Mopey Dog Disses New Web Page

Mopey MadisonMom’s ignoring me. Something about some dumb web page rolling out. Who cares. If it was I’d be interested. But it isn’t. So I’m not.

I’m not supposed to be on the couch, unless I’m invited up. I wasn’t. But I am anyway. I’m moping.

When Mom leaves on a teaching trip, first I retrieve her socks out of the suitcase and bring them to her. Very helpful; slightly damp. Then I mope.  She tells me to be a good dog and leaves anyway.

Dad and I mope together.

Mom says the new web site will help teachers and shops and quilt guilds get together better.  Something about everything in once place, printing off information for a 3-ring binder. Don’t my toes look nice? Mom trims my toe hairs a lot. And my nails. And she brushes me real good. Except when she’s working on dumb web pages. She’s still typing. Who needs quilt teachers anyway?! I think they should all stay home with their dogs.

I bark in my sleep. You can do it; it’s fun. Close your jowls really tight and bark in a high pitch yelp. See your cheeks puff out. Sounds like a helium bark.  I sometimes run when I sleep. Mom says my paws twitch. Mom jiggles me to wake me up if I do that at night ’cause it wakes up Dad. 

Mom’s still typing. She says lots of teachers are starting to sign up to be on the page and she has to get the part ready for the quilt guilds and shops to join too. She says that will be tomorrow. Big deal. I just fetched her glove. She wasn’t impressed. She couldn’t type if she wore the glove. Sigh. Mope.

I usually lay at Mom’s feet under her desk. If I roll just right I can unplug her keyboard and then

34 thoughts on “Mopey Dog Disses New Web Page

  1. Hi Madison,
    I understand completely buddy. My mom has been on the computer all morning no matter how cute I look or how deep I sigh. She keeps saying she’s almost finished but it looks like it will be next month before she’s really finished. No one warned me about taking care of these artistic types. They’re really high maintenance and you never know what kind of a mess they’ll make next–and she complains about my shedding! Geez. Anyway, just saying hello and letting you know someone shares your pain.
    Duncan McRuff
    P.S. I’d send you a picture of myself but mom says she can’t figure out how to put it in the comments box. Good grief!


  2. Hi its me Gabby, I understand about moping and I get to lay on the leather sofa only. When Mom and Dad read the Sunday papers with breakfast I always bring them a sock.
    Your Mom is coming to my Mom’s guild in the spring but I was told that I could not come to the meeting. I wanted to meet you because my Mom always reads your postings to me and I think you would like to meet a beautiful Golden Girl. Maybe I will just go downstairs and shred some of her batting. That always gets her attention.
    Gabby Kaufman, Beverly Hills, MI


  3. Dear Madison – I am a black and white, beautiful cat who lives in Texas. I have my human totally whipped into shape and I don’t take any guff from her. She’s thinking of getting a dog (she doesn’t know I know) and I’m pretty sure you would be perfect. Sounds like you’re pretty good at handling getting pushed around by a human so being pushed around by me should be right up your alley. We will have to off the orange cat that lives here that I hate but that should be easy for the two of us combined. Please consider my offer as I don’t want to have to do much training for some new dog – I think you’d work just fine. Signed/Lola


  4. I always laugh when to hear how many of our dog Okie, female golden age 7 traits are the same as your dogs. Love those goldens……


  5. Oh Madison! Don’t feel tooo bad….just give her a few moments to get herself and this web-thing organized…in the meanwhile, have her go and look for the item shared with her about what dogs say to God…I think you would really like that.
    You do look handsome and I love your toes and beautifully trimmed hair! (Maybe you should try reverse psychology and look really happy at the prospect of all the quality time with Dad while she’s away ignoring you both!) : – )


  6. Ami: This is a wonderful tale from the dogs point of view! Aren’t our dogs something when we sew? Mine lays under the sewing table if I use the machine, under the pool table when I cut out or press. And he knows when it’s time to get Dad’s dinner at 5 – he fusses at me so much I can’t sew any more! What would we do without our “babies”?


  7. Dearest Doggy Madison, Please consider being my Valentine this year..I can give you cookies( homemade of course) tummy rubs, walks and tips on how to catch those pesty squirrels!!! Yes I know you have the best Mom& Dad& Sister but maybe I could just be one of your other Aunties…P.S. Come with your Mom when she lectures at Riverwalk Quilters Guild and I will make sure you don’t have visit any quilt shops! PS We have great parks here to visit even in winter! Auntie Gail & Scooter(my Wheaten Terrier)( very dog friendly and would love a new friend) (Oak Brook, Il.)


