Do you see what I see?

Wasn’t our first snowfall beautiful?

Yesterday’s first snowfall was just so pretty. I took several photographs in the morning light.

Last night after Scooter came in from “Last Call”  we noticed that a branch had fallen. It is actually visible in the photograph above, you just have to know where to look.

Needless to say, I was out in the yard several times yesterday, Scooter played out there by himself, too.  I never  noticed the downed branch.

Until today when the snow started to melt.

That was a pretty big branch! It fell off a rotting tree just behind our property line and crashed through the fence.

Scooter didn’t notice the rather large opening to the great “beyond” until this morning when the tree guy and the fence guy took the tour.

As soon as he escaped I hollered “Scooter, COME!” And he did! Good dog, Scooter!  I guess it pays to practice recall! Until we get the fence fixed, he’s going to have company in the great outdoors every second. There might be a leash involved too, just in case.

20 thoughts on “Do you see what I see?

  1. Beautiful snowfall! The first picture is Christmas Card-worthy. Hope your homeowner’s insurance might help with the cost of replacing the fence.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN


  2. Beautiful Snow, Ami, I sorta miss it (after living in Michigan a good part of my life). But, do not miss shoveling it, driving in it, etc. Sunny Florida has been home for 30 years and we love it!


  3. Beautiful Ami. We moved to Duluth MN this fall and are still waiting patiently for our Winter Wonderland to materialize! They keep telling me to be grateful for the beautiful fall….but yesterdays little inch snowfall made me want more! Scooter is a great dog and a good listener…unlike Precious the Wondercat who just looks up and thinks “huh, somebody say something?” Laura N.


  4. I love the snow – wish we had some here in NC – not going to happen with weather in the 60’s and 70’s.

    I am sitting here wondering how it must have felt from his point of view when Scooter realized there was a hole in the fence and freedom to roam and experience the world – surely just like a teenager must feel. Testament to your good training, he recalled back to the safety of you and the yard. Loved your post. Judy C


  5. Meg said what I thought. Does he really want to play fetch with the whole limb?

    Beautiful pics, Ami! Almost have that b&w quality with the morning light!


  6. LOVE the snow pictures. Thought I was seeing spots for a monent there, but you even added snow to the whole page. What a treat for those of us that won’t see the pretty white stuff this year.


  7. looks like he is trying to bring you that “stick” to play with……lol
    i have a bid on a quilt, but it will probably go much higher than i can go right now. good luck on LOTS OF $$$$$$


  8. Is there ‘snow’ falling in those photos, or have I started drinking too early in the day?

    Beautiful pictures. I love looking at snow, and playing in snow, but I live in Florida for a reason…


  9. I love looking at picture perfect snow falls. I would sink in up to my sturdy tummy and get lost before I got to the tree branch. Being a chihuahua doesn’t qualify for anything but desert climes.

    Hobbs from Texas


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