gal I’d be on my way to Mich… On another note I don’t want my Mom to see this video….she’ll make me behave like that but I would rather be spoiled… Happy paws to you Your doggie pal


  11. Hi Scooter,

    Great video, pity you had to share the “stage” with a human, but as a professional one learns to cope ;-) You must have spent ages in the green room getting that booofy tail!

    Your pal Charley in Germany – assisted by his human (they have their uses)


  12. A good friend who got me involved in quilting sent me your blog information. Since I’m also a dog LOVER, she knew I would like your blog not only for quilting, but for doggy things too. I LOVE this video, your Scooter is so precious, so pretty and so GOOD. You’re obviously raising her to be a very good and loving pooch. I can’t wait to see the next posting by Scooter!


  13. Hi Scooter,

    Boy, have we ever missed you! Glad that you have access to your Mom’s computer. Thank you for sharing your pictures. You are such a handsome and well behaved boy!


  14. Hi Scooter,

    Your waiting skills are impressive! I can wait for my food, but can’t seem to do it without leaving a huge drool mess at my feet. Who is Pavlov?

    Your friend,


  15. HI Scooter – love your little bounce when the sit command is given – do you do it every time ?? What’s with the love of the bathroom ?? You do fall asleep in the strangest places. Please blog again soon


  16. Hi, Calypso here. Just want you to know that my mom really appreciates your posts. I’m also in the obnoxious adolescent stage. I bark at her, after she’s done everything she thinks she can to satisfy me, I just lay down and go to sleep. So good to see her jump through hoops! But she loves me. Just like your mom and yes, she also has an arm that’s longer.


  17. Scooter, you are a really good boy! Our dog, Rica is a yellow Lab and she is almost 16 years old, so she doesn’t move around like you do anymore. It makes me laugh to see how you bounce around like a ball! And I absolutely love your black nose!


  18. What a lovable babydoll you are, Scooter! I have three small rescued
    doggies and both my arms are now longer….keep us posted on your latest activities, please. Love you, Pat


  19. I love you, Scooter. We are without a dog presently, and I sure miss one. You are such a good dog. When you are completely trained you can come live with me. (I bet. Like Ami would give you up)! Keep blogging.


  20. I have missed you Scooter! I can’t see you on Facebook or Twitter or where it is you hang out. You should get yourself a blog so you don’t have to wait till Mom goes away. You are so well behaved in this video – not surprised you want to share and you have grown even more handsome since I last saw you. I am not allowed another dog so you are the only one in my life now. I would love to have you here when your Mom goes away but it is probably too far for you to come visit but if you fancy a trip to Europe I’ll give you my address
    x x x


  21. Too funny, I see Marley has come a long way but boy he is a lot of dog for the average person. Your mom had done much work with you and is doing an excellent job, you need to sit back and relax and try to be more patient for all good things come to those who wait. Thank you Aim for adopting Scooter from GRRoM for without you I am not sure where he would be right now, probably still in foster care. Take care and have a great week.


  22. Wow! I am impressed!! I wish I had as good a master as you do, Scooter. Mine is much too flighty and inconsistent to have taught me such WONDERFUL manners!! Stick with her and you’ll go far!

    Annie, the Miniature Schnauzer


  23. Scooter,
    YOU are a GOOD BOY….. and a lap dog too. How funny! Love your pictures (very photogenic!) and love your Mom. Have a good day…


  24. Hi Scooter from Bella, Dottie, and Shorty – actually we’re all pretty short, we’re Dachshunds, from Dachshund Rescue of Houston.

    Our mom quilts for AAQU too, and she loves your kitchen floor! We spend a lot of time in her studio, and our floor is plaid – white, yellow, and two shades of blue. She made blue beds for us, to go with the floor. Is that unreal or what?

    You are really good to wait for your meals like that. We dance around, but we all know which corner of the kitchen has our own bowl. (Shorty is really funny; she sits down with her back feet out when she eats. And she eats so slowly, that Bella has to wait to lick out her bowl.)

    Happy bow-wow to you, you handsome dude!


  25. Scooter, you are much better behaved than most people I see at mealtime. Imagine setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of a hungry person, and making them wait until someone s-l-o-w-l-y brings them their coffee, and tell them they have to sit until they’re told it’s okay to eat!! People would not do as well as you did.


  26. and Scooter (this is Lucy)… I won’t tell your mom. I take my mom’s iPod when she’s charging it. There are lots of fun things on there!


  27. Hi Scooter, I didn’t read all the commernts but I wanted to remind you that today is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. I hope your mom reads this and remembers to give you a biscuit when she returns from her trip.


  28. Hi Scooter, this is Teddy in Australia. I wish my tail was thick and wavy like yours, instead of skinny. Woofs from your friend on the other side of the world.


  29. Hi Scooter, Shakespeare the kitty cat here. You are a funny dog and really make me laugh but I do believe I need to teach you how to be finicky like me! It drives my Mom crazy, instead of the other way around! After I teach you how to be finicky then you can teach me that cool “hop” thing you do. Love it!!


  30. Very impressive, Scooter. My name is Rambo and I am a English cocker. If I had met you when I was younger, I would have played chase the Frisbee with you. You are taller than I am, but I have a beautiful golden coat just like you. Since I am now 13, I will just watch you most of the time.

    Scooter: thank you for watching.


  31. Scooter, you are not only beautiful—You are so well-behaved! We kitties love well-behaved dogs. You can come and visit us any time.

    Andy and Beau

    Scooter: how about this afternoon. Mom’s not home yet. I’m free.


  32. What a good boy you are! And so well behaved at meal time. Have you taught your mom how to do tricks before she eats too?!

    Loved your photos. Thanks for sharing.

    Scooter: what kind of tricks should I work on? I think she should learn how to juggle.


  33. Scooter, that’s doggy torture! I can’t believe you put up with that! LOL Put a bowl of peanut M and M’s in front of your mom and tell her not to eat them for 20 minutes. Please report back!

    Scooter: this is a very good idea.


  34. My name is Otis. I’m a rather large Ridgeback. I loved watching your breakfast routine, Scooter. You are very well trained. I’m not sure my mommy is particularly fond of whining, which I’m doing now because you ate and I’m hungry. I heard your kibble going in your bowl and am now wanting a second supper.

    +*come on over. Mom’s not home and I know where the food is. Scooter


  35. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and they cheered me up a lot. I had my 16 yr old kitty Muffy pass over the rainbow bridge that very day and it was lovely to see your face.
    She got along with my friend Belle the Lab and our other two kitties most of the time and she will be missed


  36. Your training is coming along very nicely. I loved the video! Our Suzy watched it with me. We are learning to say our prayers before dinner. That is going pretty well. You’ve come a long ways, Scooter!


  37. WOW! What a good boy you are Scooter! I love the way you can go from laying down to a sit and back again. You watch your Mommy perfectly. And listen so well. All dogs should be a well-behaved as you. What a sweetie.


  38. Scooter, you are such a good boy and so handsome! How would you like to come see my girls and teach them some manners?


  39. You are one BIG lap dog. And your training is looking good A+ for you. We have a small lap dog, her name is Sadie and she is a Porky (Pom/Yorkie) and she says hi.


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