  8. Dear Madison – Want to go for a ride in the car?! Zion, IL is not too far away. I can MapQuest it for you. “Papa” Terry and I have been lonely since Taylor went to the Rainbow Bridge. We have two couches you can lie on anytime, and Papa is home a lot, even though I have to work. If things get too lonely for you, let me know. But I bet if you gave your Mom another chance she would bring you a nice doggie treat – do you need me to send you another tennis ball that has been percolating in the backyard all winter? Your friend, Taylor’s Mom


  9. Hi, Hi, Hi Madison!!!! It’s me Zoie! I’m 17 weeks old today!!!’ve been there, done that too? Mommy was typing too yesterday….I think it was for your mom to put on those web pages with teachers. What’s a web page??? Huh? Huh??? They’re dumb? Ok Madison! Now I know another new thing. Web pages are dumb…I’ll remember that! I tried bringing mommy pieces of her puzzle she was working on. I thought it was a good thing, but she said something under her breath and I got scolded. She didn’t know that I learned how to sneak up on a little stool, hoist myself on the couch and then…ready for this Madison….I tippy-toed on the table near the couch and then, all by myself I stretched real hard and got on the coffee table to get the pieces for mom. I thought I was smart. Mom says that the fairie in the puzzle has chewed wings now.Then mommy went back to typing stuff for your mom’s dumb website about Finding A Quilt Teacher. Madison? What’s a quilt teacher? Mom is one. Should i mope? What is a mope? Can you show me?
    Zoie…..Linda’s puppy


  10. Hi Madison,
    When I read your blog, I felt so sorry for you that I forgot what I was going to do next (print out business cards for my daughter) and I got out of my computer to let Rica the wonder dog go sit in the sunshine for a while. When your mom is on the computer, she forgets that you need attention, but she is doing real important stuff, so you need to cut her some slack. She will give you lots of pets when she’s finished. Now I have to go do those cards. Rica will bark at me when she’s had enough sunshine. (She’s a yellow Labrador Retriever and is much older than me, she’s 12 1/2 which makes her 84 or 85)


  11. Hi, Madison, now if you were a cat like I am, you could get in front of the keyboard or sit on the mouse. That makes it really difficult for mom to work. My mom works at home too. When people come I just set in the middle of the papers. I usually get treats to leave them alone! Not a bad gig actually!


  12. Hey Madison – this is Shadow and my sidekick Duke, yeah we don’t like it when mom is working to much, specially when she has two laptops working at once. I usually go and knock her hand off the mouse and then Duke whines at her (that is so we can go outside if you know what I mean?) So I think I will go and laydown right in her path when she gets up from desk and she has to step over me – that usually gets her attention. And Duke says nice manicure, he’s jealous cause he needs one (I don’t because my lab nails stay short and his boxer nails always get long) – Shadow and Duke


  13. Madison – My doggie can sympathize with your being left neglected by your mommy for something as unimportant as work. But the website she is working on is going to be a big help to a lot of people, so be patient with her.


  14. Dear Madison, You look beautiful and your toes are sooooooo nice. My mom is always at the computer too, and sometimes I just go for the batting just like Miss Gabrielle and it always gets mom’s attention, too. Just remember that what your mom is doing right now is keeping your food coming to your dish, and treats in the treat tin. She loves you more than you realize. Love to you, Breezy dog/quilting mom’s pup


  15. Our names are George and Martha Washington Mesec because we lived on land once owned by George Washington. My computer person calls me BeeBop because I was a very rowdy puppy and wouldn’t answer to Martha. Who ever heard of a standard poodle named Martha? I know how to get my personb off the computer, which is on the lower level. I stand at the front door and bark at anything or anyone I can find (right now it is the electric man), and upstairs she comes to check. Works every time. I feel with you.


  16. Ami and Madison: I absolutely LOVE your e-mails, both of you. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you are absolutely wonderful, plus you quilt “well” also. I so often call my hubby in to see Madison and read your comments to him. Our 3 kitties like the site too and wonder if Madison shouldn’t have a pet of his own?


  17. Hi Madison,
    I’m Harley and my Mom AND my Grandma are quilters. Grams told me you were at her guild back in Illinois a few months ago. I understand the moping thing. I mope too when they don’t take me out for a walk when I want to go. Did I tell you they have really neat rabbits here in Arizona that I can chase???? Don’t be too hard on your Mom, she might not like it when you unplug that computer….mine didn’t! She didn’t like it when I found her foot pedal to her sewing machine and drug it around. It made a neat toy!
    Woof Woof,


  18. Madison,
    You tell the best stories and they always make me laugh. Sorry you’re moping because I’m laughing. I think you should stay on the couch as long as you want since your mom isn’t giving you all the attention you so rightly deserve. I think your paws look really nice. My mom trims my nails when I’m sleeping because I wouldn’t let her come near me with the nippers if I was awake. Pretty smart, huh?
    Have a good day, Madison!
    Your cat friend,


  19. Dear Madison,
    I feel your moping. My mom is writing a paper. My favorite couch is covered with books. I’m too big to get under the computer to lay on her feet or do anything dastardly. I keep trying to talk to her in malamute language (the only really expressive language there is) but she only gives my one syllable woo’s. She found a new group of crazy quilting friends on the internet and no matter how much I cover her with fur, she doesn’t seem to notice. I wonder if she’ll notice the just right gunky rawhide I nosed inside her papers?
    I see signs of the suitcase coming out. I usually try to climb inside, but I usually can’t get past my shoulders. Sigh. I’m woo’ing with you…
    Holly the malamute


  20. Dear Madison:
    I met your Mom in Arizona a year ago. She left you at home – again! But I live in Chicago, and I heard that she is coming to Illinois to teach next month. I want to invite you to stay at my house that weekend. I have a safe back yard, and a little female Bichon to play with you. Since I can’t go to the quilt classes, I’d love to host you for a great canine cavort. You’re always welcome at my house.


  21. Madison, you are a Love. Always there, always loyal & always ready to listen. Man’s best friend, or should I say Lady’s best friend.? Hugs & Pats for you. Sharon & Suzie (English Setter)


  22. Hi Madison, Gosh you are so lucky. My Mom goes every AM to work at the office, what ever that is! My dad does stay home and he takes really good power naps (I taught him!) but Mom feeds me more treats and pets me more and laughs when I beg. I don’t like to run around much but when Mom is sewing on the weekends I go and look for her flip flops and throw at her and then grab them back, sometimes she’ll run after me and thats lots of fun! I don’t fit under her feet, I’m a 4 yr old bulldog and I’m pretty solid (not fat, solid!!) so there isn’t enough room under the table with all fabric stuffed there too. I wish my Mom would stay home every day and type…bet that would be lots of treats during the day!


  23. Madison, If your MOM ever gets tired of you and you need a place to go to, you can come live with me. Just forget all those lovey lovey stuff in the notes above. We do not have a pet these days but would love to have you. Just think about it!! Love, Nancy


  24. Hi Madison,
    My name is Annie and some days I say I’m a puppy dog and bark. Actually I am an African grey parrot, 9 years old and I think I’m a lot smarter than my Mom. I ask a lot, “What are you doing? , making a quilt?”. Some days I’m happiest just chewing at my feathers so I will look fluffy and make people try to figure out why I do that. During this last ice storm my Aunt Heidi and my brother Samson came to stay for a few days to enjoy the lights and heat at my house. Samson had to show off his beautiful red tail and glotted because I don’t have one, those red feathers are the best. Hope to hear from you again soon.


  25. Madison,
    Way to go. Unplug the computer and then you get attention. We have to try that too. Mom and Dad are on the computer all the time and we don’t get our tummy rubbed or ears stroked.
    All dogs unite and unplug the computers.
    Max and Roxie


  26. Madison-Love you!! you bring me lots of smiles. Wish my little Bischon pup Jake could learn a lesson from you and only unplug something instead of eating the whole cord. Your Mom loves you, even if she is busy. Keep taking good care of her.


  27. Madison old chap, hasn’t your human heard that ancient expression of theirs, ‘let sleeping dogs lie’?? That way we get all the REM sleep we need to process the weirdnesses we are exposed to by our humans, that way we seem to follow their commands more. Her own human, he can cope with what he sees in the days, but we need our REM and dream chasings sleep!! You’ll have to educate the hairless one on this one old chap!

    From ALfiechops, whose human has finally learned (jncluding that I prefer the river to her odorifous artificialities!)…. now the picture of chasing mental health :-) loving snorts and snuffles


  28. Madison, The photos of you are the best part of the blog! The looks on your face should win an Academy Award! Does your Mom understand that you “make” this blog? She should pay your salary in nice walks outside (is the snow gone yet?) Shame on her for walking in a shopping mall and leaving you home alone (again).


